Real, brutal and extremely disturbing: what the violent cosmos of the "Narcos" series did with me

I have a soft spot for crime, especially for Mafia series. I recently lost my ownNarcos-Cosmos. That means:Bloody family feuds and brutal torture methodson repeat. What did that to me? Radio and a total aversion to drugs. Whether you areNarcos-SerieAnd your offshoots should really do in view of the concentrated brutality, read here.

Murder and homicide plus drugs: that's what theNarcos-Series on Netflix

The seriesNarcos(2015-2017), released from the age of 16, describes the life stories of the South American in rough, realistic imagesDrug bosses of the late 1980s- especially the dreaded Colombian sponsorPablo Escobar- and the efforts of the law enforcement authorities, these as part of thebrutal and bloody drug warto make the ding. In season 3, the cops try to stop the rise of the Cali cartel after the fall of Escobar. Not only do theEven profit from the dirty cocaing business, but also justice, politics, police and military.

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The spin-offNarcos: Mexico(2018-2021) played in the 1990s when the global spread of cocaine took place. Originally as the fourth season of theNarcos-Series planned, it was finallyAccompanying seriesdeveloped. The focus of the three seasons (due to the excessive violence only from the age of 18) is the aspiring Mexican drug bossMiguel Ángel Félix Gallardoand thePower struggle between the Mexican cartels. While the clans are fighting each other and the violence escalates, one growsNew generation of drug bossesafter.

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In the Griselda, produced by Eric Newman, the showrunner ofNarcosandNarcos: Mexico, is one for the first timeinfamous woman from theNarcos-KosmosThe focus. In terms of brutality and cold -bloodedness isGriselda Blancotheir colleagues in nothing. On the contrary: precisely because she is a woman in the chauvinistic world of illegal drug trade, she seems to be enforcement abilityEven more brutalto prove. The fictional series, released from 16, is based on the life of the ambitious "godmother", theOne of the most powerful cartelsbuilt up.

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Key Characters: The occupation of theNarcos-Seri

The key figures of allNarcos-Season are well occupied:

  • Pedro Pascal, known from series likeThe Last of Usandplays in the three seasons of the firstNarcos-Serie Javier Peña, an agent of the US authority Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that fights against drug crime. Dea-agent Steve Murphy is at his side, played byBoyd Holbrook(), from the perspective of which the gripping story is first told. The tworeal investigators, Peña and Murphy, worked as a consultant for the Netflix seriesNarcos. The Brazilian actor plays her opponent, drug baron Pablo EscobarWagner Moura.
  • In the first season ofNarcos: MexicoisMichael Peñaas a dea agent Kiki Camarena. The role of the antihero takes onDiego Luna, who convinces as an unpredictable, powerful Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo, leader of the Guadalajara cartel.
  • In the seriesGriseldaslipSofia Vergara, known as a spirited overmother Gloria Delgado PritchettModern Family, in the role of the fearedGriselda Blanco.
  • The only actor who in allNarcos-Series appears on Netflix isAlberto Ammann. InNarcosandNarcos: Mexicohe can be seen as Hélmer "Pacho" Herrera, a high-ranking member of the Cali cartel; inGriseldaHe plays Alberto Bravo, the second husband of the antihero who introduces her to the cocaing business.

True Crime: IstNarcostrue?

Even if some plot twists sound incredible, many aremerciless storiesFrom theNarcos-Series onUnfortunately true - including the barbaric murders.Fascinates many people. Because real crimes practice onescary fascinationfrom, have something forbidden. It's like an accident where you can't look away. You know that it is wrong to camouflage, but is so tied up by thatcruel scenario. The stories about the rise of South American drug cartels and their brutal protagonists also practice a strange suction, as I learned. But I'm not the only one who couldn't stop pulling the series in. And so it is not surprising that theNarcos-Series from Netflix to themost popular in -house productionsof the streaming provider.

What does "Narcos" mean?

In Spanish the term "Narco" is an abbreviation for "drug trafficker"What drug dealers mean. The term"Narcostat"is often used to describe countries (such as Mexico or Colombia) in which drug cartels considerably influence politics, economy andexercise. In some areas the criminals have so much that the clans likeparallel governmentsact; Corruption within the police and government makes business easier for you.

Drug Lords out of control: Why are the cartels so brutal?

Photo: Daniel Daza, Netflix

The cartels are extremely brutal against traitors, dropouts and enemies.

Slight parts in cooling chests, lifeless bodies that dangle from motorway bridges. How comethe cartels display their brutality so blatantly? The message is clear: the criminals want to scare the authorities, their enemies and the population. Terror organizations thatShow torture publicly, made it.

In theNarcos-SeriesCountless murdersshown, including some particularly bloody. Occupational killers shoot enemies of motorcycles, henchmen bring their opera in dark streets or obscure bars to the route. And men have to shovel their own grave under the pistol held. Not even thathighest drug bossesFright of brawl. Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo, who inNarcos: Mexicoby Diego Luna asis played, kills an allied politician in an extremely brutal scene by repeating on his head with an ashtray.

Not yet enough? In the first episode ofNarcosSeason 3 becomes a traitor with ropestied up on four motorcyclesthat then lawn all in opposite directions. Even if it is not shown what happens to the victim's body, the performance alone provides forBlank horror in the head. One of the most hideous murders from theNarcos-Series that continues to me to this day is onUndercover-Agent Kiki Camarena. Before his death he was over several hourstortured with electric shocks, pierced his hand with a drill. After succumbing to his injuries, his killers carelessly disposed of him in a ditch. Little reminder: Even if the details of the torture have been adapted, it iscruel storyNo invention of the series creators - that really happened!

