There are 7 types of masculinity, two of which are damn toxic

    What is masculinity for me and what kind of man do I want to be? Every man inevitably has to ask himself these questions within his own frameworkplace. Somewhere you want to be a modern man and behave well, of course, but somewhere society forces you into certain conventions. You should be male but not toxic, show feelings but at the same time offer a strong shoulder. It's not that easy to find the right middle ground and live up to the responsibility that comes with masculinity. Psychology is concerned with what comes out of the search for masculinity. As a result, she definesseven types of masculinity that differ in their behavior and attitudes. We put the masculinity types through the wringer andchecked for toxic traits.

    From Alpha to Sigma Males – which of the 7 masculinity types are toxic?

    It is no longer the case that masculinity is clearly defined and indoctrinated. This didn't work before and has finally been loosened up in recent years. Masculinity is complex, many are now beginning to understand that. In psychology, a distinction is made between seven different types of masculinity that exist in our society. Unfortunately, not all of them are free from. On the contrary: one or the other type of masculinity is a true master atto live out, even if it doesn't seem like it at first glance. That's why we took a closer look at the seven types of masculinity and researched: Which man is toxic? And which man comes up with the concept?the next?

    1. Alpha Males: toxic masculinity in your face

    Alpha Males are confident and ambitious men. They are confident in themselves and make it clear to others that they feel better than themselves. In a professional context, they often assume leadership positions or at least think that they can boss other people around, simply because they know better. That's why they always try to set the tone in groups. They find it difficult to let other people tell them anything, especially when the orders come from a woman. It is clearly anchored in Alpha Males' self-image that men dominate women. We probably don't need to go into further detail about their potential to be toxic. Sheto get what they want. They belittle people just to make themselves feel better and have a clear sense of hierarchy. That's why Alpha Males are also common., the epitome of toxic – and criminal – masculinity, is a classic example of this type of masculinity.

    2. Beta Males: partners at eye level

    In contrast to Alpha Males, Beta Males exhibit significantly fewer toxic behaviors. They are more reserved and cooperative; material wealth and career are not as important to them as personal relationships. That's exactly why Beta Males do so well in relationships: their focus is on interpersonal relationships and problems are resolved through goal-oriented discussions. However, it is not always easy for them to open up to other people because the trust they place in them is often abused. They are often reserved in groups, not because they don't have an opinion, but because they don't have to frantically enforce it. Beta Males are one of the masculinity types that come closest to modern and open masculinity, simply because they do not interpret being a man as power and always display fair behavior.

    3. Gamma Males: independent adventurers

    Gamma Males are, first and foremost, adventurers. They don't care much about social conventions and live by their own rules. Fun and freedom are particularly important to them; they want to experience something and are always open to new things. They are often popular in social groups because they are interested and open.But leading with them only works if you adapt to their mindset. Gamma Males do not allow themselves to be restricted; reliability and loyalty are not their strengths. Although this type of masculinity is very peace-loving and doesn't want to harm anyone, it sometimes happens that he disappoints or hurts people with his behavior. As soon as his perceived freedom is in danger, he pays no attention to anything or anyone. This is not intentionally toxic behavior, but it can quickly become toxic, especially in a dating a big topic here.

    4. Delta Males: self-reflection personified

    Delta Males are quite similar in nature to Beta Males. Other people are important to them, family is the focus. At the same time, Delta Males are also quite reserved. It is often assumed that Delta Males are shy men. That can be the case, but it doesn't have to be. Delta Males are simply introverted guys who work hard without having to show it off to others. You take responsibility without letting others feel it. They always want to improve themselves, not to please others, but because they like to work on themselves. Your constantis her great strength. Men who correspond to this masculinity type probably have the healthiest relationship with their own personality; toxic behavior patterns are alien to them. If they do make a mistake, they learn quickly and won't make it again next time.

    5. Zeta Males: Anti-Mainstreamer

    Zeta Males, like Gamma Males, don't care much about social conventions. Gamma Males do this to preserve their freedom, Zeta Males do this because mainstream just isn't their thing. That's why artists and creative people often belong to this masculinity type who don't want to bow to mainstream society. They don't care whether they please others. The main thing is that they can identify with their own self-image. Your interests come first, your will counts. This often makes it difficult to find compromises in human relationships. Your potential to be toxic masculine is moderate. Although they don't think hierarchically, they always prioritize themselves first, even if those around them have to suffer because of it.

    6. Sigma Males: selfish loners

    We are talking about masculinity types here, of course there is another onemust occur. May we introduce: the Sigma Males, a manipulative and dominant type of masculinity that doesn't care about others. We are dealing with a masculinity type that is very similar to Alpha Males. They see themselves as superior to others, like to be in charge and try to control those around them like puppets. However, the only difference with Alpha Males is that Sigma Males don't care about other people's opinions. Alpha Males bask in their popularity and want others to like them. Sigma Males doesn't really care, which is why they don't try to ingratiate themselves. They do their thing and know that they can play with others. That's exactly what makes this type of masculinity so toxic. They enjoy their power, but their reputation doesn't matter to them.

    7. Omega Males: smart introverts

    Delta and Omega Males are quite similar in the way they interact with other people. Both are rather introverted and quiet men who don't have to make their opinions known. You are smart and like to work on yourself and your career. Self-reflection is particularly important to them, and personal development is their big topic. While Delta Males doesn't care about other people's opinions, Omega Males couldn't care less about those around her. That's why they are often akward in social situations - they simply don't care what others think of them. They follow their own rules and are very concerned with themselves and their personal development, from which they also follow theirsscoop. They give themselves confirmation. In most cases, toxic behavior is not their thing. But unfortunately sometimes not empathy. Omega Males are often too honest for that.

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