Weekly horoscope from January 6th – January 12th: These 3 zodiac signs can look forward to happiness in love

    The celebrations andfestivitiesare over for now and are slowly but surely returningQuieta. Here and there the Christmas tree is still standing, others have long since banished the Christmas decorations back into the closet and are dedicating themselves to the first major cleaning of the year. But not everyone is focused on work nowRoutine,because for some people it comes out of nowherein the week ofJanuary 6th to 12thnamely a big oneSurprisetherefore. In this otherwise cold and dreary month, she can now have onePortionare happy that you probably didn't see coming yourself. We'll tell you whether you're one of the lucky onesthree zodiac signscount to which this now applies:

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    In the week from January 6th to 12th, these three zodiac signs will be lucky in love

    1st zodiac sign: Scorpio

    Pisces Venus now allows dreams and fantasies in the love lifeScorpiothrive, regardless of whether you are in a relationship or single. Because now is a good time for you todeep emotional connectionsfrom which you can benefit for a long time to come. The most important thing here is that you pay attention to yourIntuitionand listen to your gut feeling, there may be meaningful encounters for Scorpio singles this week while ina new level of connection can be achieved.

    2nd zodiac sign: Virgo

    ForVirgo-bornIt is now important to actively give love space and time instead of putting it aside (as is so often the case). Career, order, finances are all well and good, but all of that can wait for a while now. Here too, Venus ensures a romantic and harmonious atmosphere in the love life of the zodiac sign. In a partnership you feel onespecial closenesswith your counterpart, which will strengthen your relationship even more. Singles, on the other hand, now have the best chance of meeting someone who excites them. Such encounters could lay the foundation for a long-term partnership. Look forward to ittender momentsandintensive conversations.Be sure to follow your inner voice and open yourself to the deep power of feelings.

    3rd zodiac sign: Gemini

    DemtwinIf an extremely successful week is coming up, he can be happy about little things on all levels. At the beginning of the year, even after the holiday low, your work is easier than ever, you solve problems rationally and goal-oriented and you also get something back financially. In theplays thatGut feelinga big role, don't listen to other people's voices here, but trust your own inner voice, it will guide you in a promising direction.