It's not always easyto recognize. On the other hand, it is important to know whether you are dealing with narcissistic people or not. Advice and experts can definitely help you. But there is also another, much more entertaining way to deal with narcissism: films.In many films, main characters have narcissistic traits or are absolute narcissists.Do you recognize people from your environment in these films? Then all alarm bells should ring!We have selected seven good and entertaining films for you whose main characters are narcissistic.One is even one of the most narcissistic people in the world.
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Let's start directly with probably the most famous and biggest narcissist in the world:. There is no question whether this person is a narcissist. In the new filmThe Apprentice – The Trump Storytells the story of how Donald Trump (Sebastian Stan) steps out of his father's shadow in the 1970s with the help of the infamous lawyer Roy Cohn (Jeremy Strong) and becomes a very wealthy real estate tycoon. His hunger for power and his media manipulation pave the way for him. A fantastic drama that was played even more fantastically by the main roles.
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An absolute oneand at the same time is a prime example of narcissismAmerican Psycho. Rich investment banker Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) leads a perfect double life: a charming businessman by day, a ruthless one by night. Behind the shiny facade lurk dark secrets and a distorted self-image that clashes with reality. The story is a biting satire of 1980s materialism and shows the destructive power of narcissism.
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In the middle of luxury,and excesses, the unscrupulous stockbroker Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) plans his rise to become a millionaire. Here too, narcissism plays the main role. With nothing other than greed for money and power, Belfort manages to become rich. Anyone who gets in the way of his plan will be discarded, regardless of the losses. Fortunately, the film also shows that this doesn't always work out. The staging ofis loud, excessive, unabashed and an absolute must when it comes to narcissism.
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In the glamorous world of fashion, there is an ice-cold editor-in-chief who controls everything and everyone. Her assistant Andrea Sachs (Anne Hathaway) is drawn into a demanding and often cruel environment characterized by ambition and self-expression. Meryl Streep brings unprecedented elegance and toughness to the role of the narcissistic Miranda Priestly. But this film also shows that behind narcissists there can also be good and sensitive peopleis just a carefully constructed wall.
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An actor, once a superhero performer, fights for relevance and personal redemption in the world of theater. Fluctuating between reality and fantasy, he displays narcissistic traits that alienate him from his family and colleagues. The camera work and the seemingly uncut style give the film an intense dynamic. Michael Keaton delivers a self-deprecating performance that deeply humanizes the character. A masterpiece about fame, ego and the irrepressible desire for recognition.
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Maybe narcissists secretly just long for love, but with the best will in the world they can't admit it to themselves. At least that's how it is in the world-famous filmJoker. An outsider looking for acceptance and love becomes a symbol of chaos and anarchy.delivers a harrowing portrayal of a narcissistic man who completely loses control in his vulnerability. An unforgettable character study that gets deep under your skin.
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Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis), an ambitious and unscrupulous prospector, wants to...rose to become a powerful oil baron in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In his humble beginnings he searches for silver but discovers oil. Driven by insatiable ambition, he turns his discovery into a massive business empire. His pursuit of wealth and power increasingly corrupts him, which brings him into conflict with Eli Sunday (Paul Dano), a young, charismatic preacher who wants to secure his own influence over the community. But Plainview's increasing narcissism alienates him from everyone he once cared about, including his son.