Actually he has usalways provided good service. Not that we have anything against it, but we won't be wearing it much this winter. This is due to a piece of clothing that is simply more practical, cooler and a little bit more special than a simple sweater: we're talking about the Troyer. It has absolutely nothing to do with a wooden horse, but rather a knitted sweater that has a zipper from the collar to the chest.What advantages does this have, how best to wear and combine the Troyer this winter and where does the Troyer actually come from? You can find out here and now.
Troyer: Where does the fashion trend actually come from?
The Troyer has its origins in the traditional work clothing of Nordic sailors. As early as the 19th century, fishermen in northern Germany woreand the Netherlands the Troyer to protect themselves from the cold and wind on the high seas. The characteristic collar, which can be fastened up, offered ideal protection against the harsh weather of the coastal regions. The material, usually thick wool, insulated and kept you warm, even when it got slightly damp. Over the course of the 20th century, the Troyer was not only worn by laborers and fishermen, but also adopted by the Navy and other uniformed groups. Thanks to its simple, functional look, it soon became popular in the fashion world, especially in the 1980s. The Troyer developed into a popular piece of clothing for leisure time, valued for its warmth and versatility. Today the Troyer symbolizes more than just Nordic things, but also a relaxed, functional aesthetic.
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Why is the Troyer better than a normal sweater?
We can answer that very quickly. The Troyer has everything a normal sweater has - and the additional function of the functional collar. So he can simply do more. If the worst comes to the worst, you can close the Troyer completely and your neck is protected from cold and wind. Even though you'll probably rarely use this feature, it's a good one to have. But the Troyer also just looks cooler. The collar can be folded down on some models, while on others it remains standing. Both look better in combination with a jacket than just a sweater. Bit like a, just not so high-necked.
How to wear the Troyer in winter 2024?
It should be cold if you choose a Troyer. Most models are made of thick knit and keep you really warm. Due to its Nordic aesthetic, the Troyer is often an alternative to a sweater that is worn in leisure time, especially when it comes to models that are not simple and monochromatic. It's best to combine the Troyer with oneunderneath. Be careful, this will make it even warmer. The cutout that the zipper forms can be used like a picture frame for a necklace - the perfect jewelry accessory for the Troyer. Jeans and sneakers, and you're a little ahead of anyone who "just" opts for a sweater this winter.
Where can you find the best Troyer?
All brands that are known for knitwear in winter are guaranteed to have troyers in their collections this year. We're talking about brands likeStephan Boya, Zegna, ClosedorCanada Goose.There are plain-colored basic troyers that go with everythingAscetic, COSorBrax.You can find the perfect mix hereStrellson, Tommy Hilfiger, Paul & Shark, BognerandMarc O'Polo.We could go on and on with the list of brands that are providing us with Troyer sweaters this year. And in the end it's just the final proof: Troyers are a must for everyone this winter. There are worse things.
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