War is hell! The 15 best war films of all time show this impressively

    War is brutal and bloody. It destroys lives, countries, cultures. It shapes our past, present and future. We are still fascinatedWar films, because they show both the absurdity, the futility of war and the true nature of man in the darkest hours. A war film can be deeply pacifist and revolutionary and criticize political decisions. And sometimes he can just be damn good.

    The 15 best war films of all time

    While some of these films celebrate martial spectacle, there are also those war or anti-war films that reveal with masterful subtlety the absurdity and immeasurable suffering of war. Below are the ones for us15 Best War Movies of All Time.

    Apocalypse Now(1979)

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    VmaybetheAnti-war film par excellence:Apocalypse Nowby Francis Ford Coppola is aimpressive piece of film historywith Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall and Martin Sheen, whoseiconic scenes and quotesburned into all of our memories. The filming was extremely stressful for the crew and was marked by illnesses, accidents and natural disasters. The cult film is about and shows Captain Willard's mission to eliminate Colonel Kurtz in the Vietnam Warpointlessness of warto the full extent.

    The boat(1981)

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    The boatis not only one of the best war films, but alsoone of the best German films of all time, nominated for six Oscars. The best-selling novel by Lother-Günther Buchheim is the basis for this. He talks about his experiences asWar correspondent on a submarineduring a battle in the Atlantic. Director Wolfgang Petersen makes brilliant use of the cramped spaces, the sounds of underwater combat, and the scruffy casthaunting depiction of life underwater. You feel like you can smell the sweat and fear.


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    Director Oliver Stone wanted the main actors ofPlatoonnot just play soldiers - they should actually knowwhat it's like to be a soldier. So he had all the actors undergo intensive, two-week boot camp training under the supervision of a military advisor, including sleep deprivation and total exhaustion. It was worth it. Critics still praise it todayrealistic, raw and cruel depiction of waras well as the film's cast, consisting of Charlie Sheen, Willem Dafoe, Johnny Depp and Forest Whitaker. Several actors decorated their helmets with messages and graffiti like "real" soldiers would have done.

    Full Metal Jacket(1987)

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    Welcome to Vietnam, Kubrick style.Full Metal Jackettakes you straight into the trenches of war and is consideredone of the best films about the Vietnam War. It is an anti-war film that indicts how young men become killing machines. The main character's name, JT Davis, is a direct reference to Specialist Four James T. Davis - thatfirst officially recognized US victimsof the Vietnam War – which fell in December 1961. By the way, the film was not shot in Vietnam, but exclusively in England.

    Schindler's List(1993)

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    There maybeno cinematic depiction of the Holocaust is more torturous and heartbreakingasSchindler's List. Steven Spielberg's masterpiece has lost none of its impact even more than 30 years after its release. They testify to thatcountless scenes that symbolize the horror of that time: From the Nazi playing the piano in the Warsaw Ghetto to the boy escaping into the camp sewer to the girl in the red coat, always powerfully accompanied by John Williams' music, especially the beautiful and deadly sad violin leitmotif.

    There Private James Ryan(1998)

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    When a mother loses three of her four sons in the war, the government does everything in its powersurviving soldier James Ryan(Matt Damon) from Normandy before he too is killed. But that's where they getseven men in mortal danger who were sent to rescue him. If one scene in a movie alone were so terrible that it should be able to end all wars, it is the opening scene that Steven Spielberg choseThere Private James Ryancame up with: More than 1000 extras were used for this; 20 of the men who actually needed prostheses didn't wear them in the film so that we could see what it looks like when limbs are no longer there.

    Three Kings(1999)

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    1991 in Iraq: TheSecond Gulf Waris finally over. For Sergeant First Class Troy Barlow (Mark Wahlberg) it's a reason to celebrate. Major Archie Gates (George Clooney), on the other hand, is rather bored. The next day, Troy and his squad search a few Iraqi soldiers and find a mysterious map on one of them. Major Gates gets wind of the matter and explains to the soldiers that it is theMap to a large treasure of goldwhich was stolen from Kuwait. They set off secretly so as not to have to leave Iraq empty-handed. But as they travel across Iraq, the soldiers quickly realize that the Iraqi army is not interested in the treasure, but ratherimpoverished civilian population excluded.

