Tarot cards fascinate us - for centuries. The reason for this: they shouldn't justProvide insights into the future, but above all into your own self. No wonder that more and more people go to the mysterious tarot cards - the emphasis is mysterious: Because thatMeanings of all 78 tarot cardsTo see through, a little experience needs or you simply use our practical overview of the 78 tarot cards and the associated meanings.
Tarot cards and their meanings: the small and large arcana
Here is a coin, since two goblets and in between the enthroned king with rod in his hand. With the symbolic and archetypal cards you have to look closely in order to be able to derive their meanings. The German astrologer and tarot expert Hajo Banzhaf helps, who also released the card deck shown in this article.
But now from the front: In general, the 78 tarot cards that make up a Tarot deck are made oftwo groupsassigned: the big and the little Arkana. TheGreat Arkana shows the greater spiritual or emotional meaningOne topic on while theSmall Arkana represents concrete steps or events, so that a holistic view of a question or situation is possible:
Big Arkana:
- The large Arkana comprises 22 cards, which as the"Big secrets"are known.
- These cards represent significant life lessons and universal topics that have oneprofound influencehave on the way of life.
- The large arcana often stands forKey moments or turning pointsin life.
- It provides insights intoLong -term developments.
- The small Arkana comprises 56 cards that are divided into four categories:Rods, goblets, swords and coins.
- These cards become than that"Little secrets"designated.
- The cards represent everyday events, challenges and joys and rather showshort -term situationson.
- The little Arkana offersInsights in specific situationsand details of daily life.
Great Arkana: The meanings of these 22 tarot cards
Small note in advance: Depending on the card deck, the map of the force and the map of justice can be exchanged.
The fool: new beginning, carefree, carelessness
The fool symbolizes a new beginning and the thirst for adventure. He invites you to take risks, but with caution with recklessness. The fool stands for lightness and freedom to go his own way.
The magician: willpower, self -confidence, realization
The magician represents the ability to put plans into practice. The goals can be achieved with self -confidence and willpower. He reminds that all resources are available to realize your own visions and make dreams yourself.
The high priestess: intuition, wisdom, reciprocity
The high priestess embodies intuition and inner wisdom. They know how to react harmoniously in the right moments. Stay receptive to internal and external impulses.
The ruler: care, liveliness, growth
Photo: girlfriend
According to the German astrologer and Tarot expert Hajo Banzhaf, the ruler stands for liveliness
A symbol of fertility, abundance and maternal care: So you dare to more and grow beyond yourself. Finally, the ruler reminds us of the beauty of life.
The ruler: structure, persistence, realization
This card asks you to take responsibility and realize decisions. The ruler represents stability and order.
The hierophant: teaching, confidence, finding meaning
Hierophans (a kind of high priest in ancient Greece) is about finding or doing something meaningful. Stay confident and open to learning lessons.
The lovers: partnership, decisions, harmony
The lovers stand for partnership, heart decisions and harmony. The card represents both the meaning of relationships and the choice between different ways. The central message of this tarot card: make all decisions with the heart!
The car: progress, willpower, success
The car symbolizes the willpower with which progress and success can be achieved. It stands for overcoming obstacles through determination, self -discipline and inner drive. The car shows that great things can be achieved with concentration and focus.
The strength: courage, inner strength, lust for life
This card stands for inner strength and pure lust for life. It reminds that true strength not only has a passionate origin, but also obtained from calm and compassion (including itself).
The hermit: withdrawal, self -reflection, inner light
The hermit symbolizes withdrawal and associated self -reflection. He encourages to take a break and look inside to find answers and self -knowledge.
Rad of fate: change, cycles, opportunities
Photo: girlfriend
Tarot expert Hajo Banzhaf recognizes that the right time has come
The bike of fate brings change into your life and ensures promising opportunities. This card means that life consists of heights and depths, i.e. runs in the cycle and you have to adjust to changes. Maybe the perfect time to take opportunities.
Justice: cleverness, fairness, truth
Justice stands for clever and fair judgments that build on the truth. It asks to be honest with itself and others. This card stands for the pursuit of justice and accepting the consequences of your own actions.
The hanger: new perspectives, repentance, let go
Phew, what kind of card. Don't worry, it does not stand for ominous events, but for new perspectives and encourages to let go of unarmed. The hanger reminds that it is sometimes necessary to take a different view to get forward.
Death: transformation, farewell, new beginning
Not everything ends with death, at least not in the tarot. This card means that a cycle comes to an end to make room for new things. Take changes and let go of the past.
Moderation: balance, harmony, healing
Photo: girlfriend
The moderate shows a guardian angel, which one should trust according to Tarot expert Banzhaf
Healing through balance and harmony - this is what this tarot card stands for. It encourages to keep measurements and find the golden middle. This card shows the importance of patience and balance in life.
The devil: temptation, dependency, material bonds
An often seen but uninvited guest in the love star. The devil card symbolizes temptations in any forms. The devil warns against being captivated by external influences or negative patterns.
