Just like any other fixtures and furniture in your home, houseplants need to be cleaned occasionally. But unlike cleaning the baseboards or vacuuming the carpet, it's not just about aesthetics and cleanliness. If you don't dust your plants regularly, you can affect their well-being.
How can you properly remove dust from plants?
Clean plants are a beautiful addition to your home and they purify the air beautifully. Like pretty much everything in your home, houseplants accumulate dust, dirt, and other debris over time. And a layer of dust on the leaves can reduce the absorption of sunlight, thereby affecting the plant's ability to feed itself through photosynthesis. Have you never dusted a houseplant before or are you not sure which method to use on your plant? We have everything for you. Here you will find out why cleaning should not be neglected and why it has great benefits.
How often should a houseplant be cleaned?
The leaves of houseplants collect dust, especially if they are near a window or entrance. If you live in a dirty environment, your plants will regularly be covered in dust.
There is no hard and fast rule for how often you should clean them. The best way to determine whether they need dusting is to rub the leaves with your fingers. If you feel or see more dust than you can blow away, it's time for a cleaning. In general, we recommend dusting your houseplants every one to two months.
Dust off small and delicate plants
- When you dust your home, you can also include your small houseplants. Just gently run the feather duster over the leaves and make sure it is clean.
- For a more thorough cleaning, place smaller or compact houseplants like pothos or pilea in a sink and rinse them with lukewarm water to rid them of pests and dust. Keep water pressure low and do not use hot or cold water as extreme temperatures can damage the leaves. During the warmer months, you can place your houseplants in a shady spot outdoors and gently hose them down.
- For more delicate, small houseplants like ferns, another option is to submerge the leaves in a bucket of lukewarm water. First, support the plant and its soil with your fingers. Then turn the pot mostly upside down until you can submerge the leaves in water and swirl them around a bit.
The most effective cleaning methods for medium and large plants
- Spray nozzle:The easiest way to clean medium to large houseplants is to hose them down with a spray nozzle in the kitchen sink, shower, or outside. Keep the water pressure low and check that the water is lukewarm before spraying - water that is too hot or too cold can damage the plant's leaves. Carefully support the leaves or petioles with your hand when spraying.
- Spray bottle:For plants that cannot handle the power of a spray nozzle, a spray bottle is a good solution.
- Damp cloth:Large older plants that are not as easy to move as the rubber plant ora fully grown dragon tree, or those with very large leaves can be rubbed gently with a soft, damp cloth. Support the sheet from below with your hand to prevent it from tearing.
Cacti and plants with hairy leaves
Not all plants can be put in the shower or wiped. Many cacti and succulents, such as b.some bonsaisand Pachypodium, are sensitive to the overwatering that would occur with a flood of water in a shower. With a simple atomizer you can get the water where it's needed without overdoing it.
If you have plants with hairy leaves (such as African violets), it's best to avoid getting them wet to avoid ugly water stains on the foliage. A duster won't help much though. Instead, try using a soft-bristled brush, soft toothbrush, or pipe cleaner. Gently brush from the base of the leaf to the tip to remove dust, lint and other debris.
This method also works well for cacti with few small spines. While it is more time consuming and can be difficult, you usually have to do it less often. If possible, simply brush or blow away the dust.
Cut off the dead leaves
When you clean your plants, you may notice dead leaves. Cutting off these leaves not only improves the appearance of your plant, but also ensures that more nutrients reach the surviving leaves. You can easily remove dead or dying leaves by hand if they are loose. You can also use scissors and cut the leaves as close to the trunk as possible.