    Black Hawk Down(2001)

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    AtBlack Hawk Downis about the members of an elite Delta Force who were tasked with capturing a Somali warlord. As one of theirsHelicopter crashes in the middle of enemy territory, they have to save their friends. The film directed byis based on true events in which 20 American soldiers and more than 1,000 Somalis lost their lives. Even if it is partlystrong criticism of Hollywoodand the one-sided portrayal of events, hardly any film shows thembrutality of warclearer and more immediate than this one.

    The pianist(2002)

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    The pianistis an impressive film about thePolish pianist Władysław Szpilman's will to survivein the Holocaust, with an outstanding acting performance from Adrien Brody. Director Roman Polanski tells the story vividlyStory of loss, hope and the power of music. In the new war dramaThe brutalist(2025), Brody once again took on the role of a Jewish persecutee.

    Inglourious Basterds(2009)

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    Nazi-Satire Inglourious Basterdsis like a Hollywood mirror that shows the war through the lens of the films. Tarantino'sintelligent and provocative treatment of historical eventsand his warning about the Nazis' exploitation of the cinema creates oneexceptional mix of entertainment and depth. “Basterds” was also proof that the director was able to successfully reinterpret the story – and that his audience followed him.


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    And Spielberg again: This time he took it upon himself the directorMichael Morpurgos Romanfrom 1982. The play of the same name is perhaps even more successful than the film. It's about the young soldier Albert and the First World War. The real star ofCompanionsbut the horse is Joey. Albert volunteers for military servicehis beloved horse is sold to the cavalryand he wants his best friend back.


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    InDunkirktried, all events surrounding theBattle of Dunkirk(the German name of the northern French city) and illuminates itthree different timelines and perspectives. The story takes place on land, sea and air, has an emotional climax and a great ending.Dunkirkis truly a masterful film. As a bonus, Harry Styles stars in hiswith and makes us proud.


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    The most amazing thing about this World War I epic is the one-shot style that makes it look like along, almost uninterrupted camera shot(there is only one clearly visible cut in the middle of the film). That's how it is1917by Sam Mendesone of the most haunting war filmsthat have ever been filmed. The members of the Academy Awards felt the same way, as it is the first war film in more than 18 years to have oneOscar for “Best Visual Effects” and “Best Cinematography”received and was nominated for “Best Film”.

    Nothing new in the West(2022)

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    Nothing new in the Westoffers an unsparing look at the horrors of the First World War. The film, directed by Edward Berger, impresses with itsrealistic, because extremely brutal depictionthe battles and the impressive acting performances, especially Felix Kammerer as Paul Bäumer. Director Berger manages to do thatMadness of war and the desperation of the armywith shocking intensity. In doing so, she renouncescompletely based on glorification or heroism. This powerful reminder to humanity stays with you long after the credits roll.Nothing new in the Westis apowerful plea for peace.


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    Oppenheimerby Christopher Nolan is not a typical war film (no big, show-stopping battle scenes), but it certainly shows thatHumanity's ability to destroy. The film, which won seven Oscars, follows theCreation of the atomic bombby the physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, probably the most influential person in history. After years of development, it was dropped by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, causing the world's first nuclear explosionThousands of civilians were killed.

    By definition: war films are anti-war films

    It is important to note: When it comes to defining war films, one usually automatically speaks of themanti-war films. These are characterized by theircritical attitude towards war and violenceand question the usefulness of conflicts - they often show the suffering and destruction that wars bring with them. Films likePlatoonorFull Metal Jacketare haunting memorials against war. Anti-war films throughout the decades haveAwareness of the devastating effectssharpened by wars. These films not only shaped the genre, but alsosocial debates about war and peaceinitiated.

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