TheJanuaryIt's not an easy month for many - after all the celebrations and celebrations towards the end of the year, it's time again:back to everyday life.In addition, the gray weather doesn't exactly make our working day any better and after work it's still dark. She can do thatMotivationdisappear faster than the word January is uttered. But fortunately this is a burdenWinterbluesnot above allBecause three of them now feel really inspired again towards the end of the first month. TheWeekly horoscopefor the period fromJanuary 27th to February 2ndshows us thatthree zodiac signson a surprising oneMotivational boostcan be happy in this dreary time and start February on a positive note. We reveal who is among the lucky ones.
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Weekly horoscope January 27th - February 2nd: Things are really going well for these three zodiac signs at the end of January
1st zodiac sign: Scorpio
In all areas it looks for theScorpioReally excellent at the end of the month. It's physicalIn great shape and not like some others in the second week of Januarygood fitness resolutionsI've already given it up, but continues to push through diligently. Mentally, the water sign now benefits from a clear head and goesimportant tasksimmediately, keep it up!
2nd zodiac sign: Cancer
At theKrebsare gushing this weekcreative ideasonly this way. The zodiac sign should use this time to stand out professionally and make their voice heard, it will be worth it. In private life, Cancer also approaches the last days of January with energy and likes to meet up for dinner or indoor leisure activities so as not to let the bad weather win.
3rd zodiac sign: Leo
TheLionis even the big winner of the week, one success after another awaits him. The zodiac sign doesn't let anything or anyone spoil its good mood, after all, everything seems to work out as far as it's concerned. Wednesday in particular is a day full of opportunities for Leo, and there is also a little financial surprise here.