More thanit does not work. Love is the greatest, sometimes the most beautiful, but sometimes that toowhat our emotional world has to offer. Feeling love and receiving love are fundamental parts of our lives and important for our emotional well-being. But that doesn't mean that love is always linked to romance,and physicality must go hand in hand. There are many different types of love, each with its own importance. Even if we don't even have it on our screen, it playsPlatonic love plays a large and decisive role in matters of happiness, satisfaction and a happy life. About thePower of non-romantic relationships.
Platonic love is one of many facets of love
When you think of love, you immediately think of romantic relationships. Two people who are attracted to each other and are looking for physical closeness. Romantic relationships can also consist of several parties (), involve changing sexual partners (open relationship) or go without sex at all (asexual relationship). Like itThere are also different forms of love. Because love doesn't always have to have romantic intentions, for example when we think about our family or friends. We would do anything for our mates, but get into bed with them? Nope, never. BothIt is a very close but non-romantic relationship, also known as platonic love. Just because it excludes sexual acts doesn't mean it's any less important.
Platonic love: romantic relationships, just without sex
Platonic love refers to a deep, non-romantic affection between two people. The term comes from the Greek philosopher Plato, who tried to describe a form of love that goes beyond the physical and focuses more on the spiritual and emotional. Today we understand platonic love as a close friendship in which one...becomes. So romantic feelings are not involved and yet these relationships can be very deep and meaningful because they are based on mutual respect, trust and a deep connection. People in platonic relationships value each other for their personalities, character, and shared interests.
Platonic love is based on inner values
In love with your best friend? It sounds kind of strange, but it's actually not. Because yes, you can feel love without having romantic or even sexual feelings. As much as we value and need physical closeness, we also need the platonic relationships that we have in our lives and that we are often not even aware of. They usually occur in close friendships in which we share everything from everyday life to interests and humor. You have the same values and attitudes, you appreciate the other person for their character and you can no longer imagine life without them. It is therefore a form of love that is based on personality and inner values and is not dependent on external appearances. And that's exactly what makes platonic love so beautiful. You maintain a deep emotional bond with each other without having to go through the emotional lows and highs of a romantic relationship, which often comes with a certain level of expectation. Of course, arguments can sometimes arise in friendships. Anyone ever have one?Having experienced it, I know how painful it can be. And yet, platonic relationships are usually more long-lasting than non-romantic relationships.
The meaning of platonic love
We're not saying that platonic love is more important than romantic relationships. Both forms of love have their right to exist and are important for leading a happy and fulfilling life. However, many people have romantic relationships as the biggest goal in their minds, even though platonic love is at least as important and should be nurtured. It is an essential part of our lives, our safe space that we share with close friends. Now to be honest, where would we be without them? The open ear, the support, the trust, and even just the good company that platonic relationships offer are essential for our well-being. You can live without a romantic relationship, yes, but without it? Unimaginable. They are there when you need them, provide support when you fall, and stay with you as romantic relationships come and go. They give us confidence and validation, not for our appearance, but for our character and inner values. We are not alone with them. And that's exactly why platonic love in the form of non-romantic relationships is so important.
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