- TheKeller symbolizes the subconscious. Water here indicates suppressed feelings that need attention.
- TheBedroom indicates strong, often more intimate feelingsthat are connected to this room - a sexual direction is also possible.
- Water in theKitchen can be conflicts in family or partnershipindicate.
Water is omnipresent, not only as a visible element, but also metaphorical. You can see any phrases like "Silent Water deep", "no water can cloud" or "washed with all water". TheStrong and diverse symbolism of waterAlso sneaks into our dreams. We clarifythe importance of water in dreamscan.
What does it mean when you dream of water? Dream symbol of water
Let's start at the beginning, at the source of the symbol:Water as an element is associated with purity, flexibility and letting go.It can also be a symbol forEmotions, the subconscious or the flow of lifestand. The symbolism in the dream interpretation differs depending on the appearance of the water (stormy, calm, etc.) and the behavior of the dreaming itself.
6 forms of water in the dream interpretation
1. Silent water are deep
Deep water in the dream often symbolizes the unknown and the depth of their emotions. If you dream of deep water, this could indicate that you are readyto face their innermost feelings and subconscious. According to the motto: silent water are deep. Perhaps there are also aspects of your life that you have ignored so far, maybe even frighten you. It can be time to take on it - and thus possibly also theFear of loss of controlthat often goes hand in hand with the depth of the water.
By the way: also theandassociated with loss of control.
2nd dream of flat water
Flaches waters can be used in a dreamExhaustion and lack of energyindicate. Do you lack strength and motivation in one of your areas of life? Or it is a sign that they are onHold the superficialities instead of going down? This can be done on both work andapply.
3. What does flowing water mean in a dream?
Flowing water often stands for the natural flow of life. It symbolizesMovement, change and adaptability. If you dream of running water, this could mean that youare in a transitionOr that they are willing to accept associated changes.
4. Haved to dream of pouring water?
We already know that water can stand for emotions. How can flowing water be interpreted in the dream? If you are in a dream in a pouring water, it can indicate that youcarried away by their feelingsbecome. Certainly very nice with a fresh love affair with passion, but that can be done in other areas of lifelead to unwanted loss of control. Can this dream be understood as a kind of wake -up call to turn back a gear? A question that only you can answer for yourself.
5. Quiet vs. stormy water
A dream ofcalm watercouldPeace and harmonyreflect in her life whileindicate stormy water to inner conflicts or uncertaintiescan.
6. What does it mean if you dream of a waterfall?
A waterfall in a dream can be both threatening and liberating. It often symbolizes a sudden change orRelease of emotions. Maybe you had an emotional breakthrough recently or is someone going to make it?
The color of the water in the dream interpretation: clear view or fishing in cloudy?
You have fromClear and calm waterdreamed? Then it may be that they feel accordingly, sofound for inner calm and clarityhave. But of course the metaphor also works the other way around:Dull or restless watercould,Confusion and uncertaintyreflect.
The color of the water can also cause specific emotions. Blue water often conveys calm and peace, while dark or black water symbolizes fear and uncertainty.
Immerse yourself in the dream interpretation of water: interpret the behavior of the dreaming
Can breathe under water in a dream
Can breathe with a fish without any tools: almost like this, or? The breathing under water in a dream can be a sign that you canCan adapt unusual situations. It shows their ability to deal with challenges andTo keep calm in difficult times. Perhaps she will also overcome a feeling of relief with the dream - you can just feel into herself after waking up.
Dive through the water in a dream
When you dive through the water in a dream, this often symbolizes a deeper exploration of your feelings and thoughts. You may be ready to discover hidden aspects of your personality and soTo obtain self -awareness or to gain new insights into their subconscious.
Stand in the water motionless
To stand in the water motionlessPhase of standstill or indecisivenessindicate. It could mean that you feel trapped in a situation or that you are unsure about the next step in your life. Inertia can also play a role.
Swim in
Swimming in the water often shows the ability to move freely through life. It indicatesFlexibility and adaptabilitythere. If you make a effort into a dream, this could be a sign that you are confident and capable of achieving your goals.
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When the dream of water becomes a nightmare: 3 possible scenarios
1. Dream interpretation of water: flooding, flood and floods
A flood in a dream is often a symbol foroverwhelming emotions or situations. It can indicate that you feel over a certain situation or that it is time to release your emotions.
2. Dream interpretation: When water is in the house
Are you trapped in the house and the water is up to your neck? A terrible scenario, which is also theLoss of control and emotional overwhelmingThemized. Depending on the space, the meaning can vary somewhat:
3. Had dream of drowning? The meaning behind it
The dream of drowning can be very scary and often showsFeelings of helplessnessthere. Drowning symbolizes the feeling ofControl desireOr suffocating under the pressure of everyday life. If you feel the feeling of helplessness even in waking life, you calmly dare to ask for help and, if necessary, take a break.
Dream interpretation of water: interpret your own feelings about the dream symbol
There are a wide variety of dreams with water and accordingly different interpretations. But:Dreams and their meanings also depend on the individual life of the dreaming. The current life situation, personal experiences and emotions influence how to interpret a dream yourself. What may be a soothing dream of water could be a source of fear for another person. If you want to interpret the dream of water, it is best to take a look at the previous day. BecauseWe process experiences, thoughts and feelings from the day at night in our sleep.