Hello, welcome to my kitchen. I am Elisabeth, food editor at girlfriend. I love delicious food and I like to try out new recipes. Recently I recently invite you to visit myself in my kitchen-or to take a look at my foodie inspiration folder with me (yes, there is really)-and share my recipe of the week with you. Be it a quick everyday dish after work, a delicious cake for the weekend, an innovative creation or a brand new food trend that I have just discovered.
Recipe of the week: Feel-Good pasta with tomato-cream sauce
Pasta is mineFeel-Good-Essen. No matter whether Fusilli, Spaghetti, Tagliatelle or Tortellini - I am always available for pasta in any form. If you are then combined with a delicious sauce, I'm happy. Really. So simple, but always delicious. In addition, pasta succeeds in no time and also with onlyfew ingredientsthat I actually always have at home. One of my favorites really only gets along with things that I always have in the kitchen cabinet, and is also heavenly tasty and creamy.
Photo: Elisabeth Tatter
Visually, the pasta is nothing special, but taste a real highlight
The secret of the? One hits hereSnahnige tomato sauceOn the intensive aroma ofdried tomatoes. These ensure a delicious, taste depth that makes the simple tomato sauce more interesting. Nevertheless, the sauce is cooked quickly and succeeds around the same time that the noodles also need to cook - practical and delicious!
Simple, fast and always delicious: Feel-good pasta with tomato cream sauce
Ingredients for 4 portions:
- 500 g Pasta (Rigatoni Oder Tufoli)
- 1 onion
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 100 g of dried tomatoes (inserted into oil)
- 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
- 1 can of chopped tomatoes
- ½ The Balsamico-Creme
- Salt, pepper, sugar
- Italian herbs
- 1 cup of cream
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- Put on water for the pasta and salt generously.
- Pull off the onion and finely dice. Fry until glassy in a large pan in olive oil.
- Also finely dice the dried tomato and briefly fry with the onion, then add the tomato paste and fry until it becomes darker. Then pour on with a chopped tomato.
- Put the pasta in the boiling salt water and cook al dente.
- Season the tomato sauce with a little crema di balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar and refine with Italian herbs at will. Stir in everything well and bring to the boil briefly. Then add the cream and stir in.
- Drain the finished pasta and stir some of the pasta water under the sauce.
- Then put the pasta in the sauce and fold in. Bring everything to the boil for 1 minute and swivel, then serve with fresh pepper and parmesan.