Manifestation: What is it and how can I make more money through it?
Manifestationsounds magical – and it can be; but it doesn't have to. The principle of manifestation is to believe that words and thoughts have power. That you with onepositive mindsetLiving life happier is not an invention of millennials. But manifestation goes one step further than the positive mindset: you can achieve anything you imagine through the power of your thoughts. I went looking for the best manifestation technique and discovered something surprising. You don't believe me? Then start reading.
How do you start manifesting something?
Do you want to manifest something? No problem, the practice itself is relatively simple. The hard part about manifesting is getting started and getting clear on what you wantreallywant. And that doesn't mean: house, car, money. Rather, you have to ask yourself,how comeI want a house, a car or money. Is it about financial security or about your own ego? So before you start manifesting something, you should be aware of your intentions and act accordingly. Do you know the fairy tales about cunning fairies who like to change words and meanings if you haven't expressed yourself clearly enough? The universe sometimes works in a similar way - so be very aware of your intention.
A good tip to understand what you really want is to imagine what you would do if you got your wish right now. So you suddenly get 10,000 euros in your account – now what? Do you use it to buy new clothes or do you pay off your old debts? Before you start manifesting, you should be clear about what you want the end result to be and how you will deal with it.
What ways can you manifest?
Manifestation means that we use the power of thoughts, positive vibes and a little help from the universe to make things visible and tangible that are not yet there. This ranges from a positive self-image to a relationship to very material things like more money or a new job. There is no one way to manifest best - everyone has to find the best way for themselves. That's why I tested a few types of manifestation for you and present them.
Manifestation through affirmation
The simplest and most common form of manifestation is thisSpeaking positive affirmations.You think specifically about what you would like to be, what you would like and why and summarize it in a sentence in the first person. Now repeat this sentence over and over again until it becomes a kind of mantra. If you want the whole thing to be a little more aesthetic, you can write it on the mirror with lipstick and recite it three times in the morning before brushing your teeth.
My conclusion:Words have power – that’s very clear. People who receive positive affirmations from outside do things more successfully and also have a more positive image of themselves. The spoken words are probably the easiest step in manifestation - but not suitable for me personally. If I stand in front of the mirror and say “I am valuable” three times, I am more afraid that I will accidentally summon an evil spirit. But feel free to try it out – maybe it will get easier with time.
Manifestation through a future diary (Future Log)
When manifesting, it is often helpful to act as if what you want has already happened. You can integrate this into your affirmations (e.g. “I got the best job offer”) or into oneFuture diarywrite. The “Future Log” is intended to help you internalize what you would like to have through writing - while pretending that it has actually already happened. So imagine what you would write in your diary a year from now, today.
My conclusion:This is an incredibly good writing exercise to warm up to before starting a new onegoes. Whether it helped me with my manifestation – I have no idea. You have to be careful not to daydream too much with this type of manifestation, like I like to do. I think my background in creative writing prevented me a bit from writing realistic things, and instead I found myself changing the story for dramatic purposes.
Manifestation through visualization (vision board)
While some people prefer to write and speak, there is also a large group of people who are more visual in nature. So instead of saying or writing that you would like to be successful, imagine exactly what you will look like, how you will act or what you will do if you are successful. You can do this in a simple meditation and imagine the image very carefully for a while, or you can create a so-called“Visionboard”.You can put this together online, for example on Pinterest or with Adobe Photoshop, or you can cut up old GLAMOR magazines and stick them on a poster that should represent the future. The images should have a supportive effect so that you can imagine the future even more clearly. Then place the whole thing in a place where you walk past particularly often, or set it as a background image on your cell phone.
My conclusion:When I talked to friends about manifestation, it turned out that a lot of themhave and that it helps them a lot. I can imagine this very well, simply because the repetition of the images in your life makes you pay more attention to them. Personally, I really enjoy using Pinterest, simply for the small aesthetic goals in life. I can very well imagine preparing a vision board for the coming year once a year - but I wouldn't do it more often.
