Fashion trends for zodiac signs: These fashion pieces suit you according to the 2023 horoscope
Horoscopeor not – how the stars are and which oneZodiac signone belongs to can influence how we approach life. Somewhere inHoroscopeyou can always find your personality traits! That's why we'll tell you which ones belowto yoursZodiac signfit - and which fashion pieces underline your personality. May they bring out the best style in you!
These fashion trends match your zodiac sign - with the most beautiful pieces to shop for
What will sensitive Cancer souls wear in 2023? How does Leo's passion manifest itself in fashion? And how do Sagittarius emphasize their willpower stylistically? This is what you can now find out for all twelve zodiac signs:
Typical for Aquarius:
Who demAquarius typically has a lot of ideas, loves its freedom and likes to live in the future. For 2023, this means above all: implementation! Long-cherished wishes now finally want to be fulfilled, you just have to start once.
This fashion trend suits the zodiac sign Aquarius:
Because many ideas bubble up through Aquarius, they can seem restless, distant, or rebellious. When it comes to fashion, they like to be a few of the other signs of the zodiacin advance. A new statement bag now provides extra motivation for the new year.
Typical for fish:
Although you might not immediately notice it, Pisces are one of the most sensitive and spiritual signs of the zodiac. In order to deal with the many impressions that bombard you every day, you should definitely find a creative balance. A tip for 2023: Pay more attention to your own needs – that could work wonders. Especially in the months when there are some challenges.
This fashion trend suits the zodiac sign Pisces:
Pisces don't buy spontaneously. Rather, they think carefully about whether they really need this or that and whether they can even combine it. A high-quality classic is therefore your best buy for the new year: like a perfectly fitting one.
Typical of Aries:
In order to become the best version of 2023, Aries first has to clean up. And in your own life. Then it says: A special kind of energy boost awaits all spring children. If you follow your own path purposefully, you will get there in the end.
This fashion trend suits the zodiac sign Aries:
Aries-born people are like chameleons. Sometimes they wear playful dresses, then you see them in black from head to toe. The right fashion trend for 2023? An ultra-short one!
High-waisted skirt made of shiny leather
Typical for Taurus:
DemTaurus is assigned a strong sense of beautiful things. The new year is all about personal development. Since they tend to be stubborn and inflexible, fashion trends are a thing: some people love them, others don't fit them.
This fashion trend suits the zodiac sign Taurus:
In the fashion horoscope, a white dress symbolizes a new beginning. This fits perfectly with the annual forecast for Taurus: just turn off your head and listen within. Intuition knows the way.
Pleated dress with tie belt
Typical for twins:
What people value most about Gemini is their curious, communicative, open and cheerful nature. In 2023, these positive qualities will finally pay off: in the first months of the year, Gemini will have the opportunity to implement their numerous visions.
This fashion trend suits the zodiac sign Gemini:
Oversized-is one of the biggest trends for spring/summer 2023 and is the perfect power look for a Gemini's plans. Tip: It's best to combine it all-over, it looks even stronger and more powerful!
Typical of cancer:
Cancers are very intuitive and emotional people. This will benefit them if they learn to view this sensitive nature as a strength (and not a weakness). This applies in private life as well as at work. Speaking of jobs: professional success may be in the foreground this year.
This fashion trend suits the zodiac sign Cancer:
At first glance you may not associate it with Cancer, but the fashionable contrast is necessary so that the watermarks are not underestimated. Fashion in trendy black should therefore now be at the top of the shopping list.
Oversize-Cardicoat mit Print
Typical for the lion:
Creative, open, passionate, enthusiastic: Leos are bursting with life. You love to travel, get to know new people and cultures, and sometimes tend to come across as very honest or proud. In 2023, however, their crown will slip for a short time because there are some challenges ahead. Once they have been overcome, a dream summer is just around the corner.
This fashion trend suits the zodiac sign Leo:
Lions are shining this summer in summer knitwear, which is one of the most important trends for 2023. Preferably transparent or coarsely knitted so that you can simply throw the holey dress over the topcan pull and is bursting with joy of life.
Sleeveless dress in a crochet look
Typical for Virgo:
Virgos are orderly and reliable, so precise, analytical, punctual. From the outside, they simply have their lives under control. But it's also good to break out and do something that might be hidden deep within those born as Virgos. The stars predict that now is the best time to try out a “no bullshit” attitude. This is incredibly liberating.
This fashion trend suits the zodiac sign Virgo:
Usually classics go well with Virgos. This year is different: now is the best timeto try out. Low-waist jeans are the perfect start to the look.
Arrow jeans with straight legs
Typical for Libra:
Libras crave harmony. So they can make compromises. But is that always a good thing? Libra could make a decision in the first half of 2023, especially in the interpersonal area. It's worth trusting your own gut feeling. It knows the way.
This fashion trend suits the zodiac sign Libra:
It may sound boring, but it's an absolute must-have for the new year: a white one. This can be combined in many ways, as you can see on the catwalk at Prada, for example.
Ribbed top made from a cotton blend
Typical for Scorpio:
Those who belong to the zodiac sign Scorpio have a very versatile personality. That brings advantages. On the other hand, water signs struggle with their (sometimes exhausting) charisma. The motto this year is: Dive deeper! Who are you really?
This fashion trend suits the zodiac sign Scorpio:
In order to address the big questions in life, you need an outfit that is crystal clear. The best fashion trend for this are. They are really popular again now, and at the same time styling them is super easy.
Typical for the Sagittarius:
The beginning and end of the year could be a bit bumpy for the fiery Sagittarius. It's time to bring your own life back into balance. Breathe in and out deeply – and then broaden your horizons. This creates new perspectives and an upswing that could bring luck in love or job.
This fashion trend suits the zodiac sign Sagittarius:
To underline the passionate and fun-loving spirit of the Sagittarius-born, the “holiday fashion trend” is part of the fashion forecast for 2023. A Hawaiian shirt is exactly what Sagittarius people need now.
Typical for Capricorn:
The good news is: Something is changing for Capricorns this year. They allow lightness into their lives. This means that the determined zodiac sign becomes more open to other things - and is suddenly surrounded by a completely different energy.
This fashion trend suits the zodiac sign Capricorn:
It will come as no surprise to Capricorns that sheer dresses reminiscent of nightgowns are a big fashion trend for summer 2023. Theare real eye-catchers and are just waiting to be styled by Capricorns.
Long dress with embroidery