The idea of ​​great love is idealized everywhere, but the dating trend “The one” is quite toxic

Dieis what is commonly sold to us as the most important goal in life. We should all find that one person who is perfect for us and then be happy with them for a lifetime. At least that's what we learned from Hollywood and somehow from our parents. Under the guise of the newDating-TrendsThe one Many young people are now looking for that one person, their perfect match, who will fulfill all their wishes and represent their true love. Somehowtoxic and courageous in a negative sense. You can actually just fall flat on your face.

Dating trend The one propagates the ideal of great love

That there is that one person out there with whom you have a kindand who fits you perfectly is a fixed idea that has been idealized for centuries. Sure, it's nice to really fall in love and find the one person, we don't need to argue about that. But what we can definitely discuss is that the image of the perfect relationship is presented as having no alternative and being possible. You can also be happy if you don't meet your true love or don't experience this marketed fireworks display of emotions, which raises the question of whether this will ever be the case? or that must be the case. People following the dating trendThe onerunning after them, they still strive for true love. They don't even realize that this can be quite toxic and backfire.

What those involved hope for from the dating trend The one

On social media you can see that people are following the keywordThe onereport on their search for the perfect partner. They then expect from this self-imposed goal,. However, it is not entirely clear how they plan to do this. Many report that they abandon their dates at the slightest inconsistencies and that they are no longer willing to compromise. The idea of ​​great love tempts them so much that they don't want to settle for anything less. And then there are those who say exactly the opposite. They recount the moment at which they gave upThe oneto search. Too pessimistic or a healthy approach?

With the dating trend The one you are pursuing an unattainable goal

The need,who you want to spend your life with is completely understandable and human. Not only because this has always been drummed into us from the outside, but also because people are romantically inclined. The only question that arises is whether it is really the right approach to the dating trendThe oneto follow and concentrate exclusively on people for whom it fits 100 percent. Even people in happy and healthy relationships report that this perfect match does not exist. And that makes the search for it so difficult, if not impossible. High expectations can rarely be met; you are disappointed, desperate and never satisfied. As well as,The oneWith the demand for perfection, finding something becomes an impossible task. That's why the idea of ​​great love is so dangerous and toxic if you misinterpret its definition. This is what the dating trend doesThe oneincorrect. So let's correct the picture.

Rejecting the dating trend The one doesn't mean accepting the bare minimum

Before we see the image of great love and with it the dating trendThe oneIf we want to reinterpret it, we still have to make one thing clear. Just because we say it's not healthy to chase the unattainable ideal of great love doesn't mean that great love doesn't exist, nor does it mean that you have to get involved with people you don't love at all.. A relationship is about building a bond with another person for whom you have romantic feelings. This can and should feel perfect, but you shouldn't always be guided by the idea of ​​perfection when searching. Sometimes what is good for us is completely different than what we imagined in our imagination.

How to reinterpret the dating trend The one

Single life is far too beautiful to be sacrificed for a relationship that doesn't make you happy. In that sense, the dating trend hasThe oneright: We look for partners who are really good for us and who we love with all our hearts. What he just ignores is that people aren't perfect. When living with others there will always be points for which you have to find compromises. That doesn't mean the relationship isn't happy and the person isn't happyThe oneacts. Just have toThe onedoesn't necessarily mean that everything will go smoothly. If you want a partner with whom you can build an intimate and healthy relationship, it is absolutely legitimateThe oneto search. However, you should have a certain openness that perfection doesn't have to be perfect. Sometimes it helps to trust your gut feeling and just do what feels good? and not what any rules want to dictate to us when it comes to “great love”.

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