Trigger warning: Attention, The following article is about violence in relationships.
Violence in the relationship: You should definitely know these 9 warning signs for toxic behaviors
Some numbers and facts burn directly into the memory and never let go of you. Just like this:Every third woman worldwide experiences sexual, psychological or financial violence in a partnership at least once in her life.That is the shattering reality. A reality with which women around the world have to struggle - then as now. Violence in the partnership is an issue that concerns everyone. Therefore it is not just on, on March 8th, or on, on November 25th, important to talk about the topic, but always - 365 days a year.
Violence in the relationship: You have to experience so many women in Germany
From domestic violence to oppression, humiliations, sexual assault to female - violence has many faces. However, it is a matter of human rights violations. A BKA survey from 2023 shows that the number of crimes against women in Germany continues to increase. According to the data, a total of 256,276 German domestic violence experienced in 2023, 70.5 percent of those affected are female. The proportion of women in Germany who experience violence in their own four walls has increased by 5.6 percent compared to 2022. In a partnership -based relationship, violence against women is still more common than those in internal family relationships.
And again follow numbers that cut deep into the mark. You speak for yourself:A woman or girl experiences domestic violence every three minutes. And almost every day there was a female in Germany in 2023,Of these, 80.6 percent were related to partnership relationships.
This current state is probably the most important reason to report on the topic and proceed with it with united strength. This is exactly the goal of the global initiative“Love without violence”By Yves Saint Laurent Beauty. The fire works with non -profit organizations at the local level to work on the prevention and combat of violence in relationships. As part of “love without violence”, YSL Beauty has committed to supporting scientific research and, by 2030, two million people worldwide together with local non-profit organizations to educate violence in the partnership-among other things with online training that can really complete everyone.
TheL.O.V.E. Trainingis free and freely accessible. Everything you have to do: take 15 minutes. Regardless of whether it is affected or as an outsider: R - the training and the example situations it contains should be helpful, to be able to recognize signs of violence at an early stage, to be able to act in good time and to raise awareness.
1. Warning sign: ignorance
Your: E partner: In the deliberately punish yourself by: they specifically ignore you.
2nd warning sign: blackmail
Your: e partner: In threaten you violence or another evil if you do not obey him.
3rd warning sign: humiliation
Your: E partner: In humiliating yourself through his: your words and/or actions.
4. Warning sign: manipulation
Your: e partner: In influence you without noticing it.
5. Warning sign: jealousy
Your: e partner: In the case of overlaps from you, thereby restricting you (and your social life).
6. Warning sign: control
Your: e partner: In use his: your position to limit yourself as a person.
7. Warning sign: Interference in your life
Your: e partner: In the wants to get an insight into all aspects of your life.
8. Warning sign: isolation
Your: e partner: In preventing you from keeping contact with your loved ones.
9. Warning sign: intimidation
Your: e partner: In unsettles you and you then doubt you as a person.
Here you will find more information about the warning signsAnd you canL.O.V.E. Trainingcomplete yourself.
Violence in the relationship: Here you can find help quickly
Are you in a violent relationship and need help? The following contact points can help you.
- TheHelp telephone “Violence against women”You can reach 08000 116 016 - free of charge, anonymous and around the clock. You will also find tips and comfort under the associated website.
- You can reach the phone pastoral care at 0800-111 011 1.
- AtWomen against violence eVYou can find helpful information and advice centers.
- Do you need shelter? You can find women's shelters near you:Women's house coordination eV