New moon in December 2024: That's why it's the best time of year for a second chance

New moon in December 2024: Everything is protected!

The firstThe last month of the year takes place on the morning of December 1st at 7:21 a.m. under the sign of Sagittarius (there are two new moons at the end of the year!). New moons are traditionally a good time for restarts, growth, discovery and optimism, but this new moon takes place duringtakes place, and that brings a tension in the energy because the Sun, Moon and Mercury are all in Sagittarius.

New Moon in December 2024: visionary, playful and enthusiastic

A Sagittarius New Moon is a visionary New Moon that invites us into a playful, joyful energy that helps us imagine the world beautifully - exactly how we want it to be! – and encourages us to broaden our perspective a little. A new moon instands for new visions. We might also welcome surprising insights into the way we think about our future.

This new moon feels enthusiastic as there is plenty of fire in the sky. As mentioned, the Sun, Moon and Mercury are in Sagittarius: a moving one. The new moon forms a harmonious aspect to Mars, also a fire sign. And so everything feels full of energy, dynamism and courage: Let's gooo! That's exactly what you want when you want to start something new. Actually.

Mercury retrograde: great energy for a second chance

Because as mentioned(until December 15th) declining. This aspect represents going back, i.e. everything that has to do with repeating, revising, rethinking, restoring, reconnecting. The New Moon, on the other hand, wants to move forward and is enthusiastic - and when we put these two energies together, this is the New Moonnotthe right time to start something completely new.

It is an ideal time to pick up something, restore something or give a second chance to something that has been left behind. Maybe this is something you've tried before but failed, or something you didn't finish. Here you canbe a great way to be strongto use it – and to do something right the second or third time.

Saturn: boundaries and responsibility

This new moon is in a square to Saturn, and this allows us to test where we want to go and where we reach our limits. Saturn's influence suggests that we are faced with many tasks and perhaps usfeel. On the one hand, it helps to grow up and take responsibility for ourselves and our actions. In addition, you should (yourself and others). Maybe you have to do thisneuput on. In any case, this new moon is ideal for creating visions that grow from optimism, and so you can use the second new moon in December (on December 30th in the sign of Capricorn) to plan the right steps.

What you should and should not do in the days around the new moon:

The first new moon in December 2024 is particularly suitable for this

Visionary leadership for yourself.Imagine the best boss of all time who believes in you 100 percent, has great visions for you, trusts you, stands by you, supports you, lets you do what you dois. And now think about what it would look like if you were that boss for yourself.