Manifestation through rituals
RitualI found countless ones for manifestation in my research. This ranges from tiny “rituals” like a morning jog where you visualize what you want to achieve, to a gardening ritual where you share your thoughts with a seed and then plant it. Personally, the fire ritual really appealed to me. You first write everything you want to let go of on one list and then everything you want instead on another. Both are burned one after the other (safely) and thereby “handed over to the universe” or to the fire. Besides, you canuse for his rituals - atYou should make new resolutions and then stick to them bymanifest strongly. A full moon ritual can then release these built-up energies.
My conclusion:Who (like me)this type of manifestation will really give something to it. Speaking affirmations to myself or pure visualization is not enough for me. I can't just concentrate on one thought and stare into space - I need something to do. A “ritual” helps me stay in the moment. Whether it's tying herbs, lighting incense candles or jogging, it doesn't really matter.
Manifestation through the Law of Attraction (Abraham Hicks)
When I was researching the different types of manifestation, especially on TikTok, I came across the name particularly often“Abraham Hicks”and its“Law of Attraction”or “Law of Attraction”. Sounds interesting on TikTok, but it's not that easy to understand. It's about the married couple Esther and Jerry Hicks, the latter of whom died of cancer in 2011. Esther Hicks invokes “Abraham,” a nonphysical entity that incorporates about a hundred different forms of consciousness (including Jesus and Buddha). Basically, it's about the fact that positive thoughts and visualization have a direct influence on you. And this is no longer on an abstract level, but rather entirely material. So it's about money, a house, a car and your own health.
My conclusion:This is not to be taken lightly. I have read some experiences of people who fell into cults because of this belief and lost a lot of money. Abraham Hicks also advocates the theory that if something bad happens to you (like cancer), it is your own fault. In addition, Esther Hicks earns huge amounts of money through her (very expensive) seminars and at the same time refers to supposedly scientific principles that are far from science. Take what helps you (there are free videos on YouTube), but look at what they say critically.
Without action behind it, manifestation is of no use
Manifestation can make our greatest desires come true, but we also have to cooperate with the universe - actively - otherwise all our positive thoughts will amount to nothing. Manifestation is a combination of mental power and muscle power, designing Pinterest boards and fine-tuning your resume.
That's why it's important to put together an "action plan" in addition to manifestation (no matter how you want to approach it). How can I actively move closer to my goal? What specific steps do I need to take to fulfill my wish? You should approach your plan as realistically as possible and write down every little point. How come? It's simply the best and most motivating feeling to cross an item off your to-do list.
Can you manifest yourself a bigger butt or a boyfriend?
Manifestation is a trend sweeping through social media. Of course, sooner or later people tried to manifest themselves as more attractive - which for some means: a bigger butt, thicker lips, bigger eyes... But can you manifest that?
The answer is probably no. But what you can definitely manifest is self-confidence so that you can find yourself better. Once we look behind it, it is important to ask again: What is the intention behind it? What do you want to do when you have that “bigger butt”?
Another trend deals with the desire to have a partner. Some people on TikTok manifest a specific or general friend through affirmations. What does that mean? Here again you have to ask about the intention, and usually the need for control is behind it.
If you want a partner, you should focus on the character traits of the person instead of visualizing a specific person. This allows you to find out what you really need from a person and how you want to be loved - so you can then manifest this in different ways.
Like everything in life, manifestation has two sides. We can put ourselves in a positive mood through positive thoughts and throughinto a negative. A popular example is negative jokes about yourself - they may be funny at the moment, but the more you repeat them, the more they become embedded in your self-image. In the same way, stereotypes that we keep hearing can manifest themselves in ourselves. Therefore, when dealing with manifestation, one should also be careful to avoid negative manifestation.
Overall, manifestation simply means living with intention – thinking about what you really want and how you can get it. If you want to deal with yourself a little more or are currently in a “slump”, then it can be a good way to free yourself from it.