Warming winter oatmeal casserole with apple and cinnamon

The best recipes are those where all the ingredients are mixed together and you don't have to worry about the correct order or process. Exactly such a ?No Brainer? is this oneOatmeal casserole. Simply put all the ingredients in a standard casserole dish, stir, bake in the oven and you can enjoy the warm oatmeal casserole.

An oatmeal casserole combines the ?doughy? Consistency of a freshly baked cake with the healthy power of. These are rich in fiber, valuable minerals and aexcellent source of protein, which is why they should be regularly included in the menu as part of a balanced diet. But to whomand porridge are too boring in the long runzimtigen Baked Oatmeal best advice! Whether as an energetic start to the day or a healthy snack in the afternoon? The combination of juicy apple, aromatic cinnamon and a hint of honey tastes simply tempting and makes the casserole a healthy treat that sweetens our autumn and winter days.