This is what happens when you put Christmas spices in your oatmeal

    We love them all year roundhigh in fiberBreakfast meal that fills you up for a long time and tastes wonderfully creamy:Simply prepared as a classic oatmeal with milk, the whole thing can then be decorated as desired and with fruits andcan be refined as desired. But what happens if instead of honey, we use milk and protein powder for a changeChristmas spicesadd to it? We show what happens to the all-rounder oat flakes.

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    This is how we easily integrate Christmas spices into our morning oatmeal

    How theChristmas spicesall about cinnamon, nutmeg, anise and cardamom - it's best to add it to our oatsWe'll show you how to install it with a simple but super tasty recipe. Because that's how they tastein the morning already like our favoritescookieand sweets à la speculoos,Gingerbreadand Co – but as a healthy version.

    For one serving you need:

    • 50 g oat flakes, tender
    • 150 ml milk
    • 1 tablespoon baking cocoa
    • Cinnamon
    • Gingerbread spice
    • vanilla extract
    • 1/2 Banana
    • Speculoos cookies
    • colorful sprinkles

    And this is how it works:

    It's actually a lot easier than it looks in the end. You mix them upoatmealtogether with thatBaking cakeo and thatspicesin a bowl, there isMilchAdd and mix everything well. Put the whole thing in the microwave for about 1 to 2 minutes, stir well again and with theBanana, the crumbled oneSpeculoos cookiesandcolorful sprinklesdecorate.

    Tipp:Also works well asBaked Oats, if you puree all the ingredients (except for the decorative toppings) in a blender and put the mixture in the blender for 15 minutesgives. You can also have a piece hereplaced in the middle of the dough, which then melts nicely in the oven.

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    That's why oatmeal is so ideal for losing weight

    They are considered one of THE most popular andFood for breakfast and again and again becomes therecommended oatmeal. Rightly so, because the versatile product brings a whole lot of health benefitsadvantageswith yourself:

    • High fiber content: Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, especially beta-glucan. This fiber promotes a feeling of fullness for longer, which helps control appetite and reduce food cravings. This can reduce overall calorie intake.
    • Low glycemic index (GI): Oatmeal has a low GI, meaning it raises blood sugar levels slowly. This prevents strong blood sugar fluctuations and the associated food cravings.
    • Nutrient rich: Oatmeal is rich in important nutrients such as vitamins (e.g. vitamin B1, B5), minerals (e.g. iron, magnesium, zinc) and antioxidants. These nutrients support metabolism and overall health, which can be beneficial when losing weight.
    • Proteinquelle: Although oatmeal is not extremely high in protein, it still contains a moderate amount of protein, which contributes to satiety and supports muscle building. Muscle mass increases the basal metabolic rate, which helps with weight loss.
    • Low in calories and high in volume: Oatmeal has relatively few calories compared to its volume. This means you can eat a large portion without having a high calorie intake, which is helpful in losing weight.

    For Christmas breakfast