Study proves: This product stops hair loss in the long term - over 50 women swear by it

    Don't we all dream about that?full, healthy hair? No matter what age! Whether elegantly styled, worn in a loose braid or casually open -Hair can decide whether we feel goodor would prefer to hide at home. Because they show how we are doing. It is not for nothing that it is said that hair is the mirror of the soul. When we have a cold or mental problems, our hair usually looks dull and dull.

    Against hair loss: This product is THE hair growth booster we need

    Over the course of our lives, our hair becomes thinner, appears somewhat dull, or experiences increased hair loss or a receding hairline. Especially throughthe Menopauseand those associated with itChanges in hormonal balancehair loss can occur. But no need to worry: we finally haveFound a product that has been proven to combat hormonal hair lossand gives the head more shine, fullness and radiance...

    Buy now for 20% cheaper with “FREUNDINNEXT”: Olistic Next is the solution for hair loss

    This product has a preventive effect against hair loss

    Olistic Women Next is ideal for women over 50 or over 40 who notice age-related changes in their hair. To prevent menopause from having a negative impact on the structure and fullness of your head,Experts advise “Olistic Women Next”. The drinkable dietary supplement is taken with breakfast or lunch over a period of 28 days. If taken consistently, the first results will be visible after just 3 – 6 months!

    Provides the ultimate hair growth boost: Everyone loves this product for good reason

    DieBeauty miracle weaponbecamespecially developed for womento provide the best possible support against signs of hair aging and symptoms of menopause such as hair loss. The product is vegan, gluten and lactose free and free of harmful substances and parabens.

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    Olistic Next goes beyond hair care – all the benefits of the beauty shot

    The benefits of “Olistic Women Next” are holistic and go beyond normal hair care. All details at a glance:

    • Contributes to the oxidative protection of cells
    • Supports collagen production
    • Contributes to the maintenance of normal bones
    • Contributes to normal energy metabolism
    • Contributes to vitality and well-being and strengthens the immune system
    • It also nourishes the skin from the inside

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    Effective hair care from within

    Hair care has never been so easy. With each serving of “Olistic Women Next” you take a sophisticated mixmade from 35 effective ingredientsto yourself, all of themhave been carefully checked and formulated by the scientists at the Olistic Research Lab, including…

    • sage
    • Resveratrol
    • Ubiquinol Q10
    • Asthaxanthin
    • copper
    • Epilobium parviflorum
    • Ashwaganda Sensoril

    The hair ages 6 times faster than the skin: This is how the anti-aging process works for dream hair as you get older

    Aging of the hair is closely relatedhormonal changestied together. After the age of 40, the production of estrogen and progesterone - important hormones for hair health - begins to decline. ThisDrop in hormones worsens hair problems, especially at the beginning of menopause. At this time it is particularly importantto rely on high-quality nutritional supplements, as the body loses its ability to produce certain essential nutrients.

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    Exclusive discount: Save on your next order with “FREUNDINNEXT”.

    If you want to do something good for your hair and therefore yourself, you can start with a treatment. The supplement works most effectively if you take it long-term - with a two-day break between monthly treatments. And so that Girlfriend readers can save, you can use the code “FRIEND NEXTA full 20% discount on Olistic products.