Monthly horoscope for November 2024: How you can bring about fundamental changes now

Monthly horoscope November 2024: New month, new moon, new beginning

How nice when the month ends with onebegins: This gives a double charge of new beginnings. We begin this dynamic, transformative November with a powerful, solution-focused New Moonon November 1st. There may be a few days right at the beginning of the month when we want to do more research and solve problems. We can also make resolutions related to our growth for the rest of this year.

Monthly horoscope November 2024: Mars and Mercury bring drive, courage, fire and hope

The new moon energy grabs Mars andunder the arms that move right at the beginning of the month.

On November 3rd, Mars, the planet of aggression and motivation, moves from compassionatein the passionate ones. This gives us drive and courage – and also a creative approach with which we might surprise ourselves. Mars in Leo tells us: Just do it! Take a step forward and demand what you want. Mars in Leo is also responsible for fire in relationships: this can mean sexy times, but also jealousies and unnecessary drama.

Mercury helps too – at least in the first three weeks of the month before it returns on November 25thbecomes. On November 2nd, Mercury moves from intensein the philosophical, communicative ones– and bang, all communication signals start up. As Mercury enters Sagittarius, our thinking and communication becomes more expansive, generous, and optimistic. This transit encourages us to explore new ideas and expand our horizons. He ensures that warmth, hope and inspiration resonate in our communication, in the sentences we speak, but also in our body language. Very good, honest, inspiring and instructive dialogues can result.

Both Mars in Leo and Mercury in Sagittarius (both) bring a very welcome balance to the watery, mysterious, intense and mysterious vibe that the Sun in Scorpio (until November 21st) brings.

Monthly Horoscope November 2024: The beginning of a whole new era that lasts until 2043

One of the most important transits of the year (and decade!) takes place on November 19th: after a few months of back and forth betweenand Aquarius, Pluto is now finally moving into the, where he will stay until 2043 (!).

It is the beginning of a new era. But it may take some time before we feel this transit because it is very long. Still, on November 19, it can feel like a collective switch is flipped. Pluto is the planet of transformation and is a generational planet, meaning we all feel it. On an individual basis you can, if yourCheck which house your Aquarius falls into and where your Pluto is: these areas will be increasingly affected on a macro level.

Sun in Sagittarius - and Mercury goes retrograde

The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 21st, and it can feel like we want more space, more freedom. We want to broaden our horizons and focus on the big picture. However, on November 25th, Mercury (in Sagittarius) goes retrograde and remains so until December 15th. This can result in us demanding too much space, not wanting to deal with details, or becoming too defensive.

This November is great for that

Start strong.The November 1st New Moon in Scorpio is a powerful time to make resolutions related to transformation and deep introspection. We can now initiate fundamental changes more easily than usual. And thanks to Mars in Leo and Mercury in Sagittarius, we have more drive and can communicate what we want more clearly.