But not only thatScrollos criminals, but also Colombian special units do not shy away from violence. A cartel witness in the series is beaten up violently before it is shot on it several times. And not only men show willingness to use violence. In the mini seriesGriseldaBring Griselda Blanco, who was murdered in Medellín in 2012,own husbandsaround. And a two -year -old boy dies when she wants to have one of her bodyguards killing her own son.

Foto: Elizabeth Morris, NETFLIX

Ice -cold killer: Griselda Blanco also put on hand.

Lost in the drug swamp: is the seriesNarcosgut?

Kidnapping, protection package, human trafficking, plus public executions and torture: with so muchViolence and brutalityThe question arises: do you have to do that? IsNarcosReally a good series? Yes, it is worth diving into the dark drug cosmos. Because everyoneNarcos-Series areproduced authentically and of high quality. Again and again the makers sprinkle original messages and form the realityrelentlessly credibleaway. How close the production of reality is in the tragic way: a filmmaker became moreWith a tour of the locationShot in a remote region of Mexico.

Again and againescalates violenceFrom one to the next minute and discharges in bloody battles. The brutality and unscrupulousness can hardly be endured. In many scenes I shot out of sheer anger and despairTears in the eyes. The makers do not glorify this shady glamorous world, but critically expose the suffering that thatdirty billion dollar businessover humans, yes whole countries. However, I found that flatmany important female figures- Your biographies would give a lot of exciting stories.

Brutal, real and disturbing

What particularly agreed to me: whether in Mexico or Colombia, whether Cali, Juárez or Sinaloa cartel,Human lives are not worth a cent here. Enemies, traitors and dropouts are simply switched off, brutally murdered and disposed of. And while the cartelsTerrorize population, the criminals become stinky entrepreneurs. This is how Pablo Escobar, who was shot by the Colombian police in December 1993, is still one of therichest criminals in history. It is estimated that his assets were several billion US dollars at peak times in the 1980s. The reason: Escobars Medellín cartel checked one at the timeMost of the global cocaine tradewhich gave him absurdly high income.

Many of the scenes in theNarcos-Series are difficult to bearHorror of the drug warsbecome painfully noticeable on the couch yourself. The series makers use the drastic representations to cleverly the scope and theHuman price of drug traffickingto illustrate. Because one should never forget one thing even with a binge orgy: while we can pull in the series for entertainment and press "stop" at any time, it isBrutality for everyday life. Unfortunately, a happy ending is not in sight. And maybe there is never an end.


Photo: Juan Pablo Gutierrez, Netflix

At the attack: Pedro Pascal as a Dea agent inNarcos.

How manyNarcos-Series is there?

On Netflix you can differentStreaming that deal with drug trafficking in Latin America. Officially there istwoNarcos-Serium overallsix seasonsthat are available in German, English or Spanish. In addition, theMiniseriesGriseldaavailable as a stream. It does not officially belong toNarcos-Series, but fits seamlessly into the world around Escobar and Co. These are the three centralNarcos-Seri:

  • Narcos, who deals in three seasons with the rise and fall of Pablo Escobar and the Medellín cartel in Colombia.
  • Narcos: Mexico, a spin-off of the successfulNarcos-Series, which after the death of Escobar, also deals with the rise of the Guadalajara cartel in Mexico in three seasons.
  • The mini seriesGriseldadeals with the life of Griselda Blanco, one of the world's most notorious drug baron. Also known as theOr "La Madrina", she played a central role in the cocaine trade between Colombia and the USA in the 1970s and 1980s.

Even moreNarcos-Seri

Whether there is another offshoot with new seasons or even a film ofNarcosis currently unclear. In addition, there are many at NetflixMore series and documentationAvailable around the South American drug cartels:

  • El Chapo: This series tells the story of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, one of the most notorious drug bosses of Mexico, and shows its ascent and fall within the Sinaloa cartel in three seasons.
  • Pablo Escobar: The pattern of evil: A Colombian biographical television series from 2012, which is based on the true history of the infamous drug baron and describes its life and its influence on Colombia in detail.
  • Queen of the South: This series follows in five seasons of Teresa Mendoza's story, which rises from a poor woman in Mexico to the mighty drug baronin in the USA.
  • Queen of the South: This Spanish -speaking Telenovela - in the originalThe Queen of the SouthIs the template forQueen of the SouthAnd also tells the story of Teresa Mendoza.

More Mafia: International series around the drug business

Not only the South American mafia serves as a template for series of drug trafficking. TheSouth Korean seriesNarco-Saintsthat is based on true events, was renamed Netflix especially so to refer to theNarcos-Beffeln to produce.

AlsoCriminal organizations in North Americaserve as a template for series about drug trafficking. One of the most successful drug series from the USA isBreaking Bad(2018-2013), in whose five seasons a chemistry teacher (Bryan Cranston) rises to an ice-cold drug boss and does not even spare his own family. The German seriesHow to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)and4 Blocksalso turn aroundDrug transactions in Germany. The machinations of theItalian mafia in NaplesAgain, the five seasons of the series showGomorrah(2014-2021), based on the research of journalist Roberto Saviano.

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