Mystery, action and forbidden love - "The Gorge" is a roller coaster of feelings! The Esquire interview with Miles Teller & Anya Taylor-Joy

A deep gorge with a dangerous secret:„The Gorge“! Give in the Esquire interviewMiles TellerandAnya Taylor-JoyInsights into their most emotional moments behind the scenes and reveal whether they could have resisted the temptations of the mysterious gorge in real life. You can see that and more in the video!

Miles Teller & Anja Taylor-Joy: In "The Gorge" there is a real thrill & an unusual secret order

Anya Taylor-Joy: A special order in an unknown location.

He: Your home for the next 365 days.

Agentin Drasa, played by Anya Taylor Joy, and ex-marine Levi, played by Miles Teller, guarded a mysterious gorge, from the western and eastern watchtower, without being able to contact each other or the outside world. We spoke to the film's stars shortly before the premiere. Miles Teller has primarily irritated the deep isolation of his character when preparing for the film.

Miles plate: The feeling of physical isolation, but also the feeling of existing between 2 worlds, have many military people or veterans. You go through traumas and share this era with others, but then you are back in civilization and feel so strange.

And so, in addition to curiosity, what is hidden in the gorge and who on the other hand is, the desire for a real connection in this lonely world increases.

A breathless adventure on the edge of the abyss begins. But could the stars of the film in real life be blindly followed and resist curiosity?

Anya Taylor-Joy: I am usually very good at following instructions on the set. But in this case I was like that, hello! What do we do?

Miles plate: If someone would tell me that down there is this thing ...

Anya Taylor-Joy: ... and you can't have it.

Miles plate: And also, what is this thing? And you shouldn't know. I would be so curious.

Anya Taylor-Joy: I would be so, I want to know!

Miles: I want to know what's going on there.

Anya Taylor-Joy: Yes, exactly.

And yet with all the high voltage it is especially the love story of the two characters that make “The Gorge” something special.

Anya Taylor-Joy: I think the romance hadn't worked, the other things would not work.

Miles plate: I agree with that. I think the love story is absolutely tent in history. And without them, everything collapses.

A love story that is damn to fail? WhatisThe big secret in “The Gorge” that separates the two from each other? The exciting story about Drasa, Levi and the dark gorge can now be seen on Apple TV+.

Miles: So what is the mission? Should I stop people from going into the gorge?

He: No, you should get out of what is in the gorge to keep Davo out!