The tower: sudden change, collapse, liberation
The tower is a sign of sudden change, collapse, but also liberation. Old structures have to collapse to create space for new things. It is time to accept changes.
The star: hope, inspiration, enlightenment
The enlightenment comes with the star. He stands for hope, brings inspiration and encourages you to reach for the stars. Look optimistically into the future - the star stands for clarity that can also open after a difficult phase.
The moon: subconscious, irritation, anxiety swell
La Luna harbors secrets that may reveal herself in one or two dreams. He asks to listen to the inner voice, to reflect irritation and to overcome the personal anxiety threshold.
The sun: confidence, carelessness, happiness
The sun stands for joy and positive energy in life. This card encourages to enjoy life to the fullest and to radiate self -confidence. Be confident and grab the luck that life has ready for you.
The court: rebirth, awakening, redemption
The court asks them to remove old patterns and realign themselves. It is time to look for solutions for problems, implement them and to find redemption in it.
The world: completion, goal, fulfillment
This tarot card stands for the successful completion of a chapter in life and the beginning of a new cycle. The world encourages to be proud of its own achievements or to complete its own goals.
Small Arkana: An overview of the meanings of these 56 tarot cards
Photo: Freunidn
56 of the tarot cards belong to the small Arkana: the meanings of the four colors at a glance
The 56 cards of the small Arcana are divided into four colors - rods, goblets, swords and coins - and each of these colors represents a special aspect of our life. Each color of the small Arkana stands for certain areas of life and is assigned to one of the four elements:
- Rods with the: Rods stand for creativity, energy and growth, all of which are properties of the fire.
- Kelche with the: Kelche represent emotions, intuition and relationships. Water stands for depth, river and the emotional life, which underlines the emotional topics of the goblets.
- Sword with the: Swords are associated with thoughts, intellect and conflicts. Air symbolizes clarity, communication and mental processes.
- Coins with the: Coins refer to material affairs, finance and practical aspects that ensure stability and security. The earth stands for this stability and security.
Ten cards belong to each colorthat depict the symbol (e.g. coin) accordingly. Addyour four court kartson which a boy, a knight, a queen or a king can be seen.
Incidentally, the term "colors" goes back to the tradition of the card game, in which the cards are divided into different "colors" or categories, such as cross, pik, heart and caro.
Tarot cards: meanings of the rods
Photo: girlfriend
Stab starot cards, the meanings of the rods
The rods
This card stands for self -development. She signals that it is time to take creative ideas and put it into practice.
Two of the rods
This card represents indifference and neutrality. Maybe you should first drink a cup of tea and wait.
Three of the rods
This card refers to good views. She indicates that the initial efforts bear fruit and that it is time to take the next steps.
Four of the rods
The four of the rods stand for the abilities joy and openness that they can continue in life.
Five of the rods
This card represents competition, measurement and conflict. It shows a phase in which disagreements or challenges can occur. It is about asserting yourself in a dynamic environment and finding creative solutions.
Six of the rods
The six rods stand for victory. The map signals that hard work and determination lead to success and recognition. Be proud of your achievements!
Seven of the rods
This card symbolizes defense and perseverance. She indicates that you should assert your position and fight against resistance.
Eight of the rods
This is where movement and quick developments come into play. It shows a phase of rapid progress or the unexpected changes.
Nine of the rods
This card stands for caution. It shows a time when you look back on past fights and prepare for further challenges. It is about staying vigilant and concentrating on the essentials.
Ten of the rods
The ten of the rods indicate that one can feel overloaded by fulfilling obligations. This card reminds you to set priorities and seek support to protect the balance.
Photo: girlfriend
Tarot cards: The meanings of the rods on the four farm cards
Bube of the rods
The Bube embodies enthusiasm, thirst for adventure and departure. He stands for the desire to discover new things.
Knight of the rods
The knight conveys operational readiness and determination. It is a symbol of bravely pushing and taking up opportunities full of energy.
Queen of the rods
This card stands for passion and self -confidence. The queen inspires to let the personality shine and lead others with the help of their own strength and warmth.
King of the rods
The king embodies willpower, dusty and leadership qualities.
Tarot cards: meanings of the goblets
Photo: girlfriend
Kelch-Tarot cards, the meanings of the goblets
Ass der Kelche
This card means an emotional new start and the possibility of love and fulfillment. It stands for opening the heart and experiencing deep feelings.
Two of the goblets
This card stands for partnership and harmony. It symbolizes a deep emotional connection between two people based on mutual respect and understanding.
Three of the goblets
The three of the goblets represents joy, gratitude and fulfillment.
Four of the goblets
This card indicates dissatisfaction. She can indicate a feeling of stagnation where you focus on what is missing.
Five of the goblets
The five of the goblets stand for grief and loss. But there is also a high, promised!
Six of the goblets
This card symbolizes nostalgia and inspires memories of the past. It is reminiscent of beautiful childhood experiences that still enjoy today.
Seven of the goblets
The seven of the goblets represents dreams, but at the same time warns of air locks. You have to find out which of the many options are the right one for you and what illusions are disappointed.
Eight of the goblets
This card stands for leaving a stable situation and striving for deeper fulfillment. It represents a voluntary departure to new banks, which enables personal growth.
Nine of the goblets
The nine of the goblets symbolizes satisfaction and fulfillment - maybe even through a degree?
Ten of the goblets
This card stands for happiness and emotional perfection, especially within family relationships. It shows the achievement of a harmonious and fulfilled state of life.
Photo: girlfriend
Tarot cards: The meanings of the goblets on the four farm cards
Bube of the goblets
The Bube is open to loving gestures. He invites you to listen to feelings and to accept peaceful impulses.
Kehlche's knight
This card stands for love and idealism. The knight encourages to fight for love, but also to live in peace.
Queen of the goblets
The queen symbolizes sympathy, gentleness and honesty. It shows that it is important to listen to your own heart and to meet others with empathy.
King of the goblets
The king stands for emotional maturity, sentimentality and empathy. His deep emotional intelligence helps him to reconcile feelings and mind. It can ensure emotional stability and balance.
Tarot cards: meanings of the swords
Photo: girlfriend
Swords, the meanings of the swords
Ace the swords
This card symbolizes mental clarity and new ideas. It stands for the beginning of new knowledge.
Two of the swords
This card symbolizes indecisiveness and doubt. It indicates a situation in which a decision must be made, but the clarity is missing.
Three of the swords
Is that the card of heartache, perhaps through a separation in life? You will probably experience a phase of emotional pain or grief, if necessary you will also find out a conflict between the heart and mind.
Four of the swords
This card represents peace and relaxation. After a struggle or a stressful situation, she shows the need to withdraw and draw new strength. So please press the break button!
Five of the swords
The five of the swords indicate conflicts, tensions and loss. It shows clashes and asks to think about the price of the victory.
Six of the swords
This card stands for transition, liberation, but also discomfort before the uncertainty. It shows a journey away from difficulties towards quieter waters.
Seven of the swords
At seven of the swords, respect for sabotage is offered. Be careful because everything is as it seems.
Eight of the swords
Do you feel biased? This card represents restrictions, dependency and inhibitions. It can indicate mental blockages or fears that hinder the progress.
Nine of the swords
The nine of the swords stands for worries and fears. It indicates sleepless nights and excruciating thoughts caused by internal uncertainties.
Ten of the swords
This card symbolizes the end, demolition and loss. It shows a painful conclusion or the feeling of the final failure. But: it also offers the possibility of a new beginning.
Photo: girlfriend
Tarot cards: The meanings of the swords on the four farm cards
Bube of swords
The Bube stands for curiosity and vigilance. He encourages to go through life carefully and critically.
Knight of the swords
This card embodies ambition, determination but also argument. The knight asks to work up to work and overcome obstacles, even if there are conflicts.
Queen of swords
The queen symbolizes independence, justice and a sharp mind. It encourages to communicate honestly and think analytically.
King of swords
The king stands for strict and intellectual power. Clear leadership, intelligence and strategic thinking goes hand in hand with him.
Tarot cards: meanings of the coins
Photo: girlfriend
Cover tart cards, the meanings of the coins
Ace of the coins
This card stands for the chance to experience constant happiness. If you use this, you can find inner and external wealth.
Two of the coins
The pros and cons, weighing up and setting priorities - that's what the card with the two coins stands for. It can also be said that you should cleverly juggle resources and remain flexible.
Three of the coins
The three of the coins are about passing an exam and making progress. Here an appeal and talent come together.
Four of the coins
This card represents adherence to material resources and the associated feeling of security. However, she warns of the real clinging of possession and the need for control.
Five of the coins
The five of the coins indicate financial worries or losses. It shows a phase of scarcity or lack and encourages support.
Six of the coins
This card stands for generosity and exchange. It shows the flow of giving and taking in financial matters and striving for fairness.
Seven of the coins
The seven of the coins symbolizes patience and long -term planning. It indicates that it is important to check the progress, think about future investments, but also to wait and to give things the time.
Eight of the coins
This card stands for a promising new beginning. Diligence, commitment and dedication flow continuously to work, which means that things can develop nicely. Learning is also part of the process.
Nine of the coins
The nine of the coins is a real stroke of luck! Use the opportunities and success is on your side.
Ten of the coins
This card symbolizes wealth, abundance and security. The wealth can also come from the inside and initially remain hidden.
Photo: girlfriend
Tarot cards: The meanings of the coins on the four farm cards
Bube of coins
The Bube represents valuable impulses that enrich your own life. If you grab them, this can lead to the desired resistance.
Knights of the coins
This card stands for stability. The knight asks to work with patience, diligence and perseverance on long -term goals.
Queen of the coins
The queen symbolizes down -to -earthness and skill. It testifies to a careful, sensible and reliable handling of life.