Instead of a scented candle: This simple trick is cheaper and ensures an even better scent

Particularmanage to transport us to another time or place. Maybe it's your own childhood or the wonderful café in Vienna. Smells can easily make us feel good and make us dream. Especially in the cold seasonwarminga wonderful opportunity to still have your own four wallsmore inviting and comfortableclose. An uncomplicated one, the one without, diffuser or sprays are waiting for youwaiting to be tried out.

Orange + clove: With this scent combination we will dream of the coming holidays in winter 2024

The scent ofOranges and cloveslet's get to them immediatelyThink in childhood, the fruity sweetness of the citrus fruit and the intensely spicy aroma of the spice take us back in time. The unique smell immediately inspires usFeeling of warmth, like a loving hug. And that's itDream scentvery easy to bring into your own home. All you need are oranges and cloves.

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Orange scent balls: This is how you can easily make your own simple and luxurious room scent

The fragrant balls themselvesmade easyand a beautiful one toofor children. Prepare the whole cloves and wash the oranges thoroughly. Now pierce the cloves with the stem into the peel of the oranges. You can do this in a prettyMusterarrange. Once your pattern is complete, your scent ball is also ready. When fresh, the balls last for a few dayspretty.

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Tipp:You can use the scent balls toodry, so they last significantly longer, but also become a little smaller and less radiant. To dry, place the oranges individuallyPaper bagsand let them dry out completely for a few weeks. Keep checking to see whether individual fruits are starting to get moldy. If this is the case, you should discard the affected fruit. However, once the oranges have dried, they lasteternal.

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