Bundestag election 2025: Election programs of the parties explained - and what content is particularly relevant for women

Bundestag election 2025: What the parties promise women in their election programs

On February 23, 2025, early in Germany will findNew electionsInstead because the current government under Chancellor Olaf Scholz no longer has a majority -capable coalition. TheIs a high commodity: there is no greater right in a democracy than acting actively, whoever makes politics and decides laws. And going to the ballot box is actually one of the few duties that we as citizens have: because only those who participate can change something.

Going to vote, yes, but who? Of course, everyone has to decide for themselves - it is not for nothing that the choice is secret.

We have read election programs through several hundred pages and summarize how the big parties, which may currently be represented in the Bundestag, are on questions aboutPosition the environment, social and economy.

Bundestag election 2025: Why and what do we choose on February 23, 2025?

On November 6, 2024, the SPD's traffic light coalition broke, the Greens and FDP. This was preceded by a dispute over the debt brake, which, among other things, regulates Germany's new debt and could not find a consensus on its use due to numerous crises.

After the break, Chancellor Olaf Scholz asked the question of trust on December 16, 2024. The members of the Bundestag did not express their trust, the result is new elections for a new Bundestag.

Bundestag election 2025: When do we choose?

Election day for the 25th Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Germany is theFebruary 23, 2025. Then the polling stations are opened across Germany; The necessary election notifications were sent to all citizens entitled to vote in calendar week 04/25: inside with German citizenship. In addition to the vote levy in a polling station, postal voting is also possible, but due to the short -term nature of the new elections, their appointments are bound to a narrower time window.

Which parties can be chosen at all?

In the 2025 federal election, 41 parties can be elected - you can find an entire overview on the website of theFederal election manager. In the following, we will focus on the parties represented in the 20th German Bundestag after the second vote result of the last federal election and also take into account the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW). These are specifically the following parties:

  • SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany)
  • CDU/CSU (Christian Democratic Union of Germany)
  • Greens (Bündnis 90/The Greens)
  • FDP (Free Democratic Party)
  • AfD (alternative for Germany)
  • The left
  • BSW (Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht)

Election programs of the parties explain: What is important for women* and flinta*?

stands for: women, lesbians, inter, non-bobes, trans and agenda. The star - also for women* - stands for everyone who does not feel belonging in any of the groups and are still part of an endangered group in a patriarchal society.

We looked at the election programs of the parties and worked out the most important points for women and flinta*. Here you will find an overview of the points we will address. Simply click on after the party's introduction

  • Abortion and sexual self -determination
  • Women's health
  • Security: domestic and sexualized violence
  • Equality, payment in the job, women's quota, care work
  • Gender-based cyber bullying: protection against sexual harassment on the net, Deepfake porn
  • Self -determination law, trans* rights
  • Gender (gender -friendly language)
  • Queer hostility
  • Migration policy
  • Climate protection
  • Minimum wage
  • Rental price brake
  • Pension

Bundestag election 2025: Election program SPD

DieSocial Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)Has considered as a slogan “more for you, better for Germany” and not only wants to promote the economy and equality, but also to secure pension and jobs, and modernize Germany and advance climate protection.

In the current government, the SPD is responsible for the following ministries alongside Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz: Finance (Jörg Kukies, since breakage of the traffic light coalition), inner and home (Nancy Faeser), work and social affairs (Hubertus Heil), defense (Boris Pistorius), health (Karl Lauterbach), economic cooperation and development (Svenja Schulze), living, urban development and construction (Klara Geywitz) and head of the Federal Chancellery (Wolfgang Schmidt).

Women, the environment, social affairs and the economy covers thisElection program of the party of Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholzroughly as follows:

The SPD has made itself a big taskto be reached by 2030. The SPD wants to orientate itself to the “three R” of the:

  • right
  • resources
  • Representative

Furthermore, the SPD would like to provide fair conditions in the working world of women: theEU entertainment transparency directiveshould be implemented in national law by 2026. In addition, the management position law is to be further developed-with the aim of until 2030parityto be reached on supervisory boards and board members. There is also a desired equality law for the private sector on the agenda.

The SPD also wants to better protect women:

  • before
  • In front of so-called spy apps
  • Before anti-feminism.

The party plans oneTightening of the violence lawAnd want thatAcross the EU becomes a criminal offense. Refugee women are said to be better protected as well as women in the digital space in which criminal lifting gapsshould be closed. Anti-feminism is to be joined at the federal anti-discrimination agency.

Another goal of the SPD is better for womento protect. This includes clear regulated conditions with part -time and parental leave.Women's healthshould receive significantly more attention. And? According to the will of the SPD, the SPD should be decriminalized and regulated outside of criminal law.

Many climate policy concerns were also the subject of the last government of the SPD, the Greens and FDP. In the upcoming legislative period, the SPD seesalso as one of its core tasks: the party strives for onesafe and affordable energy supplyto - without wanting back to the nuclear energy.

, green steel made in Germany,As well as the commitment to the desired climate neutrality make up the SPD's environmental policy vision. TheEuropean Green Deal? Is supported by the SPD. It is important that climate protection is/will be affordable and the climate goals for Germany and the EU are implemented in the best possible way. When it comes to mobility, the SPD relies on electromobility and wants to further advance the expansion of charging stations in public space.

The SPD strives for a paradigm shift and says: "Climate neutrality is also the task of public services." For this, municipalities, the federal states and the federal government would have to take on new tasks and some responsibilities would have to be redesigned. Above all, the municipalities needed more financial scope to cope with their numerous and growing tasks.

The, the SPD says seriously to contain the famous 1.5 degrees of global warming.

The SPD is based on social democratic principles. But what about visions and approaches for social affairs in 2025?

The SPD wants to make life affordable in the long term: this includes in addition to the extendedRental price brakeand affordablealso the permanentReduction of VATon staple foods from seven to five percent.

The SPD is also known that our society is getting older: and even if it does not want to shake the pensions and retirement age, it wants to have a common, solidarity -financedCare systemestablish. This also includes better working and wages in health professions.

AndFamily? A new regulation of the parental allowance would prove that both parents would get parental allowance for six months that are not transferable - plus six months for flexible division. So there would be 18 months of parental allowance instead of 14 - for better reconciling family and work. This approach should also be a fair, natural distribution ofsupport financially. The party wants to offer citizens: inside Germany better education, better daycare centers and schools.

The SPD wants to explicitly expand protection against discrimination against the Basic Law to sexual orientation and gender identity, the party is behind theSelf -determination lawand the previous queer policy achievements. All discrimination queer families (“rainbow families”) in family and desire rights should be canceled.

Sure, the SPD is considered the party of workers: inside. But is that still true in 2025?

If it goes according to the SPD, it shouldstatutory minimum wageto be raised to 15 euros so that one also follows the recommendations of the European directive. Companies that invest in Germany should be relieved tax, top income and assets are to be taxed more: this would relieve 95 percent of people in the Federal Republic, while the remaining five percent of the top earning and large wealthy fairly contribute to the common good. Families with small and medium -sized incomes would benefit the most.

The SPD wants oneGermany fundbring into being. This fund is said to consist of public and private capital in order to be able to meet the important investment needs- for example in the case of electricity and heating networks, the hydrogen network, in the electric charging stations or housing. The goal is common, non -bureaucracy, future -oriented investments and compatibility with the Basic Law set out debt rule (“debt brake”).

The SPD wants to continueInterest rateAfter 45 years of contributions to the pension fund, the party also promises a long -term pension level of 48 percent.

The big goal of the SPD is oneEconomic upturnthat reaches everyone and extends over the areas of education, innovation, digitization and infrastructure.

… thecontinue to stand aside.

The party believes that peace can only be implemented with military security and diplomacy if in doubt. According to the election program, the SPD is committed to the responsible protection of a peaceful, free Europe.

Bundestag election 2025: Election program CDU/CSU

DieChristian-Democratic Union Germany (CDU)coalition at the federal level with theChristian-social Union in Bavaria (CSU). The Union candidate for Chancellor is Friedrich Merz, who supports the party leader of the Bavarian sister party CSU, Markus Söder. The Union parties' party program slogan is “change of politics for Germany”. With Angela Merkel, the Union presented the Chancellor from 2005 to 2021.

In their “change of politics for Germany”, the Union parties make a new promise of prosperity, want to make energy affordable and limit illegal migration to the Federal Republic. The self -determination law is to be tilted, digitization is advanced, opportunities for and protection for women are also on the agenda. Your goal is a strong and just welfare state.

In the current government, the CDU/CSU sits in the opposition and does not hold a ministerial office at the federal level.

Women*, the environment, social affairs and the economy covers thisElection program of the Union partiesroughly as follows:

In the election program of the CDU/CSU, a view to women is primarily about theirSecurity. To protect women (especially against violence), the Union relies on the following measures:

  • Tightening of criminal lawforand group rapes
  • Electronic ankle bondageTo monitor violence against women
  • Extended use of video cameras
  • Strengthening ofWomen's shelters
  • Security conceptFor the victims of domestic violence
  • Sex workers: Protect effective inside

On the subjectthe Union wants to keep the status quo and continue to deal with it through the penal code. When it comes to thatWomen's healthgoes, then the Union sees a need for action:should be more strongly and as an independent area of ​​responsibility. They want to dissolve gender -specific inequalities in medicine.

In terms of equality in theWorkIf the CDU/CSU wants to promote women as an entrepreneur: to promote inside and create better conditions for women part -time and full -time work. There is nothing in the election program about women's quota, equal fee or the recognition of care work.

Global should be the focus of women and girls - especially with a view to the.

When it comes to climate protection, the Union sees that something has to be done, but wants a balance between climate protection, economic competitiveness and security of care. Friedrich Merz, the Union Chancellor candidate, emphasizes that theIndustrial policyIt is more important to him than climate protection.

The CDU/CSU criticizes the current government and wants thatHeating lawabolish the traffic light coalition to reduce climate -damaging emissions. It is central to the “optionNuclear energy”Should be held and the“ recently switched off nuclear power plants ”should go back into operation.

For the citizens: Inside, energy should quickly become affordable again, and so they also rely on a lowering of theElectricity taxand network charges. Networks, memory and renewable energies are to be expanded, whereby affecting affordability and security of supply are in the foreground.

In its election program, the CDU/CSU focuses on strengthening the welfare state and the limitation of migration.

One of the central points in the election program is the “strong and just welfare state”. The “citizen benefit” is to be deducted and replaced by a new basic security. The legalMinimum wageshould stay.

The hard foughtThe Union rejects with the reasoning that in the pubertal phase of personality doubt should not be answered with a gender change.

At theMigration policythe Union strives for a strict limit and demands:

  • Border controls and rejections
  • Accelerated asylum procedures and returns
  • Removing the double citizenship

In the Union's request for the tightening of migration policy, they describe a “factual ban on entry for people who have no valid entry documents.” This application was submitted to the Bundestag on January 29 and theUnionCould with voices fromAfDandFDPget a majority. Previously, the Union categorically excluded cooperation with the AfD at federal level.

Topics such as gender -friendly language and dealing with queer hostility are not explicitly dealt with.

Like most parties, the Union focuses on strengthening the economy.

Above all,Taxes loweredsuch as corporate taxes and VAT - and the solidarity surcharge should be completely eliminated. In this way, the economy should be strengthened and jobs should be secured.

OneShould theSocial security contributionslowered andovertimebe put free of tax. But the pension system in Germany also suffers. To solve this, you should be able to work beyond the statutory retirement age. In addition, private retirement provision is to be promoted for all 6 to 18 year olds.

In addition, the Union parties want ...

... explicitly invest in the Bundeswehr and introduce an growing military service.

Bundestag election 2025: Greens election program (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)

The party of the current Minister of Environment and Economic Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Robert Habeck, is from theAlliance 90 and the GreensTogether, the party is the first with an environmental policy focus that was elected to a parliament and is still represented there since 1983. Before the adjoining, the Environmental Political Party in the GDR, the Greens in the FRG.

In addition to the Federal Ministry of Economics, the Greens hold the following federal ministries in the current Bundestag:(Annalena Baerbock), nutrition and agriculture (Cem Özdemir), family, seniors, women and youth (Lisa Paus) and the environment, nature conservation, nuclear security and consumer protection (Steffi Lemke).

HerParty program for the Bundestag election 2025Have put the Greens under the motto “Courage Makes Future”, their candidate for Chancellor is Robert Habeck. The Greens want to found a citizens' fund, protect the climate legally anchored, make sustainable business investments and guarantee the citizens: on the inside of the Federal Republic. The party is committed to the self -determination law, has committed itself to feminist foreign policy and sees as a big goal a fair, various and including the Federal Republic.

The Greens are generally known as an environmental party, but feminism is also the central focus of the party.

Fair conditions in the world of work of women are important for the Greens: they sit down for theEU entertainment transparency directiveone, want a bindingQuote for womeninand see the importance of recognition ofwhich they want to distribute them fairly and at the same time want to support affected people. Women in particular should go throughsame wages, Good childcare, flexible working time models that are supported full -time and a fair distribution of care work.

For theProtection of women from domestic and sexualized violenceput on the Greens:

  • Expansion of women's shelters and advice centers
  • Prevention programs
  • Strengthening legal measures to protect women

The party also emphasizes the importance of aGender -sensitive health careAnd wants to strengthen research and prevention in areas that specifically affect women.

The right to sexual self -determination of women is protected and the Greens support access to safe and legalAbortionsAnd want them toodecriminalize. The party also supports the introduction of aafter, whereby women can decide self -determined whether they use it or not.

The Greens set themselves for the rights and theProtection of sex workers: insidea. They demand the decriminalization of sex work and the improvement of working conditions for sex workers: inside and comprehensive protection against violence.

The Greens are asdieEnvironmental party known - even if they were accused of (too) many compromises during the traffic light coalition. But what is in your election program?

In 2025 the Greens also see theas an integral part of the future of the country and prosperity. Renewable energies are to be funded, invested in green technologies and placed on global cooperation. The Greens see the central measures:

  • The end of the fossil combustion engine
  • The ecological modernization of the economy
  • the reduction of climate -damaging subsidies
  • Building a powerful power grid
  • Independence of Russia in terms of coal and natural gas

Social justice should not be neglected either: for all parts of societybe. For that the party wants aClimateInsert that relieves people with low and medium -sized incomes.

By 2030, 80 percent of the electricity is to be covered from renewable energies. This also includes the more efficient use of energy and thus inevitably theExpansion of railway and bus.

The Greens understand the establishment of an inclusive society as a higher goal - this includes a social security system, more disabled help and a.

In the Greens' election program, a social system is described that is a fair world of workgood wagesstrive to participate in: r and that completelybarrier -freeis.

TheSelf -determination lawFrom November 1, 2024, the Greens see their achievements and want to maintain this. The transition ofshould also be funded through health insurance. In addition, they call for usegender language, to make all genders visible and to reduce discrimination. The Greens also support educational and sensitization programs in order to reduce prejudices and strive for legal measures toand fight hate crime.

Contribution payers: Inside should be at theNursing and health insuranceto be relieved and caring relatives better supported.

HerMigration policythe party describes as “human and fair”. They are committed to the protection of people who flee from war and political persecution and emphasize the need to immigrate specialists and workers for the German economy. The Greens also explicitly demand the fight against causes of flight.

In the future, the Greens will only see the economy and prosperity in connection withClimate neutrality.

Just like the SPD, the Greens want oneGermany fundCall into life, which consists of public and private capital. This should help with the famous debt brake and give scope for urgently needed future investments.

Life should be affordable, which is why they are for themRental price brakeuse thatGermany ticketsupport and theElectricity taxreduce. The taxes should be fair, which is why they are introducing aBillionaire taxdemand.

TheMinimum wageshould be raised to 15 euros to adapt to inflation. And how should the pension be paid? Here the Greens want to take the first steps into a citizens' insurance and create a pension insurance that works from the federal budget using a loan. For this becomes aCitizen: Interior FundEstablished that invests in German start-ups and growth companies.

In addition, the Greens want ...

... a Germany app to consistently modernize and digitize public administration.

Bundestag election 2025: election program FDP

DieFree Democratic Party of Germany (FDP)was represented in the government until the break of the traffic light coalition on November 6, 2024. The party provided the Federal Minister of Finance (Christian Lindner), Federal Minister of Justice (Marco Buschmann), the Federal Minister of Digital (Volker Wissing) and the Federal Minister of Education and Research (Bettina Stark-Watzinger).

The FDP says in itsElection program 2025: "Everything can be changed." The goals of the party are more freedom for more people, tax relief, economic growth and strengthening competitiveness, rights for women and LGBTQIA+ as well as a commitment to the Self -Determination Act.

The FDP promises women* great support. So the liberal party wantsWomen's healthfocus on: the gender health gap is to be tackled, previously rather neglected and researched women's diseases such as,,And gender-specific differences in cardiovascular diseases should be researched significantly better.

The FDP calls for oneRevision of §218that regulates the abortions before the law. Speaking of demolition of pregnancy: the FDP wants women to have more uncomplicated access tomake possible.

In addition, the FDP is on the women's agenda:

  • Maternity protection reformFor self -employed women
  • staggeredBefore the 24th week of pregnancy
  • Punishment of and protection against forced marriage and genital mutilation
  • Expansion ofWomen's shelters and shelters for womenIn the federal territory

If it is based on the FDP, women should be more systematic in international and national peace negotiations and conflict solutions.

The FDP is consideredParty of the economy.

The party would like to abolish the Green Deal of the European Union, including its regulations, and the use of climate -friendly future technologies such as in their eyesCore fusion and safe nuclear power plants without subsidiesmake possible.

The FDP is committed to establishing a uniform European emission trade as a leading instrument of climate policy. ThisEmission tradeWith its falling upper limit for greenhouse gas emissions, the European climate goals will ensure that greenhouse gas emissions are to be observed. The CO formed by trade in emissions rights2-Prize ensure that greenhouse gases are always saved where this is the cheapest.

Germany's previous plan, until 2045Climate neutralityTo reach, which is also anchored in the German Climate Protection Act, the party wants to postpone: to 2050, the year in which Europe wants to be climate -neutral.

The FDP would like to abolish the following laws decided in the last legislative period:

  • The ban onInternal combustion engines
  • theHeating lawWith “his excessive guidelines”

In the event of a government participation, the FDP promises in its election programbetter reconciliation of family and work. The economic freedom of women is to be strengthened by better tax regulations, in particular oneChange in the tax law: The tax classes 3 and 5, which can only be specified by spouses: inside, should be abolished - whereby tax class 3 is with the lowest tax rate.

Supervision costs and statutory maintenance payments should be easier for families and single parents to deduct tax. The FDP also sees childcare as a basic element for equality on the labor market.

The party also wants thatCitizens' allowance “fundamentally reform”. Overtime should be released from wage tax. According to the FDP, the allowances of the inheritance and gift tax must be automatically increased by the inflation rate.

At a global level, the FDP wants the LGBTQIA+- andstrengthen. Justice Minister Marco Buschmann sat down in the last government period for that, which strengthens the respect of the generally protected gender identity of those affectedSelf -determination lawWhen it comes to respect and the dignity of the person, not about identity policy or zeitgeist, ”said Buschmann.

As a party of a liberal economy, the FDP stands in the election campaign for the 2025 federal election for

  • extensiveTax relief
  • Compliance with the debt brake set in the Basic Law
  • Rejection of the wealth tax
  • Reduction in bureaucracy
  • More free trade.

In the future, the top tax rate will only be paid by people who also earn really top and not from the middle of society. The FDP hopes for an economic upswing for the gastronomy thanks to a uniformly reduced VAT rate.

From a global point of view, the party wants to with Federal Chancellor candidate Christian Lindner ”Prosperity and opportunitiesSecure for everyone. So that optimism returns and Germany will be a wealthy and strong country in ten years. ”

... inevitably hold onto the debt brake.

Bundestag election 2025: Election program Alternative for Germany (AfD)

DieAlternative for Germany (AfD)was founded in February 2013 and came to the European Parliament in 2014. The AfD has been the fifth strongest force in the German Bundestag since 2021. So far there has been no government participation.

The AfD is currently in the opposition and does not hold a ministerial office at the federal level.

The AfD holds its core claim in itsElection program for the Bundestag election 2025together as “time for Germany”. The goals of the party are the U-turn in migration policy, fight against crime and the exit from the European Union and the associated return to the D-Mark.

The AfD has a very conservative image of the woman, value the role of woman as a mother and housewife and promotes this- This is reflected in your election program.

The AfD decidedly rejected all efforts to take abortions into oneHuman rightto make and want the law onrestrict. It shouldno advertisingAdd to this and continue to be criminalized. In addition, "the child's ultrasound recordings should be shown so that they are clear about the child's level of development". For this they rely on extensiveSupport of mothersin pregnancy, especially in difficult situations, and alighter Adoption option.

The AfD rejects legally prescribedQuotaand speaksAgainst a gender -appropriateLanguage. It emphasizes the importance of performance and suitability regardless of gender.

The AfD also wants to prohibit the wearing of burqa and niqab in public in Germany and refers to thatMasking.

Specific measures forWomen's healthare not emphasized in the election program. There are also no measures to combat domestic orsexualized Violenceagainst women.

The AfD denies thatman -made climate changeAnd also goes into it in your election program. This is based on their suggestions for “climate protection”.

The party seesno need toTo limit fossil energies (i.e. coal, natural gas, oil). In addition, all CO₂ levies are to be abolished, new nuclear strength research is to be funded and nuclear power plants are put back into operation. At the same time, the economic sanctions against Russia are to be lifted and Russian gas is used again.

Overall, the AfD has certain ideas of “ideologies” that the company pursues that are repeatedly taken up in its election program. Especially under the points for social issues.

TheSelf -determination lawis a big discussion point in the current election program of the AfD. Among other things, they speak of “indoctrination of children and adolescents through trans cult, early sexualization and gender ideology”. The Self -Determination Act should be withdrawn fully. Queer hostility - in particular trans infitity - is indirectly addressed by the statement that "the reality of two -sex must be recognized again".

Familyare exposed to massive loads today, which is why a larger part deals with the values ​​of families. The AfD fears a devaluation of conservative family values ​​and the risk of “trans-gender hype, early sexualization and a youngsters and children against their parents disguised as child rights education”. The party is pursuing a traditional family model in which the mother should stay at home and take care of the child. OverCaris not spoken in your election program.

Uncepted “guidelines of state film funding that aim atideological TopicsLike 'gender', 'climate protection' or the 'diversity' to anchor thematically in films in order to enforce them socio -political, ”the AfD rejects.

The AfD wants a clear turnaround in the previous oneMigration policyInitiate and require, among other things, literally:

  • “Consistent border controls
  • Rejection of illegal immigrants
  • large -scale deportations
  • Abolition of all regulations for retention for persons subject to departure
  • massive pressure on non -returning countries of origin
  • Completion of humanitarian residence permits after the escape base is in the event of a
  • Consistent punishment of the deportation prevention by NGOs ”

The AfD criticizes the previous economic situation and dealing with the social market economy and sets up a counter -program.

Among other things, this includes a planned oneExit from the European UnionAnd a “return to a confidential bundle of confident nations with clear borders”. The AfD rejects the euro and wants to go back toD-Mark. The backup of the analogueCashand the deregulation of the digitalBitcoinsare also in focus.

The party particularly wants to promote medium -sized businesses and entrepreneurship with a focus on innovation. The aim is to obtain technology leadership for Germany. The AfD emphasizes the importance of a social market economy.

It should also be a generalreductiongive of bureaucracy and taxes.

... more referendums based on the model of Switzerland.

Bundestag election 2025: Election program DIE LINKE

The left -wing party or the left was created in 2007 by a fusion of the spin -off of the SPD and the Left Party PDS. The Left Party is the smallest or one of the two smallest political groups in the Bundestag. There were always two wings within the party: one of them broke when Sahra Wagenknecht founded her own party in 2023.

In the 2021 federal election, the left lost a few percentage points and Bundestag mandates and almost failed because of the 5 percent hurdle if there had been no direct mandates. So the left was still represented in the Bundestag.

The left is currently in the opposition and does not hold a ministerial office at the federal level.

Your guideline for the election campaign is: “Everyone wants to rule. We want to change. Share wealth. Lower prices. For each other. " The election program of the left is all about community, safe income, affordable rents and an affordable livelihood. They stand for an effective climate policy, peace and a country in which everyone has the same rights.

The left see themselves as a left -wing feminist party - and you can see that in their election program.

For the absoluteGender equalityRequest the “redistribution of unpaid and paid work, from home and gainful employment as well as social, political, cultural and economic resources between all sexes”. In addition, that shouldSpouse splittingbe reformed. They also demand oneShortening of working hoursWith full wage compensation for families. Alsopolitical parityis a requirement.

The left stands for the physical andReproductive Self -determinationthe woman and demands that § 218 StGB (criminal liability of the) should be canceled without replacement.

In addition, aGewaltschutzgesetzare introduced, and the protection against gender -specific violence you see as a cross -sectional task: with clarification, prevention, expansion of women's shelters, protection in the Occupational Safety Act and other measures for gender justice.

For the Left Party, a fair climate policy is a central part of its election program.

You want a fundamentally differentClimate policy, "In which the corporations and all others who make profits with the destruction of our livelihood are particularly obliged". To do this shouldClimate protection affordableand not just people "burden with low and medium -sized incomes".

DieEnergy pricesshould be reduced, however, just and climate -friendly. The party wants torenewable EnergyChange and disempower the energy companies.

Climate and transformation funds and climate protection contracts are proposed to realize an industry that is socially and ecologically fair.

In addition, all of Europe should be from theNuclear energyexit.

The left sees itself as a party that is committed to injustice and for human rights and community. Therefore, the social aspects are particularly important and run through every part of the election program.

Familyshould be strengthened - “regardless of marriage certificate, sexual orientation and gender identity”.

TheCare systemshould be fundamentally improved, especially when it comes to pension equality and “two-class medicine”. The healthcare system should not be profit -oriented, but should be based on “social and medical criteria.” There should be a solidarity health and long-term care insurance.

The left stands for queer emancipation and demands that thatSelf -determination lawis still to be improved so that discrimination falls away. They also take measures toanti -queer violenceto fight. In addition, the “Article 3 of the Basic Law should be expanded to protect sexual orientation and gender identity”. For trans* people it should be a comprehensiveHealth caregive that is taken over by the health insurance. The right to parentage should also be reformed in order not to discriminate rainbow families.

When it comes to migration, the left seesAsylum lawwhenHuman right. They call for a “solidarity immigration company with legal, financial and structural framework conditions”, because nobody flies voluntarily. In addition, the causes of flight in the countries concerned are to be combated.

Further demands of the left in the social area are:

  • hour connection to bus and train in rural areas
  • Increase of the minimum wage
  • Minimum
  • Rental cover
  • strengthen the rights of minorities
  • A barrier -free society
  • Anti -racism into the law

All people - regardless of their individual skills, their physical constitution, their origin and social position, gender, age or their sexual orientation - should be able to participate in democratic decisions.

The economy is a matter of course for the leftclimate -neutralandjust.

The attitude of the left toDebt brakeIt is clear: she “has to go away”, the “military budget has to sink”, and investments should be plugged into “education, bridges, bus and train and the economy”.

Electricity and heat generationas well as their distribution should be organized as decentrally as possible and as centrally as necessary.

DieIndustryshouldsocially and ecologicallyt can be rebuilt. For this, the left wants to implement an active state economic policy. Capitalism is fundamentally criticized and instead onefair and sustainable economyrequired.

In addition, the left ...

... make women's day, March 8, the nationwide holiday.

Bundestag election 2025: Election program BSW (Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht)

TheAlliance Sahra WagenknechtSteps at the federal level for the first time in the 2025 federal election. In September 2023, the party formed from a splinter group after Sahra Wagenknecht left the party in the dispute. The party currently has no ministerial office and is not (yet) represented in the Bundestag.

In order to be able to be represented in the Bundestag from February 23, 2025, the BSW must crack the five percent hurdle.

In yourElection program for the federal electionthe party around Wagenknecht demands a paradigm shift in politics. "Economic crisis, arms deliveries, far too high energy prices, a neglected infrastructure, a chaotic migration policy, growing inequality and poverty in old age, restriction of freedom of expression, an overloaded healthcare system and much more" are current problems in the Federal Republic.

The BSW around politician Sahra Wagenknecht is committed to women. In addition to measures forViolence preventionThe party demands free women's shelters and shelters against women and girls as well as the expansion of an aid network.

The BSW confesses to women the free, self -determined decision about their own body and about having a child or not, and would like to guarantee this self -determination in the future. In this context, the party calls for the fundamentalFunctional of the abortionuntil the twelfth week.

In addition, the alliance Sahra Wagenknecht would like that prescriptionadopted by the statutory health insurance companies and women and girls are provided free of charge. The reason for this is thatcontraceptionnormally is still a woman's business.

A central theme of the BSW is the equality between women and men. One has to finally get to real equality from the legal equality. The BSW calls for this

  • Concrete compatibility solutions (more crèches and kindergarten places)
  • High quality care for children in these facilities

In its nationwide election campaign, the BSW also deals with climate protection issues, but demands a rethink when it comes to the wishful thinking of a rapidly achievable complete climate neutrality - because according to the party, it is utopian.

The BSW stands forParisian climate agreement, however, sees climate protection as a worldwide task - accordingly "funds should be used where they have the greatest possible effect". Where and how exactly these funds are to be used is not carried out further.

The party would like to prevent daily life in rural regions from increasing impairs due to climate regions. Therefore, the alliance Sahra Wagenknecht calls for its election program

  • Removing theCombustion engine ban
  • Removing theHeating law
  • Billing Energy (UaGas from Russia)
  • Globalization of European emission trade, a European single -handedly leads "to the decline of our industry and to emigrate, in particular the energy -intensive industries".

The BSW also wants aSign against the disposable cultureSet: A labeling obligation for the lifespan of products should increase the pressure on the manufacturers in order to produce more durable. In the future, the expected lifespan of technical products should be clearly and clearly visible on the packaging or in the product description.

The BSW wants to make repairs of defective devices more attractive - with a lower VAT and a nationwide bonus for repair services.

The BSW sees itself as a social party, including this, among other things, in the election program more affordable living space andHigher pensionsrequired. The latter should be at least 1500 euros a month, entry into the pension should be possible after 45 years of contribution time aged 63 and over.

The Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht wants to offer the citizens: Inside Germany's better schools: play in the processMobile phone ban and a severely restricted tablet usea role in an increasingly digitized world. The party of Sahra Wagenknecht wants to promote social and educator professions thatRemove and relieve families.

The migration should be restricted according to the election program of the BSWSelf -determination lawcan be undone. The BSW sees this law the security of women and girls in everyday life as in sports at risk.

The BSW wants to raise the minimum wage - like other parties - to 15 euros.Mini jobshould be transferred to employment relationships subject to social security contributions. The abuse of work contracts and temporary work should be ended,Chain limits and unnecessary dismissalsthe BSW rejects.

Within the European Union, the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht represents the position of oneExpansion stopsthat also includes Ukraine. Instead, it is the party's wish to involve Russia into European politics. Furthermore, the BSW calls for oneEnd of EU centralizationAnd demands the relocation of competencies to member states, so that an individual country policy is automatically accompanied outside of the EU guidelines.

The BSW also wants to ...

... more police, more referendums based on Swiss model and a defensive defense strategy.