Quadrobics is the new and uncomplicated fitness trend for everyone who doesn't like the gym

That with thatis a thing like that. On the one hand, you know that you should do some sport and once you're there, it'll be fine. But planning, pulling together and motivating is not always easy, as you may know. But once you've been there and overcome yourself, the whole thing feels even better. Now, of course, you have to do it first. And because it's often easier to motivate yourself at home than to drag yourself to the stuffy studio, we now have onefor you that will get you fit quickly and easily. Thenew fitness trend: Quadrobics.

Quadrobics is the new fitness trend on TikTok

We've been reading and listening for a few months nowagain and again about Quadrobics, the new one, for which you don't need any equipment or devices. Since it involves sports exercises and workouts with your own weight, you can do Quadrobics pretty much anywhere and you don't have to drag yourself to the gym, making it the perfect gym alternative for anyone who doesn't like the gym. The fitness trend is also celebrated on social media for its simplicity and natural movements, which are intended to get you fit quickly and relatively easily. We wanted to know that in more detail.

The fitness trend Quadrobics turns us into animals

Quadrobics doesn't pump us up so much that we suddenly become gorillas and proudly carry our lion's chest around (that's a good thing in a way), but it still makes us animals in a certain way. This is due to the concept of the fitness trend, which is inspired by moving around on all fours. Quadrobics involves using all limbs and the entire body to imitate the movement of different animals. That may sound strange at first, but it's pretty effective and gets us pretty fit pretty quickly. You can think of the fitness trend as a mixture, aerobics and whole-body training, which can also be achieved with the appropriate workout facility(High Intensity Interval Training). If you do this regularly, you won't have to go to the gym anymore.

The advantages of the Quadrobics fitness trend

This trend combines elements from parkour, gymnastics and animal behavior, i.e. being on all fours, to create a challenging form of training that gets us fit quickly and sustainably. You jump, you crawl, you balance on your hands and feet, so strength, coordination and flexibility are required. This uses the whole body and trains many muscle groups at the same time, especially shoulders, arms, legs and core muscles. This not only builds up the respective muscles, but you also have to have good body control and can do so. You don't need any special equipment, nor do you need a gym, and that's exactly what makes the Quadrobics fitness trend so brilliant. Now you just have to do the right exercises and put together a good training plan so that Quadrobics is really successful. Don't worry, we've already sorted that out for you too.

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The perfect Quadrobics training plan

So that you can get started straight away, we have put together the most important exercises from the Quadrobics fitness trend in a small training plan that you can expand, intensify or integrate into other workouts as you wish. Don't worry, it's completely normal for Quadrobics to be a bit challenging at the beginning and not every exercise will be successful right away. Therefore, try to get to grips with the individual exercises and learn the corresponding movement sequence before attempting the followingdare. To repurpose Quadrobics as a gym alternative, you can also use the exercises asinvest. In order to get fit faster, burn calories faster and finish the workout faster, we decided on high-intensity interval training (it's supposed to be great):

1. Warm up – 5 minutes

  • For example: knee lifts, arm circles, side lunges, wrist and ankle rotations, jogging in place

2nd main part – 20 minutes

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Repeat the entire circuit twice.

  • bear walk (Bear Crawl): Move forward and backward on your hands and feet, keeping your back flat and your knees just off the floor.
  • frog jumps (Frog Jumps): Squat down, jump forward, then land gently back into a squat position. Repeat the movement.
  • Lateral crawling (Lateral Crawl): Move sideways on all fours, keeping your body stable and movements controlled.
  • stone's throw (Cat Leap): Jump forward with both feet at the same time, land softly and immediately move on to the next repetition.
  • crocodile walk (Crocodile Walk): Move flat on the floor by pulling yourself forward with your arms and dragging your legs, similar to a crocodile.
  • Spiderman Push-ups: Perform a push-up while pulling one knee to the side toward your elbow. Alternate sides with each repetition.
  • crab run (Crab Walk): Sit on the floor, lift your buttocks and move backwards on your hands and feet.
  • Cheetah Sprints (Cheetah Sprints): Simulate quick sprints in place by pulling your knees up and swinging your arms quickly.

3. Cool Down – 5 Minutes

  • For example: deep breaths, Child's Pose, Cat-Cow Stretch, Seated Forward Bend, Butterfly Stretch

And then you've done it and completed a 30-minute HIIT with Quadrobics exercises that will immediately make you stronger and fitter than you would ever be after half an hour in the gym.

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