Are we sitting on a powder barrel? Trump, Musk, Rogan: Thetoxic masculinityIs back - with all might. TheAmerican Professor Scott Gallowaythe US election even called a testosterone vote. Nevertheless, the progressive podcaster and bestselling author are convinced of masculinity and advocates the BEste to pull out for themselves - for the benefit of others.
Photo: Mary Beth Koeth
The 60-year-old NYU professor, for short, is a YouTube star and bestseller author, hosts podcasts and is one of the most important talking heads of our time. This text was created as a protocol of a long interview.
The professor is doing his rounds. During the interview Tigert Scott Galloway in the same circles through his New York apartment, he can better relax, he says, while keeping Esquire exclusively a private lecture. Topic: "Masculinity and the challenges and opportunities of the next generation". Scott Galloway teaches on the NYU, hosts several enormously successful podcasts (our favorite: Pivot with Kara Swisher), has kept the most watched Ted Talk 2024 ("How the Us Is Destroying Young People's Future") and numerous bestsellers, including the algebra of money. He even invented a drink on the election night, from which Donald Trump emerged as the winner: panics - a mixture of the sedative Xanax and the delicious Italian beer Peroni. This man, at least you can say that, is The Man. And he speaks ready for printing. His lecture in the wording:
The crisis of masculinity
Masculinity is a social construct, and it can serve as a fixed star to solve many problems of young men. And there are enough problems, the data are depressing: today men have a four -time risk than women to become drug -dependent, a triple higher suicide rate, it is even so likely that they end up in prison twelve times. Especially men who have little social support because they do not go to university or work remote and never see colleagues or live in no relationship can benefit from a new code. But he has to be positive. We have to bait young men. Here I would like to bring three terms into play: provider, protector and process.
1. Provider - the provider
It is the cold, gruesome truth: the traditional role of a man in capitalist societies depends heavily on his economic possibilities. In studies, three quarters of all women confirm that economic success is important to men worldwide. It is wishful thinking, especially of us progressive, that there will be significantly more housekeepers in the future. That is the bad news. The good thing: a man doesn't have to be rich, he doesn't even have to be a hammer type to start well - he only has to have a plan. It almost doesn't matter what kind of one. When I was 15, I wanted to become athlete at 19, with 22 investment bankers, at 25 I was at a loss, but sure that I did not want to become athlete, doctor or investor. Nevertheless, it was important to have a plan at all times, because a plan gives a goal - even if this goal should change. A plan ensures discipline in the workplace, step -by -step progress and accuses certificates, contacts and at least experience on the way.
The biggest mistake that many men make is an attempt to turn your hobby into a profession. Too many others want that too. The success rate falls into the bottom, unemployment increases accordingly. Sport, nightlife, entertainment - all notoriously difficult "passion industries". The real challenge is to find a job in which you are good and then get great over time. Best in jobs that have a low unemployment rate. Anyone who can find jobs in an industry in which 95 percent of all working people can actually play in the upper half will earn a good living. Anyone who belongs to the top ten in their area will even earn great. You will not succeed in the “Passion Industries”-unless you are one of the top 1 percent. In words: one percent. However, if you find this profession in which you get great over time, the passion comes all by yourself. Be it as an investment banker or iron melmer - if you are the best, you will earn well. And have enough money to indulge in your hobbies at the weekend
2. Protector - the protector
Real men do not start a dispute in bars, they settle him. Real men don't need, they absorb gene oils. They listen to, remember things, pay attention. This does not mean that you should deny your emotions, but generally said, you just shouldn't rumble. Masculinity arises from the ability to protect yourself, so it comes from strength. Fitness is extremely important. The young male body is one of the most remarkable machines that have ever been invented. The bone structure, muscle mass, everything soaked in the great substance testosterone - the male person is one of the most perfect organisms ever. I know what I'm talking about, I am in my seventh century. I guarantee everyone who looks back on his 20s that he will bite into the ass because he did not get everything out of himself - by the way with manageable effort. If weights, run around your life, spend. Fitness reduces the risk of depression and immediately makes every person more attractive for potential partners, which is not due to a thick biceps, but at the signal that emanates from a thick biceps: that you are serious that you are disciplined that you get your butt up. Incidentally, this signal is equally important for employers as in women. Such a man is father material. Because if you can protect yourself, you can protect your environment over time and at some point maybe even people who will not get to know your life. A real proof of masculinity is to plant trees in which you will never sit in the shade.
3. Procreator - the partner
Let's focus on heterosexual relationships: today men receive more often than before that they appeal to potential partners. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of all studies show that women clearly prefer it when the man takes over the initiative. There is nothing problematic to signal romantic interest. If you don't know the difference between an invitation to coffee and sexual harassment, you have completely different problems.
Ultimately, it depends on a certain ability, maybe it is even the most underestimated ability at all: the will to endure rejection. 75 percent of all people who have been married for more than 40 years state that one of the two was much less interested than the other at the beginning. This is usually the woman, because anthropologically speaking, women have developed significantly finer filters over the years for potential partners. The courage to approach a woman in a bar, to speak politely, to start a conversation and to withdraw just as politely, if there is no interest, is a fundamental ability that has a positive effect on all areas, not least on your own working life. Show me someone who performs well in a bar, he will most likely also appear well in a conference room.
Again, there is nothing wrong with addressing women. It is probably the most important decision in life who you start a serious relationship with and reproduce. The quality and resilience of this decision is based on how often you failed, and especially how often you have tried it. So if you do not take a rejection, you will have to put up with never to land a league higher - neither economically nor romantic. If you meet a not particularly good -looking man with an impressive woman, it is clear: the guy is either stone -rich or he has no problem with rejection. Then at some point he will find the woman who finds him funny or attractive in his own way or jumps on his pheromones, although he doesn't look like a film star. The miracle of human sexuality is that very different people are interested in very different people for very different reasons.
Masculinity als Nordstern
In briefly summarized, my advice on young men is: think of masculinity as a code that leads you through life. Get your stuff on the line, you have to be able to care for yourself at least. Your principle of action should be to protect other people. For example, you don't have to understand everything that is concerned. But if you witness you are demonized, your immediate instinct should be to defend them. Point! If someone is bothered in the subway, the situation is clear, there is no excuse, you are men, you are entering. You protect people. And if someone pulls behind your back over someone who is not in the room, then you defend this person. As much as it is possible for you: don't pull over other people. And almost all people who had children say the same thing at the end of life: to raise a child in a safe, loving household with a competent partner is the most fulfilling and great thing that can happen in a human life.
The political dimension
I called Donald Trump's re-election of the testosterone vote. We progressive must be critical of this development. A development that now follows with a slight delay in Europe. It is due to the inability of the left to tackle fundamental problems, especially immigration and crimes. Die Linke has the sheer mention of both problems as racist, until even moderate rights were fed up with even moderate rights. In this way, radical populists were able to thrive, and that is currently happening in Germany. If the past German governments had seriously addressed the problems, hardly any room would have been created for political actors, who unfortunately remind me of darkest German times.
This development overshadows a huge victory that we have achieved together. Today, more women attend universities in most western countries than men, and this is even the case worldwide. In the past 30 years, the number of women has doubled in parliaments. What a triumph! More men should also recognize that many women are better in all money-earning things than them-and also take care of the care work. This can also be awarded a supplier. I even think it is very dangerous when men stand in the way of their women's success. This is the worst of both worlds. The budget will be under financial pressure and the relationship will go down the stream. On the other hand, one uniformly uniformly emancipated, 1 plus 1 can even result in 3.
At the same time, my advice to young men is to start working with the aim of becoming the primary provider. You can still change your mind.
Mentors, get in touch!
This goes out to the older ones among us: the failure of many young men can be traced back to one thing in life: the loss of male role models. The United States has one of the highest rates of households with single mothers. Because the father dies or the parents divorce and the father has no more contact with the children, which leads to a frighteningly high quota of about a third. Also because courts decide in more than 90 percent of custody of women. A difficult situation in which many families are. Interestingly, daughters are much better off than sons. Young women from single -parent households have similarly high shares in students and secondary schools and earn in the course of life as much as women who have been brought up by both parents. Studies show that boys are physically stronger, but emotionally and mentally weaker than young women. One of the main reasons for failure in the life of many prison inmates is the absence of male models in freedom. Many detainees even refer to prison attendants as their first adult male caregivers. Female teachers often work in schools in low -income areas, sometimes entire neighborhoods are swept empty by adult male models.
So how do we get men back to the life of boys? And why does nobody take on their fates? I accuse two parties: the Catholic Church and Michael Jackson. Terrible incidents that are a legitimate reason that people find people suspicious when an older man deals intensively with a younger one. Because he doesn't have his own family, but a lot of fatherly energy. But this prejudice and skepticism must stop. We need more men in the life of boys who feel lost. As a potential mentor, you don't even have to be rich or a high -flyer, it is enough to live an integral life to convey values. Young men are notoriously bad decisions, as a father of two boys I know what I am talking about. Mere presence, a little interest, take care of the easiest, the simplest tips can work wonders. Hey boy, it's not a good idea to play video games for 14 hours a day! You will not earn your living with gaming. It is the simplest things that get stuck the most in the head of young men.
We have to end the shaming of mentors, dishes must incorporate the importance of male models into their judgments, and many mothers also have to help. My mom was a single immigrant, she was brutally difficult, but she was very good at letting men into my life. You should also allow that as a father. Your own old friend may make it better to listen to your own son than you can do it as a dad. There are many anthropological reasons for young men to differentiate themselves from their producers. I get 20 to 30 emails from young men every day who ask me for advice. My boys have not even asked me in the past two years what time it is.
Against the toxic
Worldwide, about ethnic groups. Raised income and social classes is completely clear: The best source of a happy life is deep, fulfilling relationships: do I feel accepted and recognized at work? Respect me people who in turn admire? Does my family support me and do my relatives feel like you can rely on me? Do I find out camaraderie and fraternal love from my friends? And do you find out these things from me too? It is totally smart, professional and personally, to have a big circle of friends.
Time investment in friendships also drives economic success, because men need guidelines - more than women. You need friends, ideally a friend and ideally an older guy you respect. And who tells you that you shouldn't smoke your pear every evening and tell you: Hey, don't drink that much, you have to get out tomorrow morning. Or: I saw a great job offer, would that be something for you?
The best guardrails for young men are healthy relationships. We help you with that. Because Happiness is the best antidote to toxic masculinity.
Minefeld masculinity Many young men have to struggle - especially with themselves, with a society that is increasingly skeptical about them, and with a lack of role models.
The top principle for men should be to protect others.