Without nail polish remover: 5 tips on how to still get nail polish off your nails

    Photo: Anna Efetova, Getty Images

    Remove nail polish without any remover - here's how

    No question: withNail polish is of course best removed from your nails, but it can happen that you don't have it on hand - pun intended. For example, when you have just painted your nails, you leave the house and suddenly the first nail splinters again. In this case, you can use one of these five methods to remove and then repaint the entire nail as you go. Hence our tip: ThisThe one you are currently wearing on your nails, always have it with you in your handbag. But now back to the nail polish.

    How to get nail polish off your nails without remover: Here's how

    First of all, it should be said: Nail polish remover is the gentlest method of removing nail polish from your nails, which is why you should always use it if possible. In an emergency, the following tips can also help if you don't have nail polish remover at hand. However, these tips only apply to conventional nail polish and not toGel nail polishes.

    Olive or coconut oil

    If your nail polish has not been applied in multiple coats and sealed with a base or top coat, olive orhelp to remove the nail polish. To do this, apply oil generously to each nail and leave it on for a few minutes. You can then gently rub the paint with a cloth. This method is gentle and moisturizes, but does not work with all nail polishes.

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    Rubbing alcohol

    This tip should only be used in an emergency, as rubbing alcohol severely dries out the skin around the nail. For this method, soak a cotton pad with alcohol, place it on the nail and leave it on for a few minutes. Then wipe gently over the nails.

    Hand sanitizer

    AndBased on alcohol, it can have the same effect as rubbing alcohol. But the same applies here: only use it in individual cases when there really isn't any nail polish remover available.


    Many perfumes contain alcohol, which, as already mentioned, can dissolve nail polish. But please don't use the expensive perfume as a nail polish remover, but only if, for example, there is still an old scent hiding in the bathroom or if you have a small sample of the scent at home.

    Top coat

    You may have noticed that the nail polish suddenly comes off when you use oneapply. Of course, this shouldn't normally happen because the topcoat is supposed to seal the nail polish, but it can happen if you don't let the nail polish dry completely. If you want to achieve this effect intentionally, apply a layer of topcoat over the nail polish and immediately wipe it over with a cotton pad while the top coat is still wet. With this method you can “take off” the nail polish underneath.

    As already mentioned, you should always use nail polish remover if possible because it not only gently removes the nail polish, but also protects the skin around the nail. However, if things have to be done quickly and there is no nail polish remover within reach, these tips can quickly help.