Some people you just have to like. They are selfless, sacrifice themselves for others and are always there when you need them. For this they are valued and loved by everyone. But what if the type of person you would describe as nice personified is actually not as nice as you think? What if he always appears to be sunshine on the outside and suddenly becomes an asshole in the relationship? Then you may have it with youreverse narcissismto do. And that's a pretty modest affair. We'll now tell you what it's all about and why it's so painful, especially for your partners.
Even with reverse narcissism, please do not use therapy speak!
Narcissists here, narcissists there, everywhere we talk about narcissism. Psychological personality disorder has become the center of attention and has become a collective term for bad human traits that often have nothing to do with narcissism (keyword:). To ensure that something like this doesn't happen and that we actually find out what narcissism actually means, we recently didwritten. It's worth checking out and reading through - in every respect. So now continue with the text.
Reverse narcissism: nice on the outside, nasty on the inside
Narcissism in the classic sense describes a personality trait in which those affected feel excessively selfish and. Everything has to revolve around them, they are self-absorbed and take everything personally. With reverse narcissism, however, things are different. People from this specialthose affected are outwardly the empathetic sunshine. They are there for others, help where they can and are happy to sacrifice themselves for others. Everyone appreciates her, everyone likes her. In their relationship, however, when they are only alone with one person, they then show their true colors. And that's what you imagine the face of a narcissistic person to look like: self-centered, inconsiderate and mean. Suddenly the supposed sunshine turns into a real tyrant. But why? And why with the person you actually love?
Mean in relationships: the logic of reverse narcissism
This may all sound strange at first. So we have a person, a real ray of sunshine, who is always there for everyone, and then he is supposed to become a complete narcissist in his relationship? That's exactly how it is. Even if this sounds paradoxical at first, it is actually quite logical to explain. Manipulating other people in a way that best suits your own needs is a typical narcissistic trait. And that's exactly what happens with reverse narcissism. Sufferers behave super-friendly towards others and help them in any way they can in order to gain their admiration and approval. They want to be liked by everyone and therefore portray themselves as helpful in person. In their relationship, however, things are different. This is where reverse narcissists feel so safe - after all, they already have the other person in their pockets - that they show their true colors here. The people who suffer suffer everything and have to pay for their partner's personality disorder. Not an easy task!
What makes reverse narcissism so difficult to deal with
Now you ask yourself instead of your partner: Yes, man, then break up. But it's not quite that simple, especially since reverse narcissism is usually not apparent at the beginning of the relationship. Only when those affected are really sure that they have convinced the other person of themselves do they slowly begin to unpack their narcissistic traits. And that's not easy for those who suffer, after all, there are intense feelings at play at this point. They are rarely able to exchange ideas, as everyone else thinks that the party in question is niceness personified. “Now I don’t have you like that” or “I can’t imagine that with XY” are sentences that you often hear. You begin to doubt your own perception: How can this nice and helpful person be so mean? Am I mistaken? That's why the separation often doesn't become an issue so quickly.
And how you can still counteract reverse narcissism
Enduring cannot be the solution to reverse narcissism. The difficult task with this form of narcissism is to first recognize it. You can only unmask her when she shows her true face and by then it is often too late for the other person in the relationship. But what do you do when your partner suddenly turns out to be a mean person and is nice to everyone but you? Then you have no choice but to choose the classic way of dealing with narcissists: make clear announcements, set boundaries and draw consequences. Of course, this is not always easy, especially since narcissistic people tend to be provocative and often thatwanting to belittle others in order to feel better about themselves. But if this doesn't work, it will be difficult to have a relationship with these people that is healthy and happy in any way. Then you just have to think about yourself and, if necessary, end the partnership. After all, reverse narcissism is a personality disorder that needs to be treated and not endured by anyone.
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