From Picasso to Warhol: works by these 6 artists were most frequently stolen

The works of great artists like Pablo Picasso, Wassili Kandinsky and Salvador Dalí are extremely valuable. And things that are valuable naturally always attract thiefs who try to acquire them - even if the sale of a well -known, illegally born artwork is not exactly easy. Nevertheless: lucrative artificial auvios are still being committed. And that are theArtists whose works are most frequently stolen.

Works and paintings by these 6 artists have so far been stolen most frequently

At this point, however, it should also be noted that the art of art is a dying criminal genre itself. After all, the big works that are in, Galleries and auction houses stand and hang, today so well secured that it is becoming increasingly difficult to successfully pull through a coup.

6. Andy Warhol

Foto: Ian Gavan, Getty Images

The prints of this work by Andy Warhol, on which Queen Elizabeth II is shown, have already been stolen.

There New Yorkeris certainly one of the most famous contemporary artists in the world (in many different areas) and one of the most important representatives of Pop Art. He was also extremely productive. In the almost 40 years of his work from the late 1940s to his death in 1987, he created more than 9,000 pictures and sculptures, plus about 12,000 drawings. So his oeuvre is huge - and this is due to the fact that one of his works has been stolen from time to time. According to 216, statistics of the "The Art Loss Register" are said to have been stolen by him. Among them are two prints of a 16-part screen printing series, on which the four queens Beatrix of the Netherlands, Queen Ntombi Tfwala von Eswatini, Elisabeth II and Margrethe II are shown-two prints from the last two were only stolen from the Dutch MPV Gallery last year. Some prints of Andy Warhol's well-known Campbell's series were also stolen from the Springfield Art Museum in 2016.

5th Salvador Dalí

Foto: Francois Guillot, Getty Images

Always a coveted object of thieves:The great masturbatorvon Salvador Dali

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The Spaniard Salvador Dalí was also an artistic jack of all., Graphic artist, writer, sculptor and stage designer and is considered one of the most important representatives of surrealism. In the course of his career, Dalí is said to have created more than 1,500 works and since they are not only worth a lot, but often also quite small, they are of course ideal as the thieves. It is said to have been successful 313 times to obtain work from him. For example, a coal painting of Salvador Dalí was found in 2023 that was achieved in Barcelona a year earlier - by three men who had entered private houses of higher society. In 2019 theSpace Venusstolen by Dalí, a bronze sculpture, the value of which is currently $ 2.8 million.

4. Marc Chagall

Foto: Timothy A. Clary, Getty Images

A painting according to which every art striker*licks his fingers:The fatherFrom 1911 by Marc Chagall

The Russian-French painter Marc Chagall is also one of those artists whose works have often been victims of thief. Although one has to say: A total of 347 of his works have been stolen, his oeuvre, which he created in the course of his 75-year career, is estimated on around 10,000 work-they are hardly significant. One of the stolen paintings wasOthello and Desdemonafrom 1911, which was stolen from the house of an older New York couple in Manhattan in 1988 and only reappeared in 2018. However, the attempts to sell the picture failed every time, so the thief had nothing of it. However, he did not have to go into jail either, because when the picture reappeared, the crime was already time -barred - luck in misfortune for the artistrock. In a basement in Antwerp, the painting was again almost a year agoThe man in prayerFound by Marc Chagall, which was stolen by an art collector in Tel Aviv 14 years earlier.

3. Joan Miró

Foto: Tristan Fewings, Getty Images

Is worth around $ 30 million: Joan MirósWoman and birds

The Spanish-Catalan painter, graphic artist and sculptor Joan Miró-one of the most popular artists of the 20th century, is in third place in the artists, whose works have so far been stolen most frequently. His works have been stolen 397 times. Throughout his life, he is said to have created around 2,000 paintings, 500 sculptures, 400 ceramics, 5,000 drawings and about 1,000 lithographs. Mirós, for example, include the stolen works of the pictureFemme assise (Seated Woman), however, which has reappeared when a woman brought it to a gallery. Value of the painting: $ 500,000. She had stolen it to an 85-year-old for whom she had worked as a nurse for several years.

2. Karel Appel

Foto: Sean Gallup, Getty Images

Exodus - The Floral Worldby Karel Appel - a picture that was also exhibited in Berlin.

The Dutch painter, graphic artist and sculptor Karel Appel, co -founder of the artist group Cobra, ranked second of those artists whose works were most frequently stolen. Appel, who was primarily influenced by Picasso, Surrealism and Art Brut, also left an extensive work of around 10,000 sculptures, sculptures, drawings and paintings after his death in 2006. 491 of his work is said to have been stolen over time, 400 of them in 2002 alone. At that time they were stolen during the transport of the work and were then considered to be lost for a few years until they were found in a British warehouse of a logistics company in 2012 - with a value of several hundred thousand pounds.

1. Pablo Picasso

Foto: Ian Gavan, Getty Images

Pablo PicssosLe Matador- a picture for which some art thiefs*would kill.

And in first place, that's not surprising, the Spanish exceptional and century artist Pablo Picasso- the most famous artist in the world. In any case, he is one of the most productive, because in the course of his career he has created a whopping around 50,000 paintings, drawings, graphics, collages, sculptures and ceramics. Logical that he also has most thefts in view of his status, the associated value of his work and the sheer number of his works of art. 660 times, he has already been stolen from work on raids-this means that he is by far the artists, whose works were most frequently stolen. A painting from his series is one of the stole workThe Weeping Woman, which Picasso painted in 1937, which was then stolen from the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne in 1986 and already had a value of $ 1.6 million at the time. In 2010 the fantastic picture is overnightPigeon with peas, a masterpiece from his cubist phase, from the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. Estimated value of the painting: $ 25 million. Unfortunately, it has not appeared again to this day.