Psychology: Those who sleep on this side have erotic dreams more often

Sleeping positions have been proven to influence our dreams, and what's particularly interesting is that people who sleep on their stomachs are more likely to experience erotic dreams. According to a study from Shue Yan University in Hong Kong, stomach sleepers often report intense, exciting and erotic dreams. Scientists suspect that the reason for this lies in the specific posture of the body: the pressure that is exerted on various parts of the body, including the sexual organs, when lying on the stomach is processed symbolically in the dream.

This connection betweenand dream content was found in a survey of 670 people, many of whom reported having erotic dreams while lying on their stomach. In addition to these dreams, the respondents also reported other intense dream experiences, such as the feeling of being followed or being naked. Head of study Dr. Calvin Kai-Ching Yu explains that the physical pressure on the stomach and lungs is translated into symbolic scenarios in dreams.

So while stomach sleepers are more likely to dream about erotic content, the results also show that sleeping positions in general can influence different types of dreams. But regardless of whether you prefer erotic dreams or not, it's worth paying attention to your sleeping habits, as they can have a significant impact on our dream experience.