Lenormand card cards: How to find answers to everyday questions

Almost everyone knows Tarot, even if you don't have much to do with fortune telling. Another popular system is thatCard reading to Lenormand. Here you can find out what origin the cards have, how they are interpreted and which laying systems match.

The Lenormand cards were after theCard reader and fortune teller Marie-Anne Adélaïde Lenormandnamed from France, which lived in the 18th and 19th centuries. However, the deck "Grand Jeu de Mlle Lenormand", consisting of 54 cards, was only published after her death. The common variant today"Petit Lenormand" with 36 cardscame out about 1850. It is usually used for the analysis of everyday questions.

The cards are usually each with oneIllustrationand onePlay card symboldesigned. In modifications, instead of the picture, a verse on the importance of the card is shown. In the Lenormand card laying system there is alsoPeople who are, for example, for the questioner (s) themselves. If the questioner is a woman*, the "lady" (PIK ASS) is symbol, a man* asks the question, the "Lord" (heart ass) information about his personal way. There is also the "child" and other personal cards that are suitable depending on the situation. The remaining symbols represent things.

It is characteristic of the Lenormand cards that they are read like a story. Rarely do you take a single card on hand, but you put itIn couples or larger quantitiesAnd reads the different symbols in the combination. This means that the pictures (or verses) can be interpreted differently again and again, depending on which cards they are used.

Each Lenormand card has a picture and a playing card number. Even if the images must always be viewed in connection with the other cards, they areInterpretationsimpulsespecified. Some cards can also be used for a specifictimestand when it makes sense in the overall picture. How to interpret the 36 Lenormand cards:

There are various ways to lay the Lenormand cards. Depending on how much time you have and how detailed you want to interpret the cards, you can use larger or smaller decks. You can eitherconsciously mix in or they let it depend on itwhether they appear. If it is there by chance, the card will once again be relevant for the interpretation.

A very common variant of lenormand card cards is the large board. All 36 cards are inFour rows of nine cardsdesigned. The symbols that are closest to the questioner (the "lady" or the "Lord") are closestmost relevantfor the respective question. The further away the cards from the questioner are located by the questioner, the less influence you should take on the interpretation.

If you only want to find a short impulse for the respective day, for the coming week or the current month, you can also simply get onePair of cardand interpret the relationship between the two symbols accordingly.

Another quick lay variant of the Lenormand cards: PlaceThree rows of cards that stand for the past, present and future. Each row consists of three individual cards. For all three times, this results in a short card combination, which can be interpreted both for itself and in the overall picture of the nine cards.

In this Lenormand card laying variantCross from four cardslaid. The map on the left describes the topic that concerns it. The external right card symbolizes an approach that is not recommended but, if necessary, rather counterproductive. The upper card, however,Show you the way, and the lower card describes how the future could develop for it in this way.

The biggest difference between the laying of Tarot cards and Lenormand cards is theCombined interpretationThe latter. Each individual tarot card has its own meaning, whereas Lenormand cards should never be read without reference to the other cards. There is alsono reverse interpretationof the individual Lenormand motifs.