“Cassandra” on Netflix: In this German mystery series, a smart home becomes an absolute horror

“Cassandra” on Netflix: In the new German mystery series, an evil AI bullies a family.

, Smart Life? In the case of the“Cassandra” is not quite true: In the German original, a smart home ki is smarter than a family and plays them out against each other-with fatal consequences.

“Cassandra”: that's what the German Netflix-Original is about

Samira and David move out of the city with their children Fynn and Juno after a family loss. At first glance, they seem to have found a real pearl as a new home: a dignified house in the middle of the green, in which the previous owners even installed a smart home system called Cassandra in the 1970s. Saidwho think himself and the residents: inside the house can go into. But Cassandra conveys traditions and values ​​of the past to the family family. When Samira reports her resentment about it, the smart home system turns against her. Because Cassandra is networked with all the equipment in the house, it is only a matter of time for doors to close and no longer open until the oven develops a life of its own and Cassandra completely takes command. This leads to internal -family disputes and also completely absurd decisions (more on this below).

Robot Cassandra takes command in the family.


But who is Cassandra? The AI ​​is based on a real figure: Cassandra was the wife of Horst and the mother of Peter, the owners of the house. In the 1970s, Horst headed a company that wanted to change the world with research. Cassandra took care of the family. At first glance, Cassandra, Horst and Peter were a flawless, happy family, but the paint from the past idyll peeled off very quickly when Samira puts more precise research in the present - and more than just one secret. However, she has to pay that bitterly, because Cassandra does not tolerate a second smart mother in the house after her decades of Sleeping Beauty. A bitter -evil struggle of two women from different generations is burning about the sovereignty of interpretation within the smart homes and family.

Why does Ki Cassandra learn so quickly? Why the hell also flickers the light in the oven in a smart home? And why doesn't anyone just pull the plug? You can find this out in six episodes in the Mystery thriller series on Netflix best.

"Cassandra" occupation

My tooths () is Samira, her counterpart is Lavinia Wilson as Cassandra (in robotic shape and in flashbacks). Michael Klammer (“The Teacher Room”) as David and Franz Hartwig (“Dark”) as Horst took on the role of the fathers. Mary Tölle appear as Juno, Joshua Kantara as Fynn and Elias Grünthal as children as children.

Behind “Cassandra” is Benjamin Gutsche, who is also responsible for the Netflix series as a show runner.

Is the mystery shocker from Germany worthwhile?

A mystery series from Germany on Netflix-“Cassandra” has about the same potential as at the time? Clearly: no. Because “Cassandra” somehow runs into itself - just like2024.

It is not really contemporary that a mystery series on a final duel between two women from different generations, whose ideas have to run out of motherhood and work. Instead of playing out the women, it would have been a really smart move to put the interchangeable and less empathetic father David at the door of the smart homes and without having to make a real smart future with mother, children and miraculously miraculously empathetic robots.

The chemistry is simply not true: Samira (Mina Tanger) and David (Michael Klammer).


Because “Cassandra” fails due to the chemistry of the couple David and Samira - or rather: the lack of any chemistry between the two. The family man lives his life as he wants, and before he believes his wife believes, he prefers to believe a robot. The Easy Way Out? Phew, David, with his thinking, just fell out of time and acts constantly so dependent that one would wish for finally raining brain from the sky, robot cassandra forever out of the house or Samira gives him the pass. When the whole smart home situation becomes really dangerous, he talks out-because it has apparently always been successful with it. Honestly: David just doesn't work (and he doesn't even have a nice cardigan like Florian David Fitz as a dad in “The Signal”).

“Cassandra” wants a lot, but does not quite deliver: The premise of the mini series is great, Lavinia Wilson and Mina Tanger play the mothers of the series absolutely convincing-but all of this does not save the chemistry between Samira and David. And that's why the series, which does not work like a chamber game around a family. Dark mystery thrillers from Germany are better: Netflix has thatyes proven itself.

“Cassandra”: start date of the Netflix series and trailer

On February 6, 2025, all six episodes of the German Netflix original.

More series highlights: