Millie Bobby Brown: With this post, the actress sets a clear statement against Ageism and Bodyshaming
Millie Bobby Brown has already become successful as a child. At the age of ten she entered the film industry and experienced in 2016 with the- Your breakthrough, at the age of 12. The fact that the actress has to struggle with discrimination due to her appearance at just 21 years of age.
And unfortunately we don't meet this pattern for the first time, because especially female stars, e.g. B.,or, regularly harvest extremely inappropriate comments that affect their appearance. She now made it clear in a detailed statement on Instagram that Millie Bobby Brown does not do this with her and even calls the journalists: inside, from which she feels attacked.
Millie Bobby Brown: These allegations make them the media (rightly so!)
On Monday evening, Millie Bobby Brown released a video with a long statement on Instagram. During your press tour for your new Some articles of different media appeared in which their appearance was reported. Among other things, statements such as “What did Millie Bobby Brown make with her face?”, “Why do Gen-Z-Lers like Millie Bobby Brown age so bad?” Or “Millie Bobby Brown is confused with the mother by someone when she leads her little sister Ava through LA”. That goes too far. The actress wrote: “To tighten an insult instead of questioning why an adult man makes fun of the appearance of a young woman. This is not journalism, that's bullying. "
The 21-year-old not only calls quotes from the reports, but also the names of the journalist: inside that they wrote-a right that she is definitely entitled to, after all, the authors have also expressed themselves publicly about them. In the video on Instagram, she also tells about her career and with which she has to struggle: "I grew up in front of the world's eyes, and for some reason people don't seem to be able to grow up with me," said Millie. “Instead, they behave as if I had to stay frozen in time as if I should still look the same as in the first season of 'Stranger Things'. And because I don't do that, I'm your target now. ”
The attacks are growing over the head Millie Bobby Brown, and she wants to defend herself, but in no way apologize for her optical and completely natural change and development: “I refuse to apologize for my growing up. I refuse to make myself smaller to meet the unrealistic expectations of people who cannot endure how to see how a girl becomes a woman. ”
It's a shame that some are still neither about tolerance andLearned to clarify the physical changes from the child to the adult.
Millie Bobby Brown: That is why your statement is such an important statement for female empowerment and body positivity
If you comment on the appearance of a woman, you usually assume your own idea of how a woman should look. If this does not correspond to the “ideal” picture, statements are unfortunately often common, sexist and not particularly sophisticated. However, the basis of this is a distorted worldview or image of women. I mean how hard fightIn the meantime, to be equal, treated fairly and not to be reduced?
It makes me sad that scenes like Millie Bobby Brown always happen. Her statement is all the more important, because as she says on Instagram, we always talk about “supporting and encouraging young women, but when it is important, it seems much easier to just finish them for clicks”.
I think of a hundred other things that we journalist think about: inside we think about which we should take a position or look for solutions, but by no means the negative assessment of female bodies.
Millie Bobby Brown says: "The fact that some of these articles have been written by women makes it even worse"- I sign immediately!We women change physically, you notice that at the latest when the breasts start growing. And even I remember examples where women were tackled for “too little”.
Thank you, Millie, that you have found such clear words for these unfortunately still prevailing grievances towards us women!