Experts reveal: This is what happens if you don't eat bread for 14 days

The Germans love her. On average, every German consumes around 70 kilograms of it per year. There are plenty of varieties: over 3,000 in Germany alone. So it's no wonder that the German bread culture was recognized by UNESCO as intangible German cultural heritage in 2014 because of its unique diversity. But how good is traditional food (today) actually, especially when it comes from mass production?

Experts reveal: This happens through regular consumption of bread

Health YouTubers are also asking this question?Knop & Niehaus?followed up in a new video? and show what happens to us if we go without the basic food for 14 days. The background: Today's bread is no longer what it once was. Natural ingredients and untreated grains are now predominantly used bySugar, starch, flavors/flavors, preservatives, conditioners, phytates, glyphosateand much more replaced. Bread also contains gluten, and more and more people are developing problems when consuming the gluten protein.

Why our bread is no longer what it once was

The reason for this is not just the gluten itself, but the change in grain in the industry, which has led to an increase in so-calledATIsleads. The modern varieties in particular contain plentyAmylase-Trypsin-Inhibitoren, as these proteins act as natural defenses against pests andact. ATIs protect the plant from insects and pathogenic microorganisms that could attack the grain and thus contribute to its resistance.

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However, ATIs can be problematic in human digestion: they are difficult to digest and activate certain immune cells in the intestineInflammatory processescan promote. But what exactly happens if we give up bread for two weeks against this background? An overview:

No bread for 14 days: This is what happens in your body

1. Improved mood

If you avoid conventional bread from the supermarket or the bakery chain next door, you will notice this in your mood. So giving up bread can be done with less fear and a low risk ofdepressive moods, moreand less irritability. This is because the happiness hormone serotonin is produced in the intestine? and a healthy gut promotes serotonin production and release.

2. Clear head

They also feel clearer in their heads and have fewer headaches and lessBrain Fog. Your memory performance is increased and you can remember things more easily because not all of your body's energy is being used to break down the difficult-to-digest components of the bread.

3. Less digestive discomfort

They suffer less, as irritation and inflammation in the digestive tract as well as gas formation are avoided. People with gluten intolerance, sensitivity or allergy particularly benefit from this. Flatulence is also often caused by indigestible carbohydratese FODMAPs(fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides and polyols) found in wheat and other grains.

4. Fewer defects

By avoiding gluten-containing, heavily processed foodswill be theAbsorption of important minerals, especially fromZinc, iron and calciumnot inhibited. This counteracts any possible deficiency. This is because grains contain so-called antinutrients such as phytic acid, which can hinder the absorption of minerals. Phytic acid binds these minerals and prevents them from being effectively absorbed by the body.

5. Less inflammation and pain

They also prevent the development of chronic pain and? specialArthritis, osteoarthritis, muscle pain or autoimmune diseases? in contrast to. The culprits here are refined carbohydrates and additives, which increase blood sugar levels and can have an inflammatory effect over a long period of time.

6. Improved LDL cholesterol, stable blood sugar and weight loss

HerLDL-Cholesterinwertcan improve, which reduces the risk of vascular oxidation and thus the risk of arteriosclerosis. Because heavily processedvarieties with a high proportion of refined carbohydratesblood sugar levelIf it increases quickly, insulin production is stimulated, which in the long term leads toStorage of fatand to the formation of ?bad? LDL cholesterol can lead.

7. More vitamins

HerVitaminhaushaltcan recover when giving up bread because they absorb fewer antinutrients, which are asVitamin and mineral robbersact. This primarily affects various B vitamins, which are essential for the psyche, nerves, etcand numerous other processes inherent in the body.

ImportantIt should also be mentioned here again thatBalanceis the key to (health) success. Bread is not unhealthy per se, but some variations? especially industrially processed varieties? have properties that can be problematic for some people if consumed frequently. Better alternatives are types of bread made from ancient grains such asEinkorn, Emmer, Kamut or Urdinkelwere produced, in particularSourdough bread.

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