Nelly Furtado declares 2025 the year of “Body Neutrality” – with an empowering message
Nelly Furtado begins 2025 with an important message on the topicand(translated: body neutrality) - which figuratively means something like: accepting your own body as it is, without attaching your own self-worth to it.
Nelly Furtado advocates for “body neutrality” on Instagram
In onepost, the "Maneater" singer shared two mirror selfies in which she's wearing a bright orange bikini and no makeup, looking happy and content. “Have a body neutral 2025 😉, but most importantly, love with every inch of your heart. ♥️ Thank you for all the memories this year 🙏🏼,” she begins in the caption below.
She also speaks very openly about the visual pressure that still weighs on female celebrities and - and this is special - about the beauty tricks that the industry would use. Many young women can be wrongly suggested that female celebrities always look as perfect as they do on the red carpets and at cover shoots.
“This year I became aware of the aesthetic pressures of my work in a whole new way, while also experiencing a new level of self-love and genuine confidence,” said Nelly Furtado.
“For anyone who is interested,” Nelly Furtado continued, “I have never had any facial or body surgery or augmentation, except for veneers on the top row of my teeth. So far I have not had any facial or lip injections and have avoided fillers of any kind.”
Nelly Furtado has long struggled with society's narrow definition of physical beauty.Revealed in Septembershe that magazines routinely published her early in her careerbrightened and slimmed her hips in photos.
Now she talks about some less problematic tricks while emphasizing that we shouldn't take what we see on red carpets at face value: "The day before photo shoots and red carpet appearances, I drink a lot of water and sleep on it Back. Sometimes on the red carpet or during photo shoots my makeup artist uses facial tape to lift my eyes, skin and makeup. "Sometimes my stylist uses body tape to give different silhouettes a certain look," Nelly Furtado continued in the post.
And that's not all. The singer also explains which other aids would work optical wonders: face and body make-up, well styled, a good shark stylist – just like shapewear.
Nelly Furtado: unvarnished, unedited and without filters
In contrast to this is the picture that she would consciously share with her community: “These photos show me without make-up, and there are no edits or filters - except for my spray tan. 😆 I have spider veins (🕷️😮), and they remind me of my mother and aunts and life, so I think that's why I haven't separated from them yet. ❤️”
Her New Year's message for 2025 is therefore: “Express yourself freely, celebrate your individuality and be aware that it is completely inis to be happy with what you see in the mirror and that it's okay to want something different. We are all people bouncing around the earth looking for hugs.”
This openness and positivity is very well received by fans and followers, as you can see from the comments. For example, actress Jameela Jamil wrote: “Stunning. Stunning. Stunning. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡.”
This article comes from our GLAMOR colleagues in the USA.