Do you want to get a cat? We'll tell you which breed sheds little and is also suitable for allergy sufferers.
Table of contents
- Are low-shedding cats also suitable for allergy sufferers?
- Are there cats that don't shed?
- Sphynx cats
- Russian Blue
- Bengal cats
- Siamese cats
- Devon-Rex
- Other cat breeds that shed little
- Cats shed too much: grooming can help
A cat is something beautiful. The velvet paws have an unfair reputation for not being as affectionate as dogs. The animals simply show their love in a different way. And anyone who already has a cuddly cat at home knows full well that the clinginess thing isn't true either. Once they feel comfortable, they can't get enough of being scratched and petted.
The only problem is that once you pick up the cat, the whole sweater is full of hair.
Are you perhaps looking for a cat yourself, but don't like all the hair that they lose when they change their fur and often in between? Then you should read on. We have found a few cat breeds that shed little.
Also read:
Are low-shedding cats also suitable for allergy sufferers?
Important to know: Cats that don't shed a lot or only shed a little does not mean that they are suitable for allergy sufferers. There are no so-called hypoallergenic breeds, i.e. cat breeds that are suitable for allergy sufferers. Even if many claim this. As an allergy sufferer, you not only react to your hair, but also to certain protein building blocks (“Fel d 1” protein),those in saliva, in the sebaceous or sweat glandsas well as in urine. You can find more information about animal hair allergies atGerman Allergy and Asthma Association.
Even if it isn'tdieAs a cat with allergies, not every cat releases the same amount of the “Fel d 1” protein. In an interview withMyAllergyPortalspeaks the toxicologist Prof. Dr. rer. pharm. Jeroen Buters on a study he conducted on this topic. According to this, male cats have a higher allergen content than female cats. In addition, unneutered animals release more allergens than neutered male cats.
So if you still want to get a cat as an allergy sufferer, it's best to spend enough time with the four-legged friends beforehand to find out how strongly you react. It is important that you clarify in advance how your allergy behaves. After all, the cat shouldn’t end up back in the animal shelter after a few weeks.
Are there cats that don't shed?
In 2021, around 16.7 million cats lived in German households ( This makes the four-legged friends one of the most popular pets in German households. But what if you would like to have such a cuddly cat, but the loose hair gets on your nerves? Then you should choose a cat breed that sheds as little as possible or, even better, doesn't shed at all. Unfortunately, we have to disappoint you with the last option.There are no cats that don't shed at all.
Basically every cat loses hair. After all, this is part of changing fur. But we can calm you down. There are some cat breeds that shed less hair and may be a good alternative for you.
Reading tip:
Sphynx cats
True to the motto “Where there is no hair, nothing can shed”, the Sphynx cat is definitely in first place. It is a naked cat and has almost no hair at all due to a genetic mutation. Only a light fluff covers the skin of the cat breed, but it is hardly visible to the naked eye.
Of course, naked cats and therefore also the Sphynx cat are not for everyone. After all, visually speaking, they are far removed from cuddly kittens. But these cat breeds also have their fans because they can be extremely affectionate and obsessed with people. They are also considered incredibly intelligent. Animal rights activists criticize this breed as so-called torture breeding.
Russian Blue
Elegant and aloof – that’s how you could describe our second place. At first glance, the Russian Blue looks like an elegant figure that wraps around the legs. Visually, she owes her elegant appearance to her slim body and gray-silver fur. And it is precisely this fur that has a special feature: in Russian Blue cats, the guard hair is just as long as the undercoat. They therefore feel pleasantly soft and usually hardly any hair falls out.
Bengal cats
Bengal cats are becoming increasingly popular. Not only because they shed very little due to their lack of underfur. The cat breed also impresses visually with an impressive, almost leopard-like appearance. So it's no wonder that the mini leopard is so popular with big cat lovers. Nevertheless, it must be said: Bengal cats are less suitable for new cat owners or as pure domestic cats. They need a lot of exercise and are very active. Just like its close relative, the Savannah cat. These so-called hybrid breeds, i.e. a cross with wild cats, are also criticized by animal rights activists.
Siamese cats
With its light blue eyes and impressive color shading, the Siamese cat has become a real classic among the most popular cat breeds. The Thai beauty also holds back when it comes to her hair. The Siamese cat is part of the albinos and has little undercoat. This means she sheds significantly less than her relatives. Fans of the cat breed also love its great character, as it is considered intelligent, playful, people-oriented and very cuddly. Perfect for anyone who wants a real cuddly cat. But be careful: a Siamese cat also has its own will.
The Devon Rex is one of the Rex cats and impresses with its great appearance. Their slightly curly fur catches the eye among cat breeds and their large ears are more reminiscent of a bat than a velvet paw. Similar to the Sphynx cat, this fur look is also caused by a genetic mutation. Their unusual fur structure is also responsible for the fact that they shed less.
Other cat breeds that shed little
Other cat breeds that shed little are Oriental Shorthair, Balinese and Burmese cats. Turkish Van, Turkish Angora and LaPerm cats are also known for not shedding much hair.
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Oriental shorthair
Oriental Shorthair cats have very fine, close-fitting fur without an undercoat.
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Balinese cats have long fur, but no undercoat.
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Burmese cats have very short fur and hardly any undercoat.
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Cornish Rex
The Cornish Rex's characteristic feature is its curled fur.
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European shorthair cat
The European Shorthair cat is not only popular, it also sheds little.
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LaPerm cat
The LaPerm cat's curly coat requires minimal care.
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Turkish Angora
Despite their medium-length, silky coat, the Turkish Angora does not shed excessively.
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Savannah Katze
The Savannah cat has short fur and hardly any undercoat.
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Turkish Van
The Turkish Van's summer coat is wonderfully silky, but has no undercoat.
Hair doesn't stay away even in cats that don't shed much. However, if you want to tackle loose fur, you should have a good vacuum cleaner at home. A practical vacuum robot with a wiping function, for example, is a good support in the cat household - and basically does all the work for those who don't like cleaning. We recommend the well-rated oneVacuum and mopping robot yeedi vac 2 pro, which not only removes hair, but also the dirt that outdoor cats carry into the house under their paws.You can order the robot vacuum cleaner from Amazon* here.
Cats shed too much: grooming can help
In addition to the natural shedding of fur, which usually takes place in spring when the thick winter fur is shed, there are also other causes for cats to shed heavily.
Even more pet knowledge:
If your cat sheds excessively, it could be due to a lack of nutrients or stress. Protein-rich food is important in cat nutrition. You should also pay attention to vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals in cat food. Lack of fluids can also lead to severe hair loss and have an unfavorable effect on the skin and hair. Therefore, make sure you provide your four-legged friend with enough water and high-quality wet food. As a result, cats already consume a lot of fluid.
In addition to a healthy diet, which can reduce hair loss, you should care for the coat properly. This means: Comb your cat regularly, ideally even daily during shedding. Here's how you can help your cat get rid of loose hair. The good thing about it: This also means there are fewer loose hairs in the fur that can spread around the house. The best way to comb is to use a brush that also combs out the loose undercoat.
Tipp:Long-haired cats in particular, such as the Maine Coone or the Ragdoll, need daily care. Their fur can quickly become matted. For the animal's well-being, you should use a brush or comb every day.