The Grimme Prize, an award for television programs in Germany, is considered the most renowned media prize in the country-named after the first general director of the NDR, Adolf Grimme. The price has been awarded for over sixty years, and this will be again this year. The award will only take place on April 4th, but the award winners have already been announced - and these are hereThe 7 best series that receive the Grimme Prize.
Awarded with the Grimme Prize: You should not miss these 7 series
Only series will be awarded this year - there is no film for the first time. This underlines again how important series have become.
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The private channels are hardly represented on the nominee list of this year's Grimme Prize, but this dramedy series on RTL+ already:Appropriate angryAbout a woman (Marie Bloching) who develops and beats up superpowers after rape-reminds a little bit of the plot of the Netflix seriesI Am Not Okay With This. At first glance, the plot may work a little cringe, but it is not - especially since humor is a way of dealing with the shattering experience of rape. It is also exciting that itAppropriate angrysucceeds a series overTo be without reproducing them and the series found pictures for scenes that we have seen - at least on the screen - far too often. In this respect you canAppropriate angryReally only recommended because you actually succeed in doing the balancing act to put a tear of joy and compassion in the eye. Consequently, the series won twice: in the "Fiction" area and the audience award of the Marler Group also went to the series. Chapeau!
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At the Cannes International Series Festival, the German Miniseries was able toThe doubtersClear trophies a few months ago (for "Best Series", "Best Music" and the "High School Award for Best Series"). In the Grimme Prize, the series has to be satisfied with "only" a price in the "Fiction" area, but it deserves it. It is about Symcha's doubter (Mike Burstyn), the head of the Jewish doubter from Frankfurt, who is old and plans to sell the family's delicat empire that she built up after the Holocaust in Germany. However, this decision for the rest of the family makes little love and becomes a tasting for everyone - especially when Lilka doubters (Eleanor Reissa), the wife of Smycha, revived memories of the time shortly after the Second World War. This leads to a lot of conflicts within the family that grow out to sample. Great series!
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In the 6-part anthology drama series of the ZDF (the sixth part is a documentary), five different stories of five events are told, which show how headlines suddenly change the everyday life of post-migrant people in Germany-including the attack of Hanau, the cowardly Russian attack on Ukraine and the effects of the so-called Stuttgart riot night in 2020. Topics such as everyday racism, identity and social conflicts apart. Great, and above all: open eye. We need a lot more such brave formats that clarify and the advancedoppose something. Logically that the series wins a Grimme price.
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The 4-part seriesHerrhausen - Lord of the moneyis based on true events and tells the story of Alfred Herrhausen (Oliver Masucci), a well -known banker from the eighties. He became known primarily through his idea of issuing poor countries and forgiving a loan to the then USSR - until he sacrifice thebecame. Since then you have only thought about the Red Army Group. However, the series also deals with everything Herrhausen tried to change in the (financial) world. A very exciting and informative series, which was not for nothing that it has been given to this year's Grimme Prize. Well deserved!
5. Make
Photo: NDR
In the NDR mini series, the ambitious ship officer Malika has to work on land for a serious mistake.
Malica (Salka Weber) is the focus of the great work place dramedy. She is a ship officer, but is about to be captain shortly before being promoted. However, when she has an accident on board, nothing seems to become of it, but her supervisor gives her another chance: Malica should work on land at the makers and get her life on her way. Of course, Malica has no desire, but accepts reluctantly - and thus learns a few important new lessons for life. A really worth seeing series that would probably have been totally lost would not have received the Grimme price now. Therefore: be sure to watch!
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DieThe discounter-Macher did not rest on their laurels and with the-SeriePlayers of IbizaReduced one again-and were now also able to collect a Grimme price. It is about the fictional reality showPlayers of Ibizawhose best time is over. The makers therefore want something different, new, and so the new season should become a feminism relay. Only: the participants don't know anything about that. Of course, these are all oversubscribed cliché figures, but the Persiflage works surprisingly well-and makes less ridiculous the stereotypes shown, but rather the reality TV consuming audience. Well done.
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Let's be honest: Humor has always had a difficult time in Germany. You just have to take a look at what has grown in terms of humor this millennium: Erkan & Stefan, Mario Barth, Matze Knop, Oliver Pocher, Dieter Nuhr ... Honestly: their programs are roughly as funny as a vasectomy without anesthesia and a crumpled poverty for what you are generally thinking. Mark Twain, one of the great American writers, is said to have said that German humor is nothing to laugh about-and there is something there. But one of the flag for humor made in Germany has been stable for years and proves with impressive looseness, spontaneity and cleverness that comedy from Germany can actually be funny - and this is Teddy Tecebrhan. In his roles in particular as Antoine Burtz, Percy and Ernst Riedler, he keeps hit the mark and drives his audience in the eye with laughter. You just have to look at what Teddy Teclebrhan in the Prime showLOL: Last One Laughing, the Clash of the Comedy Titans, with a recorder and a talking toy hamster - absolutely terrific, and above all: cursed funny! He also proves this in the really remarkable Teddy Tecebrhan Show, which therefore rightly receives the Grimme Prize. We congratulate!