External places that were built by aliens according to rumors

For centuries, we have fascinated certain buildings and monuments, the history of which is still unclear to this day. Exactly these ambiguities leave space for speculation and extraterrestrial theories. Are these buildings the work of highly developed old cultures or did they have help from the AL? Here are three of the most famous places that are said to have been built by aliens.

1. The pyramids of Gizeh

The Pyramids of Giza in Egypt are one of the most fascinating buildings in human history. The huge stone blocks, some of which weigh up to 15 tons, were shaped into these majestic structures around 4,500 years ago. Scientists suspect that thousands of workers had been involved in their construction for decades. Nevertheless, it remains unclear how exactly these huge blocks were transported and stacked millimeter precisely. Some theorists believe that extraterrestrial beings may have helped the ancient Egyptians with progressive technology.

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2. Stonehenge in England

The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge in England has puzzled scientists for centuries. The stones of heavy stones were arranged in a way about 5,000 years ago that is in line with astronomical events. As the people at the time managed to transport the massive stones over many kilometers and set up precisely, remains a mystery. Some believe that this could only have been possible with the help of an advanced civilization or even by extraterrestrial technologies.

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3. The Moai statues on the Easter Island

The gigantic Moai statues on the Easter Island are among the most puzzling sculptures in the world. They are up to ten meters high and sometimes weigh over 80 tons. How the indigenous people of the island carved, transported and straightened these massive characters over 1,000 years ago remains unclear to this day. Some researchers argue that theoretically it could have been possible with human strength and sophisticated techniques. Nevertheless, there are conspiracy theories that say that aliens have played a role in the construction of these monuments.

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