Warm clothing: 7 fashion tips against the cold that will ensure you never freeze again - and look great too!

Warm clothing: 7 fashion tips against the cold that will ensure you never freeze again - and look great too!

Chilblain fashionistas can now rejoice because we're telling you the best ones, with which you can protect yourself against the cold.

The best thing about our tips? Of course, they not only keep you warm, but you also look great despite being cozy.

1. Check the weather forecast

First of all, there is thisOf all: Check the weather forecast for the day the evening before or at the latest in the morning before you leave the house. Depending on whether it's sunny-cold, wet-cold, or windy, it should- In case of squalls, windproof materials are worth it, while on wet days, extra-long trousers should stay at home. They quickly draw water from the hem and cool you down from below. The check is not only worth it to stay warm, but also to keep yours warmNot to be ruined: While Winter White creates great looks in sunny temperatures below zero, for example, you ruin cream-colored onesetc. quickly on slush days.

2. Trust natural substances