Kitchen design mistakes to avoid if you want a functional and aesthetic kitchen!

The kitchen is the heart and most important room in many homes. Designing a kitchen that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing is not as easy as it might seem. When it comes to kitchen design, many homeowners get too adventurous and make decisions that they later regret. If you want to renovate or refurnish a kitchen, you should try not to make any mistakes when designing the kitchen. Read our guide to kitchen design and some common mistakes to avoid!

Ignoring proper lighting

Lighting is perhaps the most overlooked part of a kitchen. All too often, designers use a large ceiling light and that's it. The right lightingthroughout the kitchenensures you don't have to work or cook in the shade and makes the room more inviting for guests. You should set up multiple levels of lighting that are both functional and stylish, such as: B. handmade pendant lights above the kitchen island in combination with recessed lights under the cabinets.

Too much color in the kitchen

Of course, color can be a fun and exciting addition to your kitchen. But as with anything, it's best to use color in moderation. You don't want to end up with a rainbow of colors that contradict each other everywhere. It's best to stick to a predominantly neutral kitchen with a few pops of color. This way the accents come into their own without being overwhelming.

Work with ultra-deep cabinets

One of the biggest kitchen design mistakes a homeowner can make is making the cabinets just too deep. While plenty of storage space is the gift that keeps on giving, it's likely that the appliances are in the backin the closetwill gather dust. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to make the most of deep cabinets. Add pull-out compartments to your base cabinets so you can fully expand your viewing storage space. This makes it easy to find items that might be hidden in the back of the closet.

White or black household appliances

White devices look great right out of the box. But after just a year, your sparkling white appliances are no longer spotless, but rather stained and dingy. Don't even think about replacing them with black units because they really are just as bad. Not only can you see every bit of dirt and grime on white appliances, but they also tend to get stained and discolored over time. So next time you want to buy a new appliance, spend a few extra dollars and go for a stainless steel appliance. These days there are even more cost-effective options! Just make sure the appliances match, because that's just as unsightly as the old white appliances.

Kitchen furnishing mistakes: tiled counters

The tiles look great until the grout suddenly turns the color of mud due to normal wear and tear in the kitchen. Tiled countertops just don't look good over time. Tiles also make simple cooking tasks like rolling out dough virtually impossible! Over timethese tiles willwill inevitably crack and peel, leaving your countertop in shambles.

Clutter on the counter

Every home cook knows that behind every tasty dish, there is an entire array of blenders, food processors, and pressure cookers to get the job done. The problem with that? They can take up valuable space. Nothing looks messier on a countertop than a bunch of small appliances taking up every inch of the countertop. The solution? Find a place to store all your devices when not in use. Create attractive garages with power outlets that allow you to use the small appliance where it is and close the door when you are finished.

Marble counters are no longer trendy

Museum-grade marble probably doesn't belong in your home! Marble was once an iconic stone that signaled one's status. Nowadays, everyone aspires to the marble look, even if they have to settle for faux marble. Do you know what happens when something exclusive goes mainstream? It will be cheap. As it turned out,belongs to marbleto the things that some people think look really fancy. Choose something unique, something no one has seen before. Do you want exclusivity? Then you definitely don’t want marble.

Ignore the rest of the apartment

A problem for many homeowners who just renovate their kitchen is that they get excited about a new look and end up with a kitchen that looks like it's from a completely different house. A kitchen should stand out, but it should also fit in with the rest of your home! They may be different, butBe sure tothat the decor fits from room to room. Designing and decorating a kitchen is not easy. The most important thing is that your kitchen is functional and unique!