According to the astrologer: this is the secret vice of your zodiac sign - do you recognize yourself?

    Alcohol, prayer soups, smell on foreign shirts ... Many of us often give in to this urge that makes an exhilarating mixture of joy and shame feel. Thanks to the Internet, we at least know that we are not alone with some of our inappropriate preferences. Above all, share your trucks with the other contemporaries of your zodiac sign.

    Substacle Aries: break a dispute from the fence

    Nothing rams more than boredom. Therefore, they often do an argument, just to let their pulse shoot up. Regardless of whether you leave a clever comment on Instagram, break a glass in the kitchen or provoke the partner - you enjoy pressing certain buttons and crossing limits.

    Bull zodiac sign: online shopping

    If bulls feel that they lack valuables, they give everything on the Internet to feel rich again. A special birth horoscope can provide information about whether the bull in question is an Amazon shopper, a hamster from household goods or a cloth lover. Depending on its preference, however, it can never be enough for the bull.

    Zodiac sign twins: Internet-Talking

    Twins explore the world around them using language. On the one hand, this makes them very curious people, on the other hand, she makes it gossiping fans and stalkers on the Internet. Whether you are fully immersed in the Instagram feed of a stranger, look for only people who know them or find the new partner from ex on Facebook-the twin is there for every toxic screen habit.

    Soda sign Cancer: injured souls

    Crabs like to use the pain of their loved ones to tie them. If they are needed, crabs feel important and indispensable. The fact that the trauma of others is overcome is not really in their interest. If you prioritize the suffering of others, you also do not have to deal with your own.

    Löwe zodiac sign: Google yourself/ invent reality

    Löwen always look for attention. Do not get them from others, they comb through the Internet even according to their presence. Above all, to ensure that there are no unpleasant photos somewhere. These people are about staging themselves as healthy, rich and emotionally independently on the web. But the higher the gloss factor of this online curation, the more the lion cries because nobody wants to react with a like.

    Soda sign Jungfrau: Listing

    Nobody judges faster than virgins. You know within a few moments whether your friend's partner is a loose, whether the colleague has a bad style of clothing, or whether the food will taste good. It is absolutely unsatisfactory for them if they are wrong. Therefore, they never move away from an educated opinion.

    Libra zodiac sign: be the Sugarbaby

    The scale ruled by the luxury -loving Venus wants to have everything, but do not have to scratch out for it. Your vicinous pleasure is therefore to be really good at the expense of others. Nothing loves the scales more than free gifts to pretend to be a passenger of the first class, to get upgrades in hotels, to use the beach house of their friends, to be given an "influencer" compensation to push themselves into a club, dust off a goodie bag, etc. . ...

    Zodiac sign scorpion: romantic comedies

    You can hardly believe it, but behind this spiky facade, this attitude of unapproachability, is an excessively soft core in the scorpion. Skorpione secretly await the one or one of the one or one, and someone stands below who confesses to his or her secret love with guitar in his hand. Until it is time, Scorpions pass the time with sneaky love strips and indulge in their desires in their thoughts.

    Zodiac sign Sagittarius: Gambling

    Jupiter, the planet of happiness and expansion, gives shooters an unshakable optimism and unfortunately also the belief that they can always win. This confidence often makes you harmful to shake the cube cup, type on racing horses, put everything on an average card and never get out.

    Sodula ibex: eliminate enemies

    Stockings love to punish, and not always in the sexy way. Every day they take stock of any insult that they suffered, and every person they disappointed. Afterwards, any culprits are deleted from the awareness and can never regain the favor of the Capricorn.

    Signs Aquarius: Reality TV were looking for

    Aquarius loves to study human nature in all its abysmal facets. Betrayal, struggle for survival and uncontrolled desires electrify him again and again; Especially since he is not affected as an observer. Luckily, watermen can pursue their boring curiosity by turning on the television and immersing it in the world of reality television.

    Sodica fish: everything

    As the last sign in the zodiac, the fish have to wear a heavy burden. Namely, a wild mix of the trucks of all signs that come in front of them. Fish are therefore looking for many means to escape this. Be it through drugs, alcohol, drum circles, sexual debauchery or just listening to the sea ceremony for hours.