3-7-14 rule: This shopping formula can avoid wrong purchases-and so it works

3-7-14 rule: This is behind the shopping formula, with which wrong purchases can be avoided

I only understand the train station, you think of this number combination, but we promise you: According to this article, you master the digits in. Because what sounds like higher mathematics at first is the secret when it comes to preventing bad purchases. The 3-7-14 rule should be forimWork that soon (really!) Will only consist of favorite parts- which will be worn up and down instead of never worn again. We'll tell you how this works and where the trick-17 comes from.

Avoid wrong purchases: This woman invented the 3-7-14 rule

There is costume designer Jenn Rogien behind the formula against bad purchases. Jenn became known for “Girls” and “Orange is the New Black” - because for both cult series the American designed the. Since she shops almost full-time, Jenn Rogien developed a trick over time, with which wrong purchases can be undone afterwards: the 3-7-14 formula was born. We will explain how it works in the following.

The 3-7-14 rule simply explained

1.3-7-14 rule: The three-day test test

The first part of Jenn Rogien's fashion formula says that we wear a newly shopped piece of clothing that we really love. A part that bought three days ago, but still not from thatIn contrast, in the opinion of the costume designer, it will almost certainly become the next wardrobe body.

3-7-14 rule: the one-week period

Seven days have passed without your new trend part only worn once? Not a good sign according to Jenn Rogien. For the expert, there is no attention after a week: with yoursUnfortunately, Haul is a fashion fail.

3-7-14-Rule: the two -week exchange option

In most shops andThe following applies: Within 14 days (at least) you can do not wear andPay back with a label. If point 1 and 2 meet you, you should definitely use this deadline, says Jenn Rogien.

Avoid incorrect purchases: How sensible is the 3-7-14 formula?

At first glance, the 3-7-14 formula makes sense, but it also has weak points: forward-looking shoppers that deliberately buy anti-cyclical or for a special occasion in the future, of course, easily get into the situation of not wearing their newly shopped clothes within the first week, but first stowing them in the wardrobe. Of course, one cannot speak of bad buy in this situation. In addition, we believe that it is more protected by wallet and the environment if there is no wrong purchase -instead of damage limitation.

How does forward -looking shopping work without (or at least with fewer) wrong purchases? We have put together a few tips for you: