How does your childhood taste? Maybe for Grandma's matt roast, malt beer, shower or eszet cut? In the thought of the favorite dish or thefavorite candyFrom childhood you somehow feel safe. And if you are like us, then ask yourself for sure why you have stopped buying these snacks - because there are still many of them today! Make one with usTravel to the supermarket of the past.
You can still buy these sweet nostalgia snacks today
NostalgiaIs the wistful and sentimental longing for your own past and the feeling is closely associated with our autobiographical memories. Above allSmell and tastePromote particularly positive emotions that have a beneficial effect on our psyche. Reason enough to take a few of themost popular sweets from the 80s, 90s and early 00sto look at.
1. Nostalgia sweetness: Pez
How could we forget these funny candy donors? The small figures are still available in most supermarkets and at the kiosk today!
2. Nostalgia sweetness: Bum Bum Eis
Admittedly, Bum Bum Eis tastes a bit artificial and the chewing gum in the steal has about 30 seconds-but it's worth trying for a small nostalgia kick again!
3. Nostalgia sweetness: dining paper
Did you always feel like a little mouse when you have nibbled on dining paper? Even today there are still delicious plates! Take a search on the candy shelf.
4. Nostalgia sweetness: Brause-Uffos
If we are already at eating paper: Brause Uffos can still be bought in most supermarkets. Fly fly to another mental galaxy!
5. Nostalgia sweetness: Ahoi Brause
Ahoi Brause is probably the childhood snack that many still have on the screen today. No matter whether as a chopstick, for dipping or in the sparkling water, tingling on the tongue still makes us become a child today!
6. Nostalgia sweetness: Melody Pops
Why shouldn't you also be able to play music on a lolli? The Melody Pops of Chupa Chups were first eaten and later the parents could be annoyed - great!
7. Nostalgia sweetness: Candy Lipstick
A "lipstick" from shower? Still puts us into our childhood today. Because that was our only beauty essential. By the way, there are still quite a few kiosks.
8. Nostalgia sweetness: glucose Lolly
Guard sugar improves the ability to concentrate - if this is not a good reason to take the Frigeo glucose from the business with you.
9. Nostalgia sweetness: fruit caramels
The Böhme fruit caramels always existed in the bakery, the doctor's office and today on carnival and carnival. The little fruits on the packaging alone trigger good memories with us - and the taste only!
10. Nostalgia sweetness: sugar chains
As a child, you never felt more chic as if you had one (or preferably several) sugar chain (s) around your neck, right? And they are still tasty today!
11. Nostalgia sweetness: Ring Pop
Ring Pop Lollis were also one of the coolest accessories as a child - you can also overlook the fact that this candy was already fussy after the first Schlecker.
12. Nostalgia sweetness: chocolate lenses
For Grandma there was After Eight and for the kids chocolate lenses. Even today we love the mild minty-sweet taste and cracking when biting in.
13. Nostalgia sweetness: buffreis
Slightly sour and funny colorful in 2025 will also be buffreis. Nutritional values? None - but that doesn't really matter if you just want to snack on again.
14. Nostalgia sweetness: Eszet cuts
You knew that it would be a good day when mom or dad eszet cut cuts in the bread box. Today, the thin chocolate slats taste as dessert even without rolls.
15. Nostalgia sweetness: chocolate cozy rolls
There is probably no funnier snack as a chocolate kiss on a roll: just cut the bun, on it butter on it, place the chocolate kiss between the halves and clap brap it courageously!
16. Nostalgia sweetness: gold coins
Did you always act with chocolate coins with siblings or friends? Would be a funny gag again! Because you can still buy the delicious thaler today.
17. Nostalgia sweetness: Center Shock
Center Shock was not for the faint of heart or mouths! Already with the thought of these super -acid chewing gum, the saliva in the mouth runs straight together.
18. Nostalgia sweetness: licking mussels
We have not understood the meaning of it to this day, but sweets don't always have to make sense, right? Slip shells catapult us back into the 90s.
19. Nostalgia sweetness: ice confection
The greatest mystery of childhood: Why is ice cream confection actually cold? Today we know that the coconut fat contained is responsible for the cooling effect in the mouth. Still a (cool) taste experience!
20. Nostalgia sweetness: red cherries
Green stem, red lollipop - the red cherries used to be everywhere and they still taste the same today.
21. Nostalgia sweetness: refreshment sticks
You love them or you hate them, but with grandma and grandpa there were always refreshment sticks! Would you still try this candy today?
22. Nostalgia sweetness: Soft Cake
Also popular with grandparents: Soft Cake. The jelly cookies were soft and fruity and are still a popular snack in 2025.
The list could certainly be continued-just browse in the supermarket in the candy department again and put yourself back to your childhood!