Feast on low calories: With this delicious artichoke salad, the pounds will fall away by themselves

Who actually said that?Must be boring and tiring? Forget blandDietsand dreary, tasteless food! OurArtichoke salad with egg dressingproves that conscious nutrition and enjoyment are perfectly compatible. This recipe combines crisp, fresh salad, fineArtichokesand an irresistible dressing and proves thatcan also be really fun. Ideal for a quick lunch or a light dinner that fills you up without weighing you down.

They may seem inconspicuous at first glance, but...Artichokesare real secret weapons when it comes to losing weight. Thanks to their valuable bitter substances, they not only promote digestion, but also curb your cravings. With justand a good portion of fiber, they ensure a long-lasting feeling of satiety. There are also lots of vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and vitamin C, which really boost your metabolism. In short: whoArtichokeson your plate, does everything right!