High sensitivity can be a unique gift – at work and in relationships

    There are people who experience the world around them as particularly intense. For them, the light is often too bright, the beeping at the supermarket checkout is almost unbearable and the screaming of children in the subway is almost unbearable. It is important to differentiate between external and internal stimuli. Every person perceives their environment in different ways.Highly sensitive peopleoften perceive life as having the volume at the highest levelr. You experience feelings more intensely and perceive stimuli more strongly. But what exactly is behind this special sensitivity?High sensitivityis not a disease, buta fundamental character trait that brings with it both challenges and particular strengths– in professional life, as well as in relationships.

    Understand high sensitivity and use it correctly in your job and relationships

    Highly sensitive people often face challenges because they perceive stimuli more intensely. This can lead to excessive demands - be it due to noise,or conflicts. They also quickly feel hurt interpersonally if others do not understand or respect their sensitivity. Solutions lie in conscious self-management: Highly sensitive people should learn to set clear boundaries, plan breaks and specifically minimize sources of irritation. Open communication helps to avoid misunderstandings and make others understand their perspective. With a balanced approach, you can use your sensitivity as a strength instead of seeing it as a weakness.

    Not a disorder, but a strength: what is meant by high sensitivity

    It is assumed that around 15 to 20 percent of the population are highly sensitive. High sensitivity describes a special property of the nervous system in which people perceive and process stimuli such as noises, smells, moods or even stress more intensively. Highly sensitive people often sense more details in their environment, react more strongly to emotional or sensory impressions and therefore need more time to recover in order to process these impressions. High sensitivity can be a wonderful gift - but it also has its dark sides. Maybe you know the feeling of being more vulnerable than others, of being often misunderstood or of getting lost in a world overloaded with stimuli. You feel burnt out after long meetings, and social events like Christmas parties or company outings cost you more energy than they give you. Noise, high volume and the hustle and bustle of everyday life leave traces of stress and restlessness on you. To protect yourself, you often withdraw - a natural reflex, but one that carries the risk of neglecting social contacts. The talent of high sensitivity can quickly become a burden. But this supposed weakness can also be turned into a strength.

    Career: High sensitivity can be specifically used as a strength at work

    The special abilities of high sensitivity can be a career booster at work. Here we explain how you can specifically bring your talent into your professional life:

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    1. Conflict resolution and teamwork:Highly sensitive people often recognize moods and underlying tensions in the team early on. In meetings or on projects, they can use their empathy to address conflicts and suggest diplomatic solutions. They are particularly effective in their role as mediators.

    2. Quality assurance and detailed work:In areas such as quality management, proofreading, data analysis or product development, precise perception and an eye for details are invaluable. Highly sensitive people often discover errors that others miss, thereby contributing to the perfection of results.

    3. Creative professions:In design, art, advertising or content creation, highly sensitive people benefit from their aesthetic sensitivity and their ability to bring emotions into their work. You develop campaigns or designs that touch other people deeply.

    4. Leadership with sensitivity:Highly sensitive people score points as managers by understanding and motivating their employees on a personal level. You can respond empathetically to individual needs and thus create a supportive, productive working atmosphere.

    5. Customer service and advice:Highly sensitive people are often particularly successful in direct contact with customers – be it in sales, consulting or coaching. They listen carefully, recognize unspoken wishes or concerns and offer tailor-made solutions.

    6. Sustainability and future projects:Highly sensitive people often think holistically and forward-looking. In careers that require innovation or sustainability, such as environmental research or social projects, they bring creative but also practical approaches.

    7. Pedagogy and care:In professions such as education,or care, highly sensitive people are particularly valued because of their empathy and understanding of the needs of others. You build strong relationships and promote individual growth.

    It is important that highly sensitive people actively shape their work environment - for example through regular breaks, clear prioritization and an open dialogue about their needs. With these strategies you can turn your sensitivity into a real competitive advantage in any industry.

    Reading tip on the topic of high sensitivity

    High sensitivity in the relationship

    High sensitivity is also a real strength in relationships, as highly sensitive people intensively perceive emotions, moods and unspoken needs in their relationship. They recognize early on when something remains unsaid and create space for honest conversations. Her strong empathy helps to build deep connections, while her eye for detail makes everyday life particularly loving and attentive - be it through small gestures, thoughtful surprises or a sense of the right moment. However, they also need space to process their own feelings and should talk openly about their needs. In a supportive relationship, high sensitivity can become a real treasure and take the relationship to a deeper level.

    This is how outsiders deal with highly sensitive people without overwhelming them

    Dealing with highly sensitive people requires understanding and consideration in order to avoid being overwhelmed. It's important theirto be respected, as they often have clear ideas about which situations or stimuli will be too much for them. Noise, hectic environments or too many social obligations can quickly overwhelm them. Clear and calm communication helps avoid misunderstandings and creates a sense of security. Patience is necessary because highly sensitive people often need more time to process experiences or information. It is advisable not to expect quick decisions or reactions from them. To avoid overstimulation, the selection of shared activities should be considered so as not to stimulate them unnecessarily. Smaller, quieter environments are often more pleasant than crowded or hectic places. Recognizing and appreciating their efforts can also help them feel understood. Criticism should be expressed constructively and carefully, as it resonates more intensely with highly sensitive people. A careful, respectful approach promotes a positive relationship in which the special strengths of highly sensitive people - such as empathy and creativity - can come into their own.

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