Healthy fast food: this is the best choice if it has to be quick in between

Healthy fast food: this is the best choice if it has to be quick in between

Healthy fast food? If hunger is great and time is scarce, you usually focus on the opposite, namely fast food. It is often not out of the question to remain conscience and a feeling of fullness unless you prevent.

Fast Food: The snack with a very bad reputation

We all know them, this pronounced love of hate at Fast Food. Fast food to take away has a pretty bad image - from a health point of view, of course, this often applies. And yet in some situations it is just exactly what we long for. Whether on onewhere there is simply no time for an extensive andis, or after a night of night: This is exactly what pizza, burger, fries & Co. come more than located. Many dishes that we can eat within a few minutes have some disadvantages: mostly they contain manyunhealthy fats, few nutrients, we have a hard time in our stomachand do itNot even long -lasting.But: there are exceptions. Healthy fast food may sound like a contradiction, but is actually not an impossibility.

What is the healthiest fast food meal?

Let's not do anything: to completely do without fast food is not a realistic option. The question of which quick dishes represent the slightest evil and breastfeed our hunger and appetite without causing greater damage is much more important. The view of the calorie content of the individual dishes does not play the biggest role - after all, unsaturated fats can have quite a few calories, but score on the nutrient scale and really fill us up. Saturated fatty acids, white flour and heavily processed ingredients also ensure a high calorie content, but clearly belong to the category: unhealthy.For this reason, falafel is actually considered the healthest fast food.Fortunately, the Arabic cuisine is now to be found on the menu for many quick snack bars and is rightly quite popular. The crispy and aromatic balls are mostly fried, which gives a small deduction in health and digestibility. But:The balls have a lot to offer when it comes to nutritional values:

  • The main ingredients areChickpeas:The protein -containing legumes provide a high content of folic acid, iron, zinc, copper and fiber.
  • Spices likeCurryandcuminNot only ensure the aromatic taste, they also crank up the metabolism and quickly breastfeed the appetite.
  • ContainedFresh parsleyis full of B vitamins and valuable minerals such as calcium and magnesium.

If you then do without a wheat flour bread flower and instead choose a fresh salad to the delicious balls, you are on the safe side and have the perfect sidefound!

Is kebab healthy or unhealthy?

But the classic kebab is also a reasonably healthy fast food for ordering or saved on the hand. A doner kebab cannot be enough for a falafel plate with a fresh salad, but it is actually not a bad choice if it should be fast. Fresh salad, herb, tomatoes and onions score here, of course, while greasy meat and wheat bread are rather negative. But how many calories does a kebab actually have?A classic kebab with meat, yoghurt sauce and salad has an average of around 700 calories.We are therefore not allowed to describe a kebab as a low -calorie fast food, but at least as more nutrient -containing than many other quick dishes from the snack around the corner.

Which fast food chain is the healthiest?

If you want to order fast food or on the go after oneAcrimens, especially in cities, often has the same selection of well-known fast food chains. But what does the healthiest fast food offer? This question is of course quite difficult to answer, precisely because the offer of many chains is quite large and can change relatively quickly. But if you assume the "main course" of the respective chain, the sandwich chain appliesSubwayAs one of the healthiest fast food chains. Due to the many options, you can choose the healthiest variant here for bread, topping and sauce and thus save some fat, calories and wheat flour. However, if you do not pay attention to it and still order chips, cookies and Coke, you can of course quickly gamble this advantage again.

3 healthy fast food recipes for home

If you really want to be on the safe side, you can of course also make yourself healthy fast food at home. Either asTo take away in everyday life or to enjoy directly at home. Admittedly: the two propertieshealthyandfastDon't really want to go together when it comes to making your own dishes yourself. Because they should not only be nutrient -rich, but also to prepare quite quickly and of course also taste really tasty.However, we still have four unbeatable recipes for healthy fast food for you, which you should definitely try out.

Healthy fast food recipe 1: Falafel from the oven

Falafel are considered the healthiest fast food, so of course we want to know how we can prepare it at home. Our favorite recipe comes, and at least with us it has been one of the favorite dishes since the first time! Incidentally, you can also freeze the fully shaped balls and only bake up if you really need them (immediately!).

The ingredients:

  • 400 g chickpeas (from the glass or softened)
  • 80 g bread, in small pieces
  • 2 small red onions, chopped
  • 3 toes garlic, pressed
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger, chopped
  • 20 g of fresh parsley
  • 20 g of fresh coriander
  • 1/2 chilli, finely chopped
  • 4 The Mehl
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder

The preparation:

  1. Heat your oven to 175 degrees upper and bottom heat.
  2. Give all the ingredients, except the flour and the baking powder, into your food processor and process it into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Put the mass onto your work surface and knew it into a dough with the flour and baking powder. With moistened hands you can now shape individual balls and then bake them in the oven until they have a golden brown surface.

Tipp:It is best to go with a fresh dip made of sour cream and mint or a fresh salad!

Healthy fast food recipe 2: Big Mac Bowl

A delicious hamburger is unbeatable, so we probably agree. Large disadvantage of a fast food burger: calories-which rapidly up through a lot of fat and wheat bun. No reason to forego it, because Stef vonfruehlingszwiebel.comGives us a wonderful low-carb solution for delicious, healthy fast food for home: the Big Mac Bowl!

The ingredients:

  • 120 g of lean beef meat/ veggie-hack
  • 150 g iceberg salad
  • 120 g of acid cucumbers, cut into slices
  • 15 g onion, chopped small
  • a slice of cheddar
  • 15 g ketchup (with little sugar content)
  • 15 g Greek yogurt
  • 5 g Senf
  • Pepper & salt

The preparation:

  1. Fry your minced meat or the vegetarian product in a pan with very little oil and season it with pepper and salt.
  2. Align the fresh salad, cucumber and onion in a bowl and add the fried (veggie) hack and cheese.
  3. Finally, stir a sauce from ketchup, yogurt, mustard, pepper and salt and give it over your bowl. Bon appetit!

Tipp:Of course, you can complement the bowl with tomatoes, corn or other fresh vegetables according to your taste.

Healthy fast food recipe 3: spicy sweet potato fries

French fries do not necessarily have to drip in fat - they can also be really crispy and tasty without a fryer. This is exactly what this delicious recipe fromeinfachmalene.dewhat you can best convince yourself about yourself!

The ingredients:

  • 350 g of sweet potatoes
  • 1 tablespoon of strength
  • 1 tablespoon of rapeseed oil
  • 1/2 TL smoked paprika powder
  • 2 TL french spice
  • 2 The Pankomehl

The preparation:

  1. Heat your oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Peel your sweet potatoes and cut them into the same size. (If you have a little more time, you can insert them in cold water for an hour, then they become even crispier!)
  3. Recare the french fries and mix them with the oil, the spices and the pancome flour. Then place it on a sheet lined with baking paper.
  4. Now leave the fries in the oven for a good 25 minutes until they look crispy and golden brown.

Healthy fast food recipe 4: Tacos

You can also learn from Mexican cuisine as far as Fast Food is concerned. Tortillas and tacos are usually made of corn flour, i.e. gluten -free, you can buy them in the supermarket and fill them with lots of vegetables, legumes, meat, salads and sauces if necessary. Our favorite variant is the vegan option ofpurelimon.debecause it is super fast.

The ingredients for the sauce:

  • 60 g Sojahack
  • Some vegetable oil to fry
  • Press paprika powder
  • 2 knife tips smoked peppers
  • 1/2 tsp soy sauce
  • 200 ml of water
  • 400 g chopped tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
  • 1 can of kidney beans
  • 150 g More
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder or dried chili
  • 1.5 tsp chicken spice or meat spice salt
  • Prise Pfeffer

For the filling:

  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1/2 Avocado
  • 75 g Mushrooms
  • Salat
  • 1/2 lime
  • Fresh coriander
  • Sriracha(optional)1
  • Vegan parmesan

The preparation:

  1. Fry the soy hack with a little oil over medium heat in the pan until it is slightly brown. Add the paprika powder, smoked paprika, chicken spice, pepper and soy sauce. Then deglaze with water and simmer lightly until the soy is soft.
  2. Put the chopped tomatoes, kidney beans, corn, tomato paste and chilli in the pan. Let the sauce simmer for 5 minutes and season with salt & pepper.
  3. Cut the tomatoes, avocado, mushrooms and the salad for the filling. Prepare the tacos according to the package instructions and then cover with salad, tomato sauce and the remaining filling. Put a few drops of lime, parmesan and fresh coriander over the tacos and serve. We are happy to add some Sriracha or chilli for more sharpness. Vegan tacos are naturally eaten with their hands.

Healthy fast food vs. healthy ready meals

And if it is supposed to be very quick: then it can also be healthy ready meals. They are almost the best and fastest fast food, but are often full of healthy ingredients. We tested the most common providers. That is our result: