With big cars comes great responsibility, Spider-Man's uncle would say. At least that's how I feel while watching the first onePolestar electric SUVsteer through Munich alleys and parking garages. A few years ago, the entire automotive industry seemed to have said to itself: We are fully committed to growth. Even entry-level SUVs are little giants today. And the Polestar is anything but an entry-level SUV. The goal was: executive feeling. And indeed, a feeling of grandeur immediately sets in when you swing into the immaculately crafted seats. The bonnet with the elegant side elevations slides majestically through the Bavarian capital. The dreaded tank feeling doesn't occur with the Polestar. TheElectric motorEven the basic version delivers almost 500 hp, so that the car, which is almost 5 meters long and weighs around 2.5 tons, feels super light-footed. The legendary acceleration of modern electric cars creates a feeling of free fall in your stomach when you press the accelerator pedal. One pedal driving works wonderfully; the level of recuperation can even be adjusted to three levels. On the country road there is a feeling of great freedom. Of course, this includes good sound, which Bowers & Wilkens delivers - the next attack on the stomach area, this time with bass and sound from 25 speakers in Dolby Atmos Surround Sound. The Polestar 3 is high-end. Whatever is reflected in the price, you won't be able to enjoy the Polarstern for less than 80,000 euros.
Polestar: From the Volvo performance department to the electric car brand
The latest model from the Swedish electric car brand marks a significant step in the company's development. As the brand's first SUV, the Polestar 3 shows how Polestar combines its roots in the Volvo heritage with modern demands for electromobility and comfort. Polestar began as a performance division of Volvo and has since developed into an independent sister brand that specializes fully in electric vehicles. This transformation is closely linked to the history of Volvo, a company known for decades for its safety standards and functional Scandinavian design. Volvo fully acquired Polestar in 2015 to position the brand as the spearhead of electric performance vehicles. Today the vehicles are
Design and technology of the Polestar 3 electric SUV
We liked the design immediately. Scandinavian aesthetics, clean lines and the aerodynamic shape of the Polestar 3 are not only visually appealing, but also contribute to the vehicle's efficiency. Technologically, the Polestar 3 relies on a powerful electric drive that is intended to impress in terms of both range and performance. The vehicle is equipped with a modern Android-based infotainment system, which enables seamless integration of apps and services. Everything works quite intuitively - except opening and closing with a keycard that you have to hold the door handle. Soon you will be able to open the car with your cell phone via an update.
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Polestar 3: Noble materials, sustainable concepts, good feeling
Polestar produces with a credible focus on environmentally friendly materials and manufacturing methods. The company has set itself ambitious goals to reduce the CO2 emissions of its vehicles and is aiming for climate-neutral production in the long term. Many parts, such as the interior trim, are completely recyclable, the basic equipment offers vegan leather, and the optional genuine leather is traceable to a single supplier in the UK. We particularly like the equipment variant with wool materials. While other manufacturers only use around 30 percent wool in such materials, Polestar says it has increased the proportion to 80 percent - without sacrificing durability. The material almost feels like fine suit material, and seats made of wool are particularly welcome in winter, as they don't get nearly as cold as leather seats. And a tailor-made suit like this doesn't hurt in terms of executive feeling.