Smoking sage: This is how you clean it during rough nights

    Sage is not only an herb for cooking, but also has a long tradition as an incense. Indigenous peoples have long used it for cleansing rituals and we also enjoy sage, especially as an incense bundle, especially during theRough nights at the turn of the yearincreasingly popular.But what exactly does sage actually do when smoking and what is the best way to do it?We have the answers and explain step by step (also asVideo instructions), how fumigation with sage works.

    What does sage do when smoked?

    But why should you smoke with sage at all? Sage as incense is onecleansing attributed - especially on a spiritual level. The goal is to use sage to remove negative impurities from the atmosphere of a room, from your own aura or even from objects. With the smokingIt is also said that...

    • to be able to positively influence the mood and the mind (including concentration).
    • to be able to drive away negative thoughts and energies as well as stress.

    What is it about faith?White sage (Salvia apiana) is usually used for smokingantimicrobial propertywhich in turn inhibits the growth of infectious bacteria, viruses and fungi. There were the following:Study: The bacterial load was measured in a room that was fumigated with white sage for one hour. The result:The bacterial load fell by 94 percent.

    Additionally, sage is credited with...When burned, it releases negative ions that can neutralize positive ions such as allergens. These include animal hair, pollution, dust and mold. So far, this assumption about the effect has not been scientifically proven.

    Nice side effect, which is why sage is also often used as incense:the aromatic, spicy scent.

    How do you properly smoke with sage? (Video) instructions for smoking sage

    This is probably the best known and most popular sage smoking methodFumigation with a bundle of sage, also asSage smudge stickknown. With this you can not only clean rooms, but also your personal onesas well as freeing certain objects from negative energies. For the latter two cleansing rituals, simply pass the smoldering bundle around yourself or the chosen object. To clean the environment and distribute the scent throughout the room,Just follow our (video) instructions:

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    1. Which sage do you use for smoking?

    Usually used for smokingwhite sage (Salvia apiana)used. Garden sage (Salvia officinalis) is sometimes used as an alternative. Sage is classicIncense bundlesbrought together with a thin thread. The bundled incense should not be tied too tightly so that it can burn and smoke well. Make sure you have yourObtain sage from an ethical source.

    2. Preparation to smoke with sage

    With the right technique and preparation, you can free your environment and therefore your mind from negative energies and create a harmonious atmosphere:

    • Insert for itHave a bundle of sage, a lighter, matches or a lit candle ready.
    • Open the windows slightly or completelyso that negative energies can escape. There are also other approaches where windows and doors remain closed to the outside. No matter which method you choose, pay attention to your health and at least ventilate it well after smoking.
    • Make onefireproof bowlor have a ceramic or clay bowl ready to smoke the sage in and catch the ash - ideallywith some (smoking) sandfilled. 
    • If you prefer something more traditional, you can use an abalone shell instead of a shellandoptionally a spring or a fanto spread the smoke around the room.
    • Remember theTurn off the fire alarmto avoid unwanted interruptions.

    3. Light sage for smoking

    Light the voluminous side of the sage bundleand let it burn briefly before you use itFlamme ausblasen. Either place the smoldering sage in the fireproof bowl or walk around the room with it. Be careful not to let ashes fall on furniture or carpets.

    4. In which direction do you smoke?

    Most often it is recommended to smoke counterclockwise.What is more important, however, is that theSmoke evenly distributed throughout the room. You can also do this in the traditional way with a feather or in a more modern way with a fan.

    5. Optional: What do I say when smoking?

    Speak while smokingpositive affirmationslike “Any energy that is not good for me should say goodbye.” The exact wording is less important than the intention behind it. Adjust the sentences to your needs.

    6. How long do you smoke a room?

    Are recommendedabout five to 15 minutes of smoking per room, but this also varies depending on the size of the four walls. According to the study (see above), if the bacterial load is to be significantly reduced, it can take up to an hour. Please always remember to ventilate sufficiently. After the desired timeExtinguish the smudge stick in the (smoking) sand of the bowl.

    7. How long should you ventilate after smoking?

    Now ventilate well.You should feel like the smoke and with it the evil energies have disappeared.Exactly how long this takes depends on whether you had the windows open while smoking. Sometimes five minutes after can be enough, sometimes it can take up to 20 minutes.

    Other methods for smoking sage

    In addition to an incense bundle, you can also place sage on charcoal or the loose herbs on an incense burner.

    • Smoke sage with charcoal: Fill a fireproof bowl with quartz sand to safely insulate the charcoal and light a charcoal tablet in it. As soon as a white ash film has formed, place the herb on the coal and enjoy the cleansing effect for about an hour.
    • Smoke sage with incense sticks: An incense burner with a tea light and a sieve insert ensures that the scent develops sustainably. Start by placing the herb on the edge of the sieve and, if necessary, move it to the middle to create more smoke.

    Further tips: What do you have to pay attention to when fumigation?

    • Store completely dead sage in a safe place, which is protected from the sun and dry. You can use this until it runs out.
    • To be safe, keep thisglowing bundles of incense in view.
    • BeBe careful with respiratory diseasesandIt is better not to smoke in the presence of pregnant women, children and animals.
    • Switch it onTurn the fire alarm off before smoking sage and then turn it on again immediately afterwards.
    • Take yourselfTime for the ritual. Tip: Combine the ritual with yoga or meditation.
    • And please keep in mind: Smoking with sage is a practice in some culturessacred religious practice, so always behave respectfully towards this ritual.

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