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Establishment: 3 things that nobody wants to sort out, but should be urgent - even before spring 2025
Almost nobody wants it, and yet it is often not possible to prevent a lot from accumulating in the apartment over time. At first you can still overlook it, but if the chaos takes over at home, there is only one way out:Sort out and separate from useless things.And no, it shouldn't always only be popular places like the wardrobe, the kitchen or bathroom cabinets. In fact, there are also a few things that we like to overlook the mucking out, but which should actually be sorted out in order to really make room. We'll tell you three that include.
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We simply cannot separate from some, we should urgently sort it out
Establishment: 3 things that nobody wants to sort out, but should be urgent - even before spring 2025
1. Please sort out before spring 2025: paper stuff
We all have them: this one drawer or box in which we allPaperworkStore without mutating it regularly. Shopping lists, invoices, important average and the like collect in it and therefore may not interfere with optically as much as, for example, an overcrowded wardrobe or the overloaded shelves in the kitchen. Nevertheless, it is worth sorting out and creating order again and again here. Why? This not only keeps you up to date and find the right document right away in an emergency, but also for theStress reduction and strengthening self -confidenceIt is important to process the documents and to do it.
Admittedly, at first it certainly costs more overcoming than other places in the apartment. But have you once introduced a good system in which you can put all the important documents sorted in a folder or digitize you, it not only ensures more visual space, but also more order in your head.
2. Please sort out before spring 2025: books
Sort out books? Most people bring this difficult to the heart, which is why they are usually held for longer than in other things. The reason for this: We connect certain ones with many books at homeMemories and emotionsthat we do not want to let go by separating from you. However, over time, this can result in a rather large collection at home that fills the shelves and robs some space. If you are ready to say goodbye to some books, but still do not want to give up your collection completely, a good solution, for example, can„One-in-Out“-Methodebe. To do this, make an exchange - you get a new book and give back an older one where you no longer hang so much. Alternatively, you can also keep your current number of books by transferring digital books for new purchases.
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Important:Please do not throw away, but rather sell or donate online. Many libraries also like to accept well -preserved books. Or in some cities there are also public book cupboards that look forward to many new reading copies. You not only do good, but if necessary, you also know exactly where the book is, if you want to read it again.
3. Please sort out before spring 2025: Sentimental objects
Memories of past vacations, pictures, inherited decorative pieces: there are all sorts of thingssentimental thingsIn the apartment that actually bother us, but we do not separate, because we are afraid to regret it later. Therefore, we prefer to leave them standing and postponing it. This works for a certain amount of time, but is not a solution in the long term. Better:Clear out in stages!Instead of banishing the superfluous object completely from the apartment, it can help to interfere with it in the basement or the storage room. Then after a certain time that you do not miss the object or certainly can no longer really remember it, it is a sign that you finallycan. And if it is not the case, you can bring it back to his old place. Incidentally, the sorting trick not only works with sentimental things, but with everything they are undecided, whether it can be removed or not.