Bullet journal ideas: How to design your own calendar
Have been for a few yearsBullet Journals,briefly tooBujocalled, everywhere. You can see them on Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok-Journals in the most colorful colors and with the most beautiful motifs. But of course the bullet journal is not just thatthought, but also makes it easier for usTo-do-Listen,calendars andHabit Trackern,to achieve our goals more easily and track progress. But how do I start a bullet journal and what do I do if I run out of ideas? Grab a polka dot notebook and a black gel pen and let's get started! We'll show you how to set up your bullet journal and give you a few creative tips for front pages and monthly overviews.
What is a Bullet Journal?
A bullet journal is a, calendar and diary in one - which you design completely yourself. It's best to start a new bullet journal at the beginning of the year so that you have a good overview of the entire year. If you scroll through social media, you would think that a bullet journal is only for creative people who spend too much time on theirsput. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Did you know that there is an official “Bullet Journal Method”? And it's actually super simple and has nothing to do with the artistically complex covers and themes you see everywhere.
This is the bullet journal method
There is a website,bulletjournal.comthat will take you exactly through the originalsBullet Journal Methodbut for the sake of simplicity we have summarized the method here in German.
1. Get a notebook
The easiest step: get a notebook that you think is beautiful. It's best to have dots, which is easier than complete blank pages - and it's helpful if there are already page numbers. If you want to be creative in your bullet journal, pay attention to the thickness of the pages, otherwise your artwork will still be visible on the back.
For example, you can buy a bullet journal that is specifically prepared for the official bullet journaling method. For example, here is one from Leuchtturm:
Bullet Journal from Leuchtturm1917
You can also use a regular notebook with blank pages if you want to work more freely. I advise you to buy a thicker notebook straight away, because something can always go wrong here. Leuchtturm is releasing a really thick blank notebook in December, the 411, with extra pages for your art.
2. What are your intentions for the bullet journal?
Do you want to keep a simple journal to increase your productivity, do you want a creative outlet or do you want to take more time for yourself? Think carefully about why you want to start a bullet journal so that you don't get frustrated during the process or want too many things at once.
3. Start your bullet journal with the table of contents
On the first few pages, you should leave space for a table of contents. That's why it's good if your journal already has page numbers, because here you can simply enter where each overview can be found. Leave a few more pages blank, because this is where you will return later and enter which new pages or trackers you have added.
4. Design your annual overview or future log
You should place your annual overview on the next few pages. This can be extremely simple by simply dividing two spreads into six sections and giving each section a month. Here you enter the most important events of the respective months, and you can also enter birthdays and holidays here.
5. Design your monthly overview
The annual overview is followed by a more detailed monthly overview - and the journal part begins. If you want, you can now design a cover page for each month. It's best to take two pages for the overview of the month. On one side, enter the date and the days one below the other and next to it write important events that you have already planned. On the other hand there is a to-do list that is intended for this month. You can then implement this basic concept as simply or as complicated as you want.
The official bullet journal method uses a specific legend for tasks that you can also use. Each task gets a dot (.), which you can mark with an x when you have completed the task. Events are given a circle (o) and for notes you use a dash or dash (-).
6. Design your daily overview
After the monthly overview, the smallest part of your bullet journal begins. The daily overview. Here you can either take a page for each day - or write your entire week on a double page if you don't need that much space on each day.
You look here every day and enter your to-dos and other notes for the day. Here too you can use the official legend. If you haven't completed a task in a day, you can simply put an arrow next to it (>) and enter this task in your monthly overview. If you notice that the task will only become relevant in a later month, enter the task in your annual overview in the corresponding month. Next to the task, you can then put an arrow pointing in the other direction (<) to remind you to go back to your annual overview.
By the way, you don't enter more than one sentence for tasks and notes in the bullet journal and keep it very short overall. This is how you stay most effective.
Bullet journal ideas for beginners
If you have all the pages of the official bullet journal method, then you have already done a lot of the work. But of course there are other pages and productivity managers that you can add to your bullet journal. Here we give you a few bullet journal ideas that you might want to implement.
Creative front pages for each month
You see these pages particularly often on social media. Some creators think about a topic for each month and then implement this creatively in their journal. You can get inspiration for these pages mainly on Pinterest and Instagram. Here you can also work with stickers and color schemes to give your month a feeling of cohesion.
How about an overview of your favorite playlists at the beginning of the month? Or maybe a tracker for your goals so you don't lose sight of them?
You can be completely creative on the covers of the month - if you only paint one picture a month, then maybe let it be this one!
Collections and projects
Do you have a new project coming up that will take months? Do you want to redesign your apartment and need extra to-do lists? Then just start a new page and throw all the tasks, tasks and events together so that you get a big overview of them.
Books list
Would you like to have an overview of all the books you have read this year? In addition to the “Goodreads” app, you can of course also set up a space for it in your bullet journal!
For example, you can take a whole page, print out the book title and write a short review about the book. What were your favorite moments? What was your favorite quote? Everything finds its place here.
Would you rather have a simple overview to see at a glance how many books you have read? Then simply take a place on a double page and enter one line per book. You can number your books, add the format, how many pages the book has and of course give the book a review in the form of stars.
If you like drawing, you can also conjure up a whole bookshelf on a piece of paper - that's quite impressive. Here, too, you can simply add a star in one of five different colors next to the title - to track how much you liked a book.
Books not your thing? Of course, you can also do the same with films or series. And write as much or as little about it as you want!
Gratitude and self-care
Of course, your bullet journal shouldn't just be there to make you a more productive person in our society. You can also practice mindfulness and self-care with the journal. A gratitude diary, for example, is ideal for this.
A page with affirmations, inspiring sayings or important self-care routines can be used as the title page for such a gratitude diary.
After that, you can of course design your gratitude diary however you want. It will be particularly easy if, like in your monthly overview, you simply write the date in each line and then write down in one sentence what you were grateful for that day.
You can also write artistic reminders to yourself to remind yourself what your goals are.
Are you also surprised that you have such an exquisite taste in music? Then write it down! Especially if your favorite songs change every month, it can be liberating to write down your favorite playlist for the month.
If you look back, you can see at a glance what was particularly busy for you this month. Was there Taylor Swift's new album? Or did we just listen to Sad Girl Indie? Write down!
Have you always wanted to take charge of your finances? You can also add this to your bullet journal. Just make a few tables that you fill with your monthly expenses and income - then you'll see how much you can save. If you want to particularly control your expenses, you can list even the smallest purchases here so that you can have them all on one page at the end of the month.
Of course, it is also important to have a goal when it comes to your finances. Without a goal, you don't know where you're going. Here, a bullet journal can provide a visual appeal, for example with a large glass that you continue to color in - depending on how much of your savings goal you have achieved.
Bullet journal ideas for habit trackers and mood trackers
One of the most popular extras in bullet journals are the so-called habit trackers and mood trackers. You can see at a glance what you did in a month and how you felt.
Habit Tracker
With a habit tracker, you can see exactly which habits you did most frequently in a month - positive and negative. Ideas for habits in habit trackers include exercising, reading books, doing laundry, journaling, watching Netflix, and sleep quality.
You can record these habits in different ways. For example, it would be quite simple to have a table with a list of activities on one side and the data on the other. With a simple dot you can indicate whether you did that activity that day or not.
Especially when it comes to sleep with the habit tracker, it's worth working in landscape format and with dots. This way you can see at a glance how your sleep quality has changed. Plus, at the end of the month you can connect the dots and have a cool graph.
For example, you can also color individual boxes in a small monthly overview to determine whether you have followed your habit or not.
If you prepare your planner for each week, you can also include a small habit tracker at the beginning of the week. For example with a mini table and small crosses.
For example, you can track your sleep particularly well in a bar chart - three different colors at regular intervals also help visually distinguish the days. With a bar chart you can see at a glance whether you had particularly much or particularly little sleep in a month - and whether a pattern emerges.
Mood Tracker
You can usually find the mood tracker right next to the habit tracker. As the name suggests, you can enter your mood for each day here. The mood tracker is often used in the shape of a circle. You then create a legend and choose a color for each mood. Every day you color a piece of cake from the circle in the appropriate color.
Of course, you can also enter your mood in a table for a very clear display. Again, at the end of the month you can connect the dots to get a graph.
Of course, you can also use other icons, drawings or smileys for your mood tracker. Depending on how much time you have or how much you want to express yourself artistically in your bujo.
Bullet-Journal-Ideen 2025
Do you need new ideas for your Bullet Journal 2025? You can find the most beautiful inspiration on Instagram and TikTok. The best thing to do is simply scroll through the creator accounts that we have already included here. We have summarized more inspiration for topics and motifs for you here.
If you want to express yourself artistically, the most important thing is of course the year page. Here you set the mood for your new year. You can enter your legend there, set goals or simply write down affirmations for the year. You can also write down your good intentions here and convert them into goals.
With banners you can divide things, organize them or simply brighten up your site.
Do you also use your bullet journal as a diary? Then how about a few pages intended for your collages. Here you can print out pictures, write short texts and use all the stickers and washi tape that you have probably accumulated.
You don't necessarily have to be able to draw to make your bullet journal aesthetic. A minimalist design kept in one color scheme looks just as good.
Page Divider
One trend that will make your bullet journal look even more professional is a page divider. For this you need two double pages. First you cut the right side of the first double half and use it for your to-do list, for example. Visually you should then connect the fourth page with the first to complete the look of the page divider.
These smaller pages are not only suitable for a short page divider with a to-do list, but you can also use them to combine months. For example, if you cut all the pages of the weekly overviews in a month a little shorter, you can organize your month visually well. For example, you can have your monthly habit tracker or a small calendar on the first and last pages, which will then always be visible to you when you write down things weekly.
You can then structure this shorter side by leaving a small part longer and marking it with washi tape. For example, in your Bujo you can get to individual weeks or projects that you have planned more quickly.
If you enjoy writing, you can also use entire pages for your entries. For example, a page after the weekly overview is suitable for this if you have had a special day. Stick tickets, a bill, or pictures on the page to make it a little more exciting.
You can be as creative as you want with your bullet journal - but it's also important not to forget that you don'tmust. For good productivity, you should find a balance between appearance and functionality in everyday life. And now